Then Shirley quickly came up with a solution.

Now, as long as she explains how to use the disk, she can then go to the lecture hall from the underground passage. This is a hidden passage when the school encounters an emergency. As long as she brings the successfully activated disk close to the Eye of Greed!

That greedy eye will stop!

Then the college students swarmed up!

Is this the protagonist? Sid looked at Shirley, who was obviously dull but unexpectedly sharp at this moment, and felt a little emotional.

Sure enough, a passerby like me can't compare with the protagonist.

As expected of the protagonist, he actually formulated a battle plan. Although the last trump card was a bit weak, wouldn't it be a good opportunity for him to shadow dance?

"However, the only surprise now is that the props for adjusting the disk were left in the laboratory." 10 Shirley blamed herself

"Then let me go"

"Eh? But you are already injured!", Shirley worried.

"It's okay, I want to go to the toilet anyway, so I'll just stop by." Sid smiled softly.

He didn't realize at all that in this crisis-ridden academy, it was such a big thing to go to the toilet when there was nothing to do. Shirley stared blankly Smile.

On the other side, in the lecture hall at this time, the leader of the men in black was a little angry because Rex came back without recovering the disc.

This is an important thing that affects whether he can return to the Knights of the Round Table!

"Go and get it back for me!", covered with shoulder armor, his scarlet eyes showed anger, and his magic power gathered to threaten!

"Got it, got it." Looking at the angry leader, Rex had no choice but to do as he was told.

She's just a little girl, so let's just run some errands.

Rex casually searched for Shirley in the academy , the college is so big, where can the other party escape?


He saw the men who were following him being dragged away by something. The speed was so fast that he couldn't even see its shadow!

"What the hell! Get out of here!"

"It's not a ghost, it's a human being." The next second, Sid looked at Rex with a smile, and then slapped him away.

It turned out that Sid had also happened to be in there, and he took action just for fun. Got it


Rex looked ugly. Did he use accelerated ancient artifacts to achieve such a fast speed?

If so, then he has found the wrong person!

Rex waved his weapon, and a blood net instantly enveloped him!

Rex let out a loud voice Laughing, no matter how fast Sid is now, as long as he touches his net, he will notice it immediately!

But how many times can Sid withstand the backlash of ancient cultural relics during this period?

Rex sneered, look Looking around, but the next moment, Sid was standing behind him, and with another easy palm, Rex was knocked away!

Before Rex could react, Sid's attacks were already coming!

Rex was shocked that he was able to launch an attack from within the net!

He has never seen such an outrageous ancient text!

At this time, Rex never thought that this was Sid's own strength. After all, how could a young boy be stronger than him?

Rex looked around nervously, but still couldn't find Sid, but he did find many companions.

"Knocked out?", Rex dispersed his consciousness and suddenly discovered that those people were already dead!

"how so!"

"you...That's great." Seeing the desperate Rex, Sid exclaimed.

At the same time, on the other side, in the research room where Shirley was attacked, a girl looked at the girl who was covering Shirley's escape. The dying person stood up.

Then she took out the blade and planned to add another blow!

"What are you doing?", Sid put his hands in his pockets and walked by

"Lord Shadow!"

Seeing this, Niu, who was afraid of leaving a bad impression, immediately explained.

It turned out that this man was her former fiancé, but now he has no connection, so...(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But seeing that Sid didn’t care, New decided to use a report to change the subject.

"Lord Shadow, Shadow Courtyard is currently lurking near the academy, but due to the obstruction of magic power, no one dares to act rashly."

"Although the Seven Shadows are not affected, Gama is the only one here now, but Lord Gama..."

Needless to say, Sid also knew what the other party wanted to say. Gamma, that athletic idiot, was completely unsuitable for fighting.

As for the other two parties, the Order has not made any movement yet, while the Knights are in dispute. They have very little combat power that could be put to use. There is also a dispute with the palace over command authority.[]

They will also remain on hold until Sid gives the order.

""Oh" Sid just responded lightly to this, not interested at all.

Now, he just wants to advance the main plot and then show off quickly!

So where are the props for adjusting the ancient cultural relics?

Sid rummaged around, Nyuya on the side was curious and helped Master Shadow collect it.

"Lord Shadow, did you collect these things?..."

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