【At this moment, he began to realize that he and this man had completely different ideas, especially Hades.】

【"A true king is a supreme being. Any fame should be dedicated to myself. I am holy and flawless and I am the real king."】

【And right now, he seems to have recalled the death of Poseidon, the god of the sea. At this moment, he must avenge his brother no matter what, and right now, he holds the gun of Hades in his hand tightly.】

【The powerful force that burst out instantly increased at this moment, and then the whole body burst out with unprecedented murderous aura.】

【He made a charging action like throwing, and aimed at Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, who was standing motionless. But now he suddenly jumped up but chose to use the tail of the gun to attack.】

【This is really incredible. Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng subconsciously avoided it, but now he thought he would continue to use the spear to attack, but he didn't expect that he would grab his own weapon at this time and point directly downwards. Chop, this seems to be his real usage】

【Everyone present was shocked by the sudden move. Before they even landed, the pressure from their bodies created a huge crack in the entire land.】

【Immediately afterwards, he used all the power from his whole body to fight downwards, and the powerful force that burst out immediately made it difficult for people to dodge before the weapon even came close. Even now, he couldn't even move~】

【At this moment, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng once again used Wing Chun's hand gestures to resist, but he found that this time it was not as easy as before, and the huge power of this move was very heavy.】

【At this moment, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng was forced back by the power of the Spear of Hades. Although his legs were supporting the ground, he still felt very painful. The feeling of blow from top to bottom made him unable to do anything. Remove all the power now】

【At this moment, Hades, the king of Hades, continued to exert force. With his roar, the recoil caused by the powerful force burst out at this moment actually pushed him completely into the sky.】

【Then with the help of the transmission force at the end of the Hades Spear, Ying Zheng was able to withstand this move.】

【"What a powerful force. Is this the strength of the God of the Underworld?"】

【"I thought the weapon of the God of the Underworld was a hook that could suck people's souls."】

【"I didn't expect it to be a gun."】

【And now Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng exploded his powerful defense power, but the huge power emitted by the Hades Spear completely shattered the entire battle field.】

【This circular land was full of cracks at this moment, and with the smoke filling the sky, Hades jumped up, turned around gracefully, and took a long breath.】

【He seemed to be sighing that this poor man had met him now, while the people in the audience looked stupid and opened their mouths. They had never seen a man in this state before.】

【"It's really scary. What kind of person is this? Able to burst out with such powerful power"】

【"I wonder how strong this god is, is he the strongest we have ever seen?"】

【It's hard to tell now, but now looking at Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng in a daze with his entire body completely embedded on the ground, they have begun to have a bad premonition. Qin Shi Huang, who is a human lineup, was killed so easily. ?】

【It seems that they simply cannot accept this kind of thing. Could it be that this unprecedented First Emperor was killed like this? That's impossible】

【At this time, the referee seemed to have begun to realize the seriousness of the matter. Just as he was about to speak with the loudspeaker in his hand, a familiar voice suddenly came.】


【This man actually stood up at this time. He stood up tremblingly in the depths of the pit. At this moment, all human beings simultaneously offered their tyranny to Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng. At this moment, the emperor It really burst out with an unprecedented temperament. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"That move just now was indeed very powerful, it even knocked off my headscarf."】

【"I'm willing to take a look at you"】

0 flowers requested

【Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said proudly, and now his entire face is shown to the world. The face shown is a handsome face, and the kingly aura revealed on the surface cannot be hidden at all.】

【And the eyes filled with thousands of stars are filled with depth and mystery.】

【At this moment, Hades took advantage of the victory and pursued him, basically not giving him any chance to breathe. He tightened the gun of Hades in his hand and stabbed towards the front. But what he didn't expect was that Ying Zheng was in the intensive thrust. He can still dodge very easily】

【While Qin Shihuang was dodging, he was also looking for opportunities to try to counterattack. This state seemed to be a very powerful existence, but he also needed to look for opportunities.】

【Just when he used the Power-bearing Tianfeng again, Hades suddenly withdrew the Hades Spear in his hand, and then swung it directly from top to bottom with the same move. Fight against Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng?】

【And now he once again held Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng under the gun. At this moment, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng inhaled suddenly and then exhaled forward.】

【This huge smoke ring-like ball slowly shot toward the front. It was precisely because of this breath that it directly eased Hades's suppressive momentum.】

【And now Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng grabbed the tip of the Hades Spear, and then threw it over his shoulder, throwing Hades directly away.】

【He unexpectedly fell heavily to the ground, then stood up suddenly, charged up his strength with two fingers, and now directly made up for the blow. When the dust dispersed, Hades, the king of Hades, hid behind him and fired a direct shot.】

【Unexpectedly, at this time, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng still managed to dodge. He put away his attack and went back like Hades, the king of Hades. However, the injuries he suffered in the previous battle recurred again, and he also felt an unprecedented feeling. pain】

【The severe pain from the wound made his face look ferocious. Both sides endured the pain and started fighting again. 】

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