"It’s not too late to surrender now!", Jin Longger looked at the emaciated Sid with disdain.

Although he didn't know what means the other party had used before, but in front of him, Jin Longger, everything was useless!

In the face of absolute strength, any means were fake.!

But facing the arrogant Jinlong Geer, Sid didn't even say anything, he just stared into the distance.

Okay, okay, Geer laughed angrily.

With the referee's order, he no longer hesitated at all. , directly launched a charge at Sid!

But the moment the golden sword fell, Sid closed his eyes, and then a blue light flashed, but Gerd's expression changed drastically!

Because the other party, for some unknown reason, He strangely avoided his own fatal blow, but he revealed such a huge flaw!

The huge lag period made Jin Longger almost desperate!

Because now he could only watch Sid take action due to inertia!

It's over!

Watching Sid touching the sword, Geer seemed to have felt the unforgettable pain that was coming!

But the next moment, he was stunned because the imaginary attack did not come.

Because the reality seemed to be because the other party was due to He drew his sword only when he was exhausted, and he had no intention of attacking him yet!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Geer's face showed an extremely ferocious look!

Is it a taunt or it doesn't matter, because he was scared by such a guy just now?!

What a joke! Stop pretending! A weak chicken must act like a weak chicken!

He stepped out. Facing such an enemy, Geer's face was ferocious and magic power was gushing out of his body!

"As a farewell gift to the West, let me tell you one thing, my combat effectiveness index is 25,000!"

In an instant, the phantom of a giant golden dragon with magical power appeared behind him!

"The evil god kills instantly! Golden Dragon Sword!"

Countless spectators on the field looked at this scene in shock, and Sid's bereaved friend even shouted excitedly!

But the next moment, everyone was stunned.

"Ah——Qiu", a sneeze sounded, and then Jin Longger flew out uncontrollably! The legendary victorious golden dragon was defeated by this guy's sneeze?

The audience was shocked.

And on the field, He had beaten up the big man Sid before, and there was sweat on his forehead.

He looked at Anaisu in disbelief, the purple-haired girl, the strongest female swordsman of the empire.

Anaisu was also stunned for a while, but with super strength She also saw what happened at that time, but what shocked her was that she only saw Sid sneezing!

Then the long sword she subconsciously swung just hit the direction in which Gal was coming!

"just?! How can it be!"Ku Yin didn't believe it even more. How could such a coincidence happen!

The golden dragon would hit the sword by chance? And then be knocked out? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But that is the fact, and At this time, Anisu also realized how powerful Sid was. In front of him, any movement could become his fatal flaw.

"You mean that guy is a strong guy? Are you kidding me?" Kuin sneered. He didn't believe it at all.

The next showdown was between him and Sid. Since he could defeat him once, he would definitely be able to defeat him this time. He is a mule or a horse. When the time comes, he can pull him out and run around. Got it!

After saying that, Kuin went directly to the next battle.

"Tilt your head and then take a breath?"Anai Su unconsciously began to imitate[]

Because she firmly believed in her judgment of the battle just now, she would never be wrong again.


A moment later, as the referee gave an order, there was a violent vibration in the stadium.

Everyone looked at it and were stunned again.

Because of the popularity of this game, Kuin was directly treated as a carrot stuck in the ground.

And his opponent is Sid!

It turns out that the other party is so powerful...(Before Kuin fell unconscious, his last thought flashed through his mind.

After the game, Sid left the field silently, but Anisu was already waiting here.

The girl looked at Sid with a determined face,"Don't think you will win like this! Look, I can do it to this level!"

As she said this, the girl imitated Sid and tilted her head!....Sid passed directly over the other party, and at the same time he became confused.

She to the end...What are you doing? Tilting your head?

Sid is confused

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