【"It feels quite similar to the initial dynamic when pushing the realm back. Although the guaranteed hit effect is weakened, it does integrate the warlocks so that their attacks can hit me."】

【Gojo made a simple analysis at this time】

【"So under what circumstances can Wujo exert his strongest strength? Do you know?"】

【Lu Rover recalled all the information Xia Youjie told him about Wutiao when he and Xia Youjie had a conversation together.】

【"Stop being so pretentious and tell me quickly."】

【"It's when he's alone"】

【And at this moment, it can basically be said that any magician is a stumbling block in front of him.】

【Clepsydra is now very clear. The first thing to do is to completely surround the Gojo Satoru with the more obstructive points. The minimum output is twice that of the reverse rotation. He wants to do it without affecting non-spell users. It is almost impossible to activate, and for the same reason Gojo cannot increase the output of the warehouse to the extent that it will be effective on other people] [This is the Clepsydra, the reason why all these people are trapped inside is hope. It can prevent Gojo from exerting his true 07 power.】

【"It is estimated that it will be difficult to use, relying on the high-speed movement of the warehouse, the force is like a dump truck to non-number, and collision will be instant death. In that state, Gojo can only choose to defend with all his strength, then Wuliang Kong It seems that I have a way to deal with it."】

【The field of Gojo spreads out into the infinite space. It seems to be able to achieve a certain degree of effect in this state, but it seems to be unable to have any effect at all.】

【"The only people who will not be affected by Gojo's realm of infinite space are Gojo himself and the people he touches."】

【"Even if he has special skills that can seal a few of you into the field alone in the chaotic crowd, but then a large number of non-magicians will be caught in the gap between the infinite space and the account.】

【In other words, the moment the realm of infinite space expands, a huge space will be formed, and there is a surrounding space on the outermost side. This means that there is a sphere inside a huge sphere.】

【The gap in the middle is probably where the non-magicians stay, but there are too many people here.】

【"So Gojo will 99% not expand the realm, but conversely, you can’t expand the realm either."】

【Until now, Clepsydra was still recalling any information he had heard fake Xia Youjie say to him about Wutiao.】

【"If a large number of non-magicians are sealed into the domain, then it will have no choice but to give up the idea of ​​​​protecting civilians and expand the domain. You should understand that you have no chance of winning against the domain."】

【This is a character as powerful as a god】

【"All in all, Gojo must focus on two things. The first is to fight against the curse spirit, and the second is to rescue the non-magician."】

【"I need at least 20 minutes. After that, it will be my turn with Jingmenjiang."】

【The most important tool that can seal him】

【The surrounding civilians had already been killed and injured countless times. Finally, at this moment, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed the cursed spirit standing next to the clepsydra.】

【"Didn’t I tell you not to run away? It seems that if I don’t give you some clues, you really don’t understand."】

【Immediately afterwards, the cursed spirit was completely decapitated in an instant. The speed was so fast that everyone present was not even aware that everything was over.】

【"To be honest, I was really shocked"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"What, have you already thought of an excuse?"】

【After hearing Clepsydra's words, Wu Jiaowu showed a very cold feeling. From this moment on, he finally broke out his unprecedented murderous aura. This was a feeling he had never shown before.】

【"Excuse your size, bald man, I mean you actually think that you can defeat me with this level of means alone, I am really shocked by your pig brains."】

【Sure enough, at this moment Clepsydra's whole body was dripping with cold sweat. At this moment, he seemed to begin to truly realize that this man was completely different from what he had imagined. After bursting out with powerful murderous intent, he now felt completely afraid.】

【"That weed over there, this is the third time we have met, and you actually look down on me, so let’s start with you."】

【Then at this moment, he spread out his hands, and Gojo stared at the group of people around him. This declaration of a fatal blow was absolutely not allowed to be avoided. It was at this moment that very powerful power began to burst out around him.】

【He looked up at the group of people standing around him. No, they can't be human at all】

【Huayu and Clepsydra, who were standing opposite him, were completely stunned. The intense fear bursting out of their hearts made their bodies unable to move at all.】

【"Come here, why don't you come here?"】

【Gojo said contemptuously at this moment】[]

【"Why can't you move?"】

【"Didn't you just yell at me not to run away?"】

【520 At this moment, Gojo walked up to the clepsydra. He was about to tighten his arms and hit him, but he didn't expect that Gojo successfully blocked it with one hand.】【And at this moment, he seemed to realize that he had just encountered Gojo, and in the next second, Huayu spread out one of his legs and rushed towards Gojo's side, but he did not expect that he was easily blocked by Gojo.】

【The so-called bump just now was actually him being bumped by Gojo. Immediately afterwards, Gojo sank down instantly. He put one foot on Clepsydra's shoulder and twisted it hard. One of Clepsydra's arms was completely twisted off. , so fast that Hua Yu next to him didn’t even react at all.】

【Blood spurted out at this moment, and the punch was blocked by Wu Jiao's arm. The bones were leaking out at this moment, and now Leclepsydra instantly used regeneration to resist.】

【"Is his goal still a leaky pot? The previous declaration was just his psychological induction, and then this man released the unlimited spell on his own!"】

【It wasn't until this moment that these two guys began to realize that the guy they were now fighting against could no longer be called a human being at all. This guy was like a god, or maybe a devil, and the murderous intent he revealed made people shudder.. 】

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