Whose is that?...The princess looked forward confusedly, so familiar...It was the real Shadow who saved her in the first place!

Seeing the figure of the incoming figure, the murderer lost the courage to attack, and without any hesitation, several people quickly disappeared!


Seeing this, Shadow was about to follow, but was stopped by the princess. She wanted to know what the purpose of the Shadow Courtyard was!

But even Sid himself didn't know this question, but this didn't stop him from pretending,"Don't get involved. enter——"

"Don't..."Let's go." The princess wanted to ask something else, but because of her injuries, she could no longer hold on.

Without the princess's entanglement, Sid quickly came to the rooftop.

Three murderers in the distance saw Xi. De did not catch up, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second...

A burst of scarlet blood bursts out!

"when!"Seeing their companion die, the other two people suddenly looked horrified!

They didn't even see their companion who was equal in strength to them, died?!

"As expected of Lord Shadow." Just as Sid was about to move further, a voice came from the other side of the rooftop. The person who came was none other than Niu whom he had met in the trading company before!

"Lord Shadow, just leave the rest to me." Seeing this, Sid turned around without hesitation, as long as he doesn't screw up.

"hateful!"The murderer suddenly felt that he had been underestimated. He couldn't beat the shadow himself, so he couldn't beat a little girl?!

But soon, he knew that he was wrong, a big mistake.

Without a single round, his body was directly The five horses were torn into pieces, without even a chance to resist!

New looked at the remaining person coldly,"I don't have the kindness of Lord Shadow, so be honest."

Time soon came to daytime.

On the train, a group of students were talking in low voices. What are you wearing

"Hey, look, it's that guy, the guy who poops while running."

"Eh? Really?!"

"See it with your own eyes!"

We agreed to keep it secret, but now everyone knows it. No need to think too much, Sid already knows that it was the bad friend's backhand that exposed what happened yesterday.

Before Sid could get angry, the bad friend quickly changed the subject.

"Did you bring yesterday's chocolate?"

Sid sighed and handed out the chocolate.

Soon it was Huang Mao's turn to confess, and Sid was also lucky enough to witness the confession of passers-by who were teaching books.

"That...That, this...This is chocolate for you!"It's okay to stutter and tremble. Huang Mao actually chose to confess that he has a fiancé?

He is worthy of being a passerby....No, is the lower limit a little too low?

In this way, Huang Mao was not only dragged away, but his chocolate was also confiscated.

But despite this, the bald man did not give up. He was fully prepared for the girl he liked!

So it will never fail!

"my dear baby...!!!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"ah!!! This guy is a stalker!"

Suddenly there was a girl's sharp explosion in the distance!

The corner of Sid's mouth twitched. Seeing that both of his bad friends failed, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Now no one would supervise him anymore.

Sid held Chocolate, I thought to myself.

Give it to the first girl you meet. I was about to leave to look for you, but then I was stunned and stepped back. It turned out that the girl was right in front of me.

She was a cute girl with pink hair and eyes. The girl was flipping through ancient books as if she was researching something.

"for you——", Sid placed the chocolate directly in front of the other party's eyes


"Here are the chocolates." Sid put it down and left.

"that...", the girl was confused, looking at the chocolate in her hand, she couldn't come back to her senses.[]

The next day, because yesterday's confession failed, the two shameful friends decided to make Sid embarrassed too. then...

Such a scene occurred in the venue.

A blond girl just slashed with her sword and sent a black-haired boy flying!

What's the point of saying it's okay once, but the result is the same every time?

Are you so strong at 133? The girl looked at her hands in disbelief.

And the actual situation, of course....no!

All this was done deliberately by Sid!

Little did she know that at a speed that her naked eyes could not capture, Sid had already made countless movements in an instant!

The blood was specially prepared ketchup, and the location where it hit was where he waited for the opponent to hit!

Then he was beaten out in a panic!

This is the ultimate secret of passers-by!

Spiral turning body-bloody tornado!

In the preliminary round, he was defeated by a king-level powerhouse. He is simply a perfect passerby!

But the blonde woman didn't know all this. On the contrary, seeing Sid standing up and being beaten again and again, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in her heart.

So, have I become so arrogant?

Treating such a respectable opponent, but being so arrogant...

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