"well! Since the college just happened to have time, let's go out for a walk."

Because the college was burned down, Sid, who had been released for two and a half months, decided to go out, and at this time he also received a letter from the organization.

Shadow Courtyard will have great power in the Holy Land

"Holy place?", Sid was stunned. This was a coincidence. Zhengchou had nowhere to go yet. Since there was a big move, the appearance of Lord Shadow must be indispensable. It was time for him to save the world again! The Holy Land buries the ancient stories of heroes and demons. The old memory of"240", there must be many unknown secrets hidden there!

However, things are unpredictable, and he was spotted again on the way. With his golden hair, slim figure, and delicate face, Luo Zi held Sid's arm, his eyes filled with happiness!

When the school was invaded by men in black, in order to pretend to be a passerby, he blocked the knife for his senior sister so that he could fake his death and operate in secret. This was an unintentional move. , didn’t think about it...

Roz actually fell in love with Sid!

Risking one's life to save others, what else could this be but love?!

For her, this is undying love!

After hearing the news that Sid survived, Rose immediately found Sid. Even though he was wrapped into a mummy, Rose could recognize him at a glance from the crowd!

"Great, really great. It must be your daily exercise and your love for me that have allowed me to survive. I have already felt your thoughts! My life was saved because of you"

"So I will repay you with my sincerity!"

According to time calculation, he will arrive at the Holy Land only the day after tomorrow, so he suffered during this period. This makes Sid a little regretful. In fact, if he is serious, he can reach the Holy Land in one day.

But now he is a Rose....

The two met by chance at the station. It happened that Rose was also going to the Holy Land. The girl guessed that Sid's purpose was to be tested by the goddess. This was just right. As long as Sid passed this test, the girl would have the courage to kill him. Introduced to my father!

I heard that the hero gained the power of the goddess and finally married the princess as a commoner!

As long as the two of them get through this thorny road, a happy future is waiting for them!

"....."Sid was silent, he had never been so speechless.

But his purpose was really a test from the goddess, and Alpha's letter must have been for this purpose.

In order to bestow power on the three heroes, the goddess will descend on the holy land!

Rose looked at Sid with a red face,"Let the two of us...Let’s go through the thorny road together! Let's unite our love tightly!"

Sid had a dark look on his face, it should be that one, right?

Love or something, talk about a happy future with you, that's the classic one, pull me into a religion, right? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

After thinking of this possibility, Sid's eyes began to look frightened. In order to cut off unnecessary contact with the other party, he slept hanging directly from the ceiling at night, and stood on the roof of the car for a ride during the day..........

So for the next two days, Rose could not see Sid either during the day or at night.

In this way, the two finally arrived at the Holy Land, but they had no choice but to meet after getting off the car. However, there were many people here, so there was no need to worry, and Rose could still be used as a guide.

Seeing that Sid was interested in the objects on the side, Rose took the initiative to introduce,"Legend has it that the hero Oliver cut off the left hand of the demon Diavolo in the Holy Land, so there are statues of people holding swords in their left hands everywhere. , and the real left hand is sealed in the sanctuary..."

Rose wanted to say something else, but suddenly the noise nearby caught Rose's attention. It turned out to be Teacher Natsume's autograph session! []

This is a popular novelist now, known for his unbridled imagination. No matter what the subject matter, he can pick it up at his fingertips. He is proficient in suspense, love, and fantasy!

And every book has a different style!

"Um?", listening to these familiar elements, Sid browsed curiously.

The next moment, he was confused, and he stared blankly at everything in front of him.

《Romeo and Kublai Khan》

《little green cat》

《snow Black》....Um?!

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