This incident is not a trivial matter, it can be said that it has attracted the attention of various organizations in the backroom.

Interestingly, the major organizations seem to have mixed opinions about this incident, but the attitude is somewhat ambiguous.

For example, positron particle technology Co., Ltd., this incident positron particle technology Co., Ltd. does not say that it is mainly responsible, but the second responsibility is definitely not able to run, but even so, positron particle technology Co., Ltd. still behaves painlessly, in addition to compensating for part of the loss of the irregular speed cutting competition club, it is only willing to provide some humanitarian assistance.

It can be seen that Positron Particle Technology Co., Ltd. does not care about the current irregular speed cut competition club, because the random speed cut competition club at this moment is no longer a threat.

Their so-called humanitarian aid is just for others in the C-level area.

What's more, the Irregular Speed Cutting Competition Club disdained and did not dare to accept the rescue of Positron Particle Technology Co., Ltd.

The Masked Girls are still willing to continue working with the Random Cut Competition Club.

The 'cooperation' relationship between the Quick-cut Escape Alliance and the Random Quick-cut Competition Club also seems to have become very delicate, and on the surface, it continues to give materials to the Random Quick-Cut Competition Club, but secretly seems to be looking for other partners.

As for the Speedcut Player Association, not to mention, the one who wants the Random Speed-Cut Competition Club to die completely is the Speed-Cut Players Association.

The Eye of Argos, as a law enforcer, does not care about the battle between the two organizations, in the eyes of Argos, the war between the two sides is an act of injustice, so the Eye of Argos does not care.

The rest of the organizations also roughly follow the meaning of the Eye of Argos and are reluctant to get involved in the fight between the two organizations.

But the most ambiguous behavior is the M.E.G. organization.

Maybe it's because the M.E.G. doesn't care, or maybe it's something else.

M.E.G., as the leading big brother of the back room, did not express a position on this incident, but only said that after the war between the two sides was declared, a rescue team would be sent to provide humanitarian assistance to both sides.

This is a strange behavior of M.E.G. .

M.E.G. had promised to protect as many people as possible, so generally when two organizations started a conflict, M.E.G. would reconcile the situation to avoid spreading and affecting more people.

And, in general, when two groups clash, M.E.G. will form a rescue team to help all the injured.

But this time, M.E.G. did not participate in the incident, did not mediate with it, and did not organize a rescue team.

This series of practices is contrary to the original purpose of M.E.G., and it makes people wonder what M.E.G. wants to do.

The atmosphere in the backroom at the moment is somewhat subtle, and judging from the attitude of various organizations, most people know that the grudge between the Speed Cut Players Association and the Irregular Speed Cut Competition Club will not end like this.

Moreover, the irregular quick-cut competition club cannot suffer such a big loss.

Most people know that something big is going to happen in the C floor area of the back room!

Lin Qiushui also knew this well, so he felt that he had to make plans earlier.

"Twelve, pack your things, let's get ready to go~

" "Hmm."

Twelve nodded and did not ask Lin Qiushui where he wanted to go.

She didn't care.

However, she still asked, "Qiushui, are you all right?"

"What? Why did you suddenly care about me?

Lin Qiushui said with a smile, "Shouldn't it be bought by a few of my bags?" I can tell you, all I have spent during this time is the money of your 'masked girl' organization.

"Bah, of course I know."

"Are you pitying me then?"


said Twelve, "I'm special, old lady, I shouldn't be nosy, count my mouth." "


Lin Qiushui nodded indifferently and left the room.

Looking at Lin Qiushui's lonely back, Twelve seemed to understand a little what it was like to be left out in the cold.

"It looks like I'm probably pitying him too, right?"

Twelve shrugged indifferently and left with Lin Qiushui.

Lin Qiushui's mood was not very good.

The lonely golden sunset oblique shadow could not heal his pain.

The irregular speed cutting competition club was established by them at the beginning, and Lin Qiushui watched the irregular speed cut competition club grow step by step.

Lin Qiushui didn't dare to imagine what kind of scene it would be like after he completed this task and returned to the Irregular Speed Cut Competition Club.

It may be very unfamiliar and familiar.

After all, many familiar partners have completely left, right?

Leaving the hotel, Lin Qiushui first went to the electronic market on this level to change his electronic equipment.

He did not dare to use the electronic equipment of Positron Particle Technology Co., Ltd., so he replaced the equipment on his body with electronic equipment produced by M.E.G.

'Quick cutting terminal' is an indispensable equipment, within the known level, Lin Qiushui can do quick cutting without 'quick cutting terminal', but this time it is a sub-level of this level, which is a level that Lin Qiushui has not been to.

After replacing an electronic device, Lin Qiushui contacted the Irregular Speed Cutting Competition Club.

It was Ben who answered the phone.

I could hear that Ben on the other end of the phone was not feeling well.

Regarding the details of the conflict between the two organizations, Ben did not talk to Lin Qiushui in detail, but only told Lin Qiushui that the irregular quick-cut competition club would not let the speed-cut player association go just like that.

At the same time, Ben also told Lin Qiushui to complete this mission.

It can be seen that the current irregular quick-cut competition club attaches great importance to the organization of 'masked girls', for fear that the 'masked girls' organization will abandon the irregular quick-cut competition club.

But this is also normal, the current major organizations have an ambiguous attitude, even the M.E.G. has shown that they do not want to care about this matter.

If the Irregular Speed Cut Competition Club loses its ally as the 'Masked Girl', it will really have to be swallowed up by the Speed Cut Players Association.

Soon, Lin Qiushui and Twelve came to the edge of the city and saw the endless golden sand.

According to Da Zhuang, what he is looking for now is a bush.

At this moment, Twelve on the side spoke, "We may be targeted."

"I see..."

Lin Qiushui nodded and said, "Now you hold me tight, we need to cut out to Level 47 - "Forest of Snakes" first, and when it is safe, then cut into Level 48 - "Sunset Beach"."

"Okay, I see."

Twelve hugged Lin Qiushui tightly.

At this moment, Lin Qiushui used the 'quick-cut terminal' to make a record, and then paced back and forth next to a dead wood.

He's stealing again.

A moment later, Lin Qiushui took twelve cards into the dead wood.

As Lin Qiushui disappeared, several figures appeared on the edge of the dead wood.

"With such a skillful cutting technique, it seems that it is indeed a quick cutting player."

"Why does every quick-cut player like to come to Level 48 to find sub-levels?"

"Okay, it's just a quick-cut player, people haven't found the sub-level, don't they leave?"

"Finally I can get off work, in other words, we have been working for so long, when will we be paid?"

"Salary? What to think? The factory covers food and housing, why should it pay wages? "


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