"The hierarchy is actually an entity? This is also outrageous, right?!

"What's outrageous? Outrageous guys must have never stepped out of the security hierarchy.

"That is, in such a weird place as the back room, it is useless for Liu Dun to come, what is outrageous?"

"Anyway, I believe in the inventory of the big guy and UP."

"But this inventory is indeed a little more than we know~

" "Damn, think about it very scary, we are now in the layer, is that in the mouth or stomach of the level?"

"This... What should we do if the security hierarchy comes to life one day? "

It doesn't matter, I'll shoot

..." "666..."


At the same time.

Level 11 - "Boundless City" Lin

Qiushui and Twelve quickly found the telephone pole on the edge of the city with their memory.

Lin Qiushui hugged the telephone pole in front of him, and then looked at Twelve, "Twelve, hold me tight!"


, second time, can you stop lifting the pose?"

"Oh, good..." Twelve

hugged Lin Qiushui with some shame.

Then, Lin Qiushui held the telephone pole and began to rub up and down.

The next moment, the bodies of the two disappeared directly into the telephone pole and disappeared.

After the trance, the two appeared in the ruins of shelves and servers.

It seems to be the space full of servers and shelves that collapsed before, but now it is a mess.

The deathly silence of the space is full of decay and ruin.

Looking at this space, Twelve wondered, "Qiushui, we came back with so much effort?" "

It's not like..."

Lin Qiushui frowned and said, "Although this area is very similar to the area we had before, it is different at a glance."

"Different? What's the difference?

"The server room we were in was running intact, and the server area was dilapidated, damaged, like it had been through a catastrophe."

"Isn't it just a catastrophe~

" Twelve shrugged and said, "At that time, the entire server room collapsed, so isn't it normal to become like this?" "

This is the same space, not the same space..."

Lin Qiushui looked at this strange but familiar space thoughtfully.

A moment later, Lin Qiushui suddenly realized!

"He's doing a super Xuan calculation!"

"Super Xuan Calculation?"

Twelve showed a puzzled expression, "What is Chao Xuan Calculation?"

"Well, that's not easy to explain."

Lin Qiushui thought for a while and said, "If our location is really Ralph's computer, then theoretically this space has the property of 'infinite', because Ralph's computer has 'infinite' storage, so he can accommodate 'infinite' things for calculation, and even the entire universe for calculation..."

Aren't you a quick-cut player? Why do you understand these things?

"Me? I go, haven't I eaten pork and haven't seen pigs run?

Lin Qiushui said with a smile, "Although I don't have much culture, I have read a few online novels, and there will be this kind of super-occult calculation setting in general science fiction novels." "

Web novels? Science fiction? What is this again?


Lin Qiushui remembered that Twelve was a native of the back room, so it seemed that he had not been exposed to online novels.

"Fiction? Probably... Maybe... It's water, right? He

wasn't sure.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Twelve said indifferently, "You just said that the person who made this level is performing super Xuan calculations, so what does he want to calculate?"

"I think..."

Lin Qiushui looked at the surroundings, and then said, "Maybe in the future?"

"The future?"

"Well, the future."

Lin Qiushui explained, "It is very likely that this guy will calculate the entropy increase effect through the collapse of these servers, and then apply it to the actual situation? Speaking

of this, Lin Qiushui himself was a little unbelievable.

This is outrageous.

But on second thought, nothing seems impossible in the backroom, a world full of possibilities.

And Twelve obviously didn't really care what the guy at this level wanted to do, but asked, "So do you have a way to get out of here now, or find that guy?"

"It's easy to leave, we still have Nothe, but if we want to find that guy, I guess we have to continue to cut in."


Twelve looked up into the distance and said, "Then let's continue to cut in~

" "Good."

The two continued to walk deeper.

Under the chase without collapse space, the pace of the two slowed down a lot.

There doesn't seem to be any danger in this level, nor is there any stable cut-out node.

The two soon arrived at the gate.

The gate has been damaged, and from the damaged gate, a dented footprint can be clearly seen.

It was left by twelve, but not exactly by twelve.

Lin Qiushui felt that there was a twelve-foot first, and then after the entropy increased, this was calculated to damage the gate.

The room was the same as it was then, full of computers, but many of them had crashed and broken.

Only a few computers are still operating, and the picture inside the monitor is still a picture of all levels.

"It's like it's been a long time..." The

countertop was covered with heavy dust.

There weren't a few hours before and after, but it was as if no one had been here for decades.

Lin Qiushui stopped in front of a computer.

There are a few big words on the computer monitor.

[Cut into the past] [Cut into the present] [Cut into the future]

"It seems to be an option?"

He frowned, realizing that things didn't seem as simple as he thought.

"What exactly is that guy trying to do?"

Lin Qiushui stared at the options on the monitor and wondered, "It seems that this guy is not just calculating the future, he... Is he calculating the way to cut into the timeline? This... How is this possible?! "

Other Lin Qiushui can understand, but if he is really calculating the way to cut into the timeline, it is far beyond Lin Qiushui's imagination.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, even in the back room, absolutely impossible to cut into the past."

Lin Qiushui said very firmly, "If I can really cut into the past, then I go back in time and kill 'me', then who will this 'me' who will return to the past?" So cutting into the past is absolutely impossible to exist!

After listening to Lin Qiushui's words, Twelve calmly spoke, "Qiushui, since you think it's impossible, then should we try to choose this [Cut into the Past]?" "


Lin Qiushui looked at the mouse, looking a little hesitant....


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