【So now everyone has basically decided on this matter, not to mention that their ultimate goal is to resurrect the most powerful curse, which is Liang Mian Su Nuo. As long as he can survive, then everything else will be a small problem.】【"Not afraid of death, remaining the same on the inside and outside until the goal is achieved, this is the essence of the curse that the sample does not have."】

【"No, even if the central axis changes and lacks consistency, we still act casually without any pretense. This is our curse."】

【"Ah, what I deny is the appearance of the curse. I think the resurrection plan itself can be possible."】

【"I don’t want to fight with the clepsydra, so let’s play a game."】

【Obviously, the real person doesn't want the most powerful curse to be resurrected now, because that guy is a powerful existence for him.】

【It is impossible to penetrate some souls. Once he comes into contact, he will receive a very powerful backlash. The last time he came into contact with the knotweed, he almost died in the soul stored in the body.】

【"If I touch the knotweed first, I will kill him. If Luohu touches it first, I will take out my fingers to let Su Nuo regain his strength."】

【Obviously, the game has basically started so far】【"If I encounter him, can I just kill him?"】

【"Oh, will the expansion phase also participate? That - of course"】

【Now more and more people are participating in this game, and it has basically become a game of hunting knotweed.】

【"Xia Youjie probably agrees with the leaky pot, so what should you do now?"】【"I need to watch Prison Gate Jiang, so I won’t participate. You can do whatever you want. For me, Su Nuo is just a remedy when Prison Gate Jiang fails."】

【"You are so stupid. All the magicians, including the knotweed, will come and save Gojo on the fifth floor underground."】

【"So just wait and see, what's there to do? Get ready to rush"】

【And at this moment, they unexpectedly became more excited, and at this moment. I am still there. As he continued to feel helpless, a person appeared beside him inexplicably and shouted to Xia Youjie.】


【"Curse is smarter than you all. well"】

【"Come back, we have helped you eliminate the magician. Snapshot agreed to return Master Xia Youjie's body and not to tease Master Xia Youjie again."】

【The two girls who appeared in front of him finally appeared in front of the fake Xia Youjie at this moment, and at this moment they seemed to be ready to take action at any time.】

【"How is it possible to pay it back? I don’t remember emptying out your brains. Next time you make an agreement with the magician, make sure it’s a restraint. Forget it, go away. Or do you also want to be killed by this body?"】

【Sure enough, these two guys were deceived by this fake Xia Youjie from the very beginning, and the two girls were completely stunned at this moment.】

【"You will regret this"】

【"Regret, what does regret feel like?"】

【At this time, he was sitting on the ground, staring at the two girls standing in front of him. It was obvious that he was no longer afraid of anything, and on the other side, the knotweed finally jumped on the top of the huge building.】

【He called Nana Ming loudly, but he didn't expect that Fushiguro Megumi suddenly appeared behind him.】

【"Megumi Fushiguro, it’s you, who else is it? The situation is urgent, please multi-task"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"I don’t have time to complain about this or that. There are several supports that can only be applied for at the first level. I will go outside and go to another place to deal with them before coming back. I hope that the three of you can remove the account that cannot be entered by magic spells."】

【After saying that, Nana Ming quickly disappeared in front of them, and at this moment, he was finally ready to hand over all his affairs to Hezhuang and the others before leaving.】

【"Mr. Nozomi Kusakabe and the special first-level magician of the Zen Academy should also be in this account. If they can be reunited, you will inform them of the situation and ask them to help, and they both ask you."】

【"Don't worry"】

【The wild boar shouted seriously at this moment, because he had now been entrusted by Mr. Nanami. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the burden on his body was very heavy. He basically had the responsibility that a man should have.】[]

【"Before the mission begins, let me tell you the seriousness of the situation. There are two things that will go wrong if Mr. Gojo is gone. One is that Gojo plus collapses. Gojo plus only five, there are many magicians who have been saved by Mr. Gojo’s care."】

【"Knotweed, you are one of them, right? Without him, these people will have problems. The worst case scenario is that they will be wiped out, and the second point is the collapse of the balance of power, because if Mr. Gojo is here, they will not dare to make mistakes, and the curse masters and curse spirits will work together. dispatch"】

【"When there is internal fighting due to the first point, if we encounter the guys from the second point and start a small war, we will definitely lose. This is what Mr. Nanami and I think."】

【"And once we lose, at least the entire human era in Japan may end, so let's go, the younger boys destroy that account before Mr. Saikai comes back, and now take full action to completely change the goal and rescue Gojo Satoru!"】

【Finally on the other side. The appearance of a mysterious man gradually heated up everything to a fever pitch.】【"Chestnut! Did you hear it? Teacher Gojo was sealed, and the enemy's intelligence was leaked"】

【"Isn't it bad? Goddess of Mercy, I finally feel a little bit more real. Gojo is really sealed, and I'm already starting to get excited. If Japan, what will happen in the future?"】

【The three people who appeared in front of them were finally ready to participate in the battle at this moment. The curse masters who had fully appeared after the five seals finally began to tilt the curse balance towards one side.】

【"Nothing has changed, just curse as usual, and you will die if you are cursed, so basically there will be nothing special."】

【The other knotweed is still carrying out curse attacks and crazy attacks, but in this situation, the accounts outside still have no effect. Hundreds of curses have been eliminated by itself, but the battle in the sky is never disappeared】

【"Okay, it won't move at all."】

【"The power is pretty strong. Is this guy really fake? In terms of impact power alone, it’s probably on par with Nanami-san."】

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