【And at this moment, Sakyamuni picked up the sickle and continued to resist, but he was still sent flying dozens of meters away. His own strength was simply unable to compete with the giant in front of him in such a state. Demon King Bo Xun's Battle】

【There was also an expression of pain on his face. Based on his current state, he seemed to be a little unable to bear it, but in fact, he still did not choose to fall down.】

【Because now he seems to be very angry. Although his whole body is covered with blood, he still moves all the muscles in his body and maintains a fighting state.】

【But at this moment, Bo Xun didn't know why, but he actually felt a trace of fear. His expression began to gradually change, and he stared at the man in front of him with his mouth wide open. However, he was so angry that he directly tore off his own penis at this moment. left arm】

【Although the knife hit him successfully, it did not hurt him at all. Even if his throat was completely locked, it did not achieve a fatal effect.】

【He held the hand that he had broken off with the half of his left arm, and in an instant, it turned into a sword.】

【At this moment, he held the knife in his hand, and the two of them faced each other for a few seconds before jointly attacking each other.】

【From then on, the collision between the Buddhist world and hell began, with a crisp sound, and everyone was completely watching the battle between them, but at the same time, such a shocking thing happened】

【With a crisp sound, half of the sickle blade fell to the ground, and the other contestants were completely shocked. Even the Valkyrie standing there couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.】

【The Six-Path Stick returned to its original shape, and at this moment, Bo Xun seized the opportunity, grasped the knife in his hand, and stabbed forward.】

【At this moment, he hit the hand of the Six-Path Stick, and the blade was inserted into the Six-Path Stick. Then the whole thing was completely broken, broken into countless small pieces and exploded out, and Shakyamuni At this moment, Ni also fell to the ground.】

【Unexpectedly, the weapon in his hand was completely broken at this time. He held the sword in one arm and slowly walked towards Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni fell to the ground, and the blood continued to flow.】

【Why does this happen? The scene was completely silent, everyone had held their breath, and only the sound of Bo Xun's footsteps could be heard.】

【At this moment, Shakyamuni vaguely seemed to touch something, and at this moment, he could very clearly feel as if someone had grabbed him. He slowly opened his eyes, He actually laughed out loud at this moment】

【And everyone was even more shocked at this time】

【"Are you kidding me? Could it be said that God is also afraid of death? This guy is already in such a state, why is he still laughing? It's impossible, right? What on earth is he doing?"】

【"what's up? What on earth did he see? Why did he laugh suddenly? I can’t figure it out."】

【The other humans in the audience were completely confused about the current situation, so they thought this guy had suddenly faced a powerful opponent, and was smiling like a madman after fearing death.】

【But at this moment, Sakyamuni slowly stood up under the gaze of everyone, and the hair band on his head was completely broken.】

【Immediately afterwards, the blood all over his body seemed to have stopped flowing at this time, and his hand was actually holding the ax handle of Ling Fu Ax Yao at that time.】

【Everyone's eyes widened. When did that thing start appearing next to them?】

【"One Lotus Tuosheng"】

【Along with Shakyamuni's shouting, Lingfu and Shakyamuni's bodies seemed to be completely integrated into one in an instant, and the artifact was no longer Fuyao, but the great Yuanji Sword that could completely kill demons. Now it is a weapon transformed together with Lingfu】

【At this moment, the weapon in his hand completely changed, and the beads on the blade were the names of the seven gods. Each column was inlaid with a right-angled blade.】

【At this time, he just waved lightly, and the phantoms of the Seven Gods of Fortune appeared behind him. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【And at this moment, the person who said the word"Dzi Bead" this time turned into Sakyamuni. He showed a proud smile, and the one-sided advantage was reversed again. The two began to fight, and the attack speed of both sides was basically impossible. Can't be caught with the naked eye】

【You can only see these two people moving at high speed, and at the same time, all the lightning and sparks around them are shooting out, the powerful impact force erupted, and the sparks formed after the explosion are scattered everywhere.】

【And everyone cheered at this moment, thinking that maybe this time it would be OK】

【The cry of the soul made the completely exhausted Sakyamuni come back to life again. Bo Xun on the other side was also completely puzzled.】

【But the sword in his hand did not slow down even an inch, and continued to slash. Sakyamuni's body was riddled with holes. If he continued to drag it on, he would probably be the one who died in the end.】

【So now the battle must be ended quickly, and a heavy blow from the sword opened Sakyamuni's wound again at this moment.】

【But at this moment, when he slashed, no matter how hard Bo Xun tried, he still couldn't touch even half of Sakyamuni's hair.】

【At this moment, Sakyamuni evaded the attacks again and again, and the Valkyrie Hilde standing aside saw the reason.】

【"`.Because of Bo Xun's fear and wavering, the originally dark body began to gradually show flaws (Zhao Hao), and Sakyamuni's right consciousness once again came into play at this time."】

【"Is that so? Would such a powerful demon king also feel fear?"】

【He was really scared now, and even his attacks began to become more and more impatient. He used up his life and slashed directly towards Sakyamuni's face. Ni's whole body was completely divided into two halves, and at this time, the exploiter was still proud of this matter.】

【However, he discovered that the knife in his hand had become light and fluttery, without the slightest touch of cutting something, and it turned out to be just the afterimage of Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni had already ducked behind Bo, holding a Li slashed the guy's back directly with his sword.】

【But Bo Xun was the one who was cut in two. 】

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