After seeing Shadow's diary, the three women had endless thoughts.

But the final result of the brainstorming is that Master Shadow is all for their own good!

No one can refute this.

But there is still a question, that is, where did Delta go?

"There’s no need to worry." Alpha looked relaxed because she felt the magic.


Alpha turned around and called softly

"Woo woo——", Delta showed an aggrieved look, and emerged from the window, her ears twitching, obviously afraid of being punished by Alpha.


"It really makes us so worried!"

"Forehead...Um, Delta is on a super-secret covert mission, so..."

"We all know that Master Shadow must have asked you to do something." The two women hugged Delta with tears on their faces.

No matter what the mission was, as long as Delta came back, it would be fine. Alpha also touched Delta with tenderness on his face. The head of the tower.

The night was dark

, blood was flying under the miserable moonlight.

The shadows were killing people in the dark night. At this time, he was not only successful, but also extremely excited!


Gold coins! Yes gold coins!

Yes Lots and lots of gold coins!

These guys are coveting my gold coins...No, I've been busy lately fighting off these bad guys who are investigating the secrets of counterfeit money.

However, today, even if he works overtime, he will not feel any pain!

Because, Yuki-onna said she was not motivated by money! In other words, I can keep that money for myself!!!


It was almost time for the snow girl to come back. All he had to do next was to stand on a high place, overlooking the underground street scene, and then say something meaningful.

The job was over and, as always, the credit crisis had officially begun!

Shadow smiled to himself as he walked past the cell where the gold coins were stored.

But suddenly, the smile on his face stopped

"Lord John! Lord John Smith!", the two little fox demons in the distance said in panic.

"If you want to take away so many gold coins, it will take at least a long time, so if you are a master, it shouldn't be too far away." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We can't contact Lady Yuki, so we guess she was taken away by Danyue!"

Shadow suddenly heard this name!


Danyue! Is it you! Is it you who took away all my gold coins?!!

"Huh hahahahahahahahaha!", Shadow laughed like crazy!

"So it turns out that it was Danyue, that is to say, it must have been a good thing he did!"

"Danyue!", Shadow erupted with unprecedented terrifying magic power!

"You actually took action against my most important thing, I will definitely take it back! Absolutely!!!"

On the snowy night

, Danyue and Snow Girl fought wildly and fiercely. The battle was almost one-sided, but just when Snow Girl was about to kill her, Danyue suddenly swallowed a medicine.

Then a terrifying knife directly seriously injured Snow Girl!

She looked down. Danyue, the snow girl of the earth, seemed to have returned to the past, but this also made him more determined!

Die to me 667!!!


A powerful and heavy punch directly knocked Danyue hundreds of meters away! []

Shadow looked at Danyue coldly, with murderous intent!

"Are you John? That's it. I didn't expect you to come up and die on your own! Shadow flashed forward,"I just want to get back my things. Please hand them over. You took away my most important thing!""

"Shut up! Didn’t you also take away a lot of my things?", Danyue roared!

The audience in Wanjie was completely convinced.

These two people were not in the same service area at all, yet they were still chatting so passionately.

Could it be said that there is something in this world that can tamper with the will of everyone except Shadow?!

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