【And finally at this moment Luffy rushed to Uta's side. He absolutely couldn't watch his friends die like this bit by bit. He also knew very well that his friends only had two hours to survive.】

【On the other side, he finally defeated one enemy after another and appeared in front of Uta. Uta was standing there straight now, as if waiting for Luffy to appear, and Luffy was at this moment Finally I could no longer hold back the anger in my heart】

【What the hell is this guy doing up until now? He suddenly raised his foot, and at this moment he kicked it down, directly towards the side of the roof tower. But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, the roof tower suddenly spoke.】

【"You really weren't serious at all"】

【At this moment, Luffy froze, put away his attack, and stood there, but his anger still did not diminish.】

【"Everything you are doing now is wrong, you are the one making the wrong choice"】【But not yetWhen he realized what he was doing, the two of them were standing on Luffy's surface. He was about to argue with him, but he didn't expect that the huge water column suddenly appeared and knocked him away.】

【"Take a good look, the era of great pirates is completely over. Why do you want to be the Pirate King so much?"】

【At this moment, the rooftop is still holding Luffy's lost straw hat. This was given to him by Shanks.~】

【"To create a new era"】


【At this moment, Roofa seemed to be getting even more angry, because he could not accept Luffy's statement at this time no matter what, and he would never allow this kind of thing to happen.】

【"What on earth are you thinking about?"】

【And finally at this moment, the crystals created by the musical notes in the sky began to gradually simulate the appearance of two toy soldiers, and completely restrained Luffy. The scene in front of him was Roger in Rogge Town. In the scene when he was executed, the two soldiers stood on Luffy's left and right respectively, and Luffy was kneeling on the ground.】

【This moment is really unexpected】

【"The Great Pirate Age probably started when Roger was executed. Then it will end because of you, Luffy"】

【"don't want…"】

【But at this moment, Bu Fei looked up and saw the girl holding her straw hat, completely tearing it apart bit by bit, and at that moment, the straw hat was split into a huge hole, At this time, Luffy began to realize that this girl was no longer the friend he had known when he was young.】

【"Don't you love the red-haired pirates?"】

【At this moment, finally, the overlord's domineering energy burst out from him again, and huge waves condensed on the entire sea. This wave even completely swept the entire sea.】

【"Don't you love Shanks very much? Then why do you hate pirates so much?"】

【"It's all Shanks' fault, to me Shanks is the one I really consider him my real father"】

【At this moment, the entire sky fell into silence, and memories began to unfold again. On the pirate ship of the huge red-haired pirate group, when he was a child, Uta still stepped on the huge wine barrel. , singing】

【And everyone, including Shanks, was listening to beautiful music and dancing with each other】

【"But it was all a lie to them, so Shanks abandoned me"】

【"He left me alone in Lygia"】

【"That’s so you can be a good singer, isn’t it?"】


【At this moment, Uta let out a hysterical cry. When he was a child, his singing was also called the treasure of this world, and the kingdom here also welcomed his existence, and at this moment he began to tell his story. Gave it to Shanks】

【Two people stood at the window of the huge castle】

【"Yeah? Isn’t it more fun to sing in front of so many people than to sing to us?"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Shanks asked gently.】

【"Not at all"】

【Shanks turned his head and looked at Uta at this time】

【"Uta, there is no peace or equality in this world, but your singing is the only thing that can make everyone feel happy in this world."】

【"what are you talking about?"】

【"I mean, you can stay here now, and when you become the greatest singer in the world, I'll come back for you"】

【"Idiot, I am the singer of the red-haired pirates. If studying music means that I have to separate from you, then...."】

【At this moment, Roofa shed tears, and at this moment, Shanks also knew very well that he was indeed very reluctant to let go of himself.】

【"Ah, okay, I understand, let's leave here tomorrow"】【And when the memories came back, it was then that the nightmare began to come. That night, the entire Elygia was completely engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and the capital was completely destroyed at this moment.】

【At this moment, the roof tower was standing on the edge of the cliff, and Gordon was seen standing there dejectedly, looking at the city in the distance, and Gordon slowly raised his head at this moment.】【"Are you finally awake?"】

【"what's going on? Where are Shanks and the others?"】

【Gordon shouted loudly at this moment】

【"All the things have been stolen, all the people have been killed"】【"Where is Shanks?"】

【"Their plan is to use your singing to get close to Eligia and steal our treasure."】

【"Is it them?"】

【At this moment, the roof tower was like a bolt from the blue. At this moment, tears could not stop flowing downwards. And at this moment, the innocent child seemed that everything in his life had been completely overturned. He even Now I can't believe what's happening in front of me】

【"You have been deceived by the red-haired pirates and Shanks!"】

【He shouted loudly, and then entered the town at this time, and found that the ground was full of corpses, the raging fire continued to burn, and the smoke could even cover the entire sky. At this moment, he finally looked into the distance and saw Now that he had reached the coast, he finally saw Red-haired Shanks' pirate ship getting farther and farther away from him.】

【"don't leave me"】

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