The yellow sand bird spreads its wings and flies towards the giant gate.

In a few moments, they sank into the bottomless darkness.

Seth waited on a ship of sand, recalling Thoth's account of his entry into the underworld.

According to Thoth, he followed the River Styx to the end of the River Styx.

At the end was a black and white mist.

A whole fog enveloped the end of the River Styx.

Thoth protects himself with Ankka, as well as divine powers, as he descends into the mist with the River Styx.

After a heavy fog, Toth entered the underworld.


Suddenly, a birdsong rang out.

Seth looked up at the sky, where the Yellow Sand Bird was circling, hissing from time to time.

It is different from before entering the giant gate.

Half of the body, which was originally made of yellow sand, turned black and had bone spurs.

And a pure breath of death attached to the body of the yellow sand bird.

"Come here." Set calls out to the Yellow Sand Bird.

The Yellow Sand Bird looked down at Seth, but did not fly over.

It's scrutinizing, scrutinizing.

Seth sensed hostility, and it was the hostility of the Yellow Sand Bird.

Hostile to the master who created himself.

"Is it the effect of the breath of the underworld?" Seth frowned, and used his divine power to disperse the Yellow Sand Bird.

Again, there is no mention of this in Thoth's account.

Is it a change in the underworld again?

The frequent changes made Seth a little irritated.

With a sigh of relief, Seth created a yellow sand bird again.

This time, Seth still ordered it to enter the underworld.

However, before entering the underworld, Seth attached his divine power to various parts of the Yellow Sand Bird's body.

Then the yellow sand bird entered the underworld again.

After a few moments, the Yellow Sand Bird returned from the underworld.

It did not betray Seth by being dominated by the breath of death to the first Yellow Sand Bird.

At the same time, Seth noticed that the divine power attached to the Yellow Sand Bird had decreased a little.

This made Seth breathe a sigh of relief, and the divine power was able to stop the influence of the death qi of the underworld.

God's divine power is transformed by authority, and if the authority is not lost, the corresponding divine power is unlimited.

Set disperses the Yellow Sand Bird to inject more divine power into Anka.

Ankh exudes a stronger life force to resist the death aura around him.

Get ready, Seth no longer restricts the ship of sand.

With the water of the River Styx, the boat slowly moved forward.

Seth got closer and closer to the gate and darkness until he made full contact.

The moment he touched the darkness, Seth felt a strange sensation and was temporarily unable to see.

It seemed that a voice was whispering something in his ear.

It's like someone is repenting.

It's more like someone sighing and praying for mercy.

Can't tell, Seth can't tell if these feelings are real or not.

Because, after passing through the darkness, it was no longer dark in front of his eyes, and those strange feelings were gone.

Holding the strange feeling to himself, Seth focused his attention on the front.

The wide, gray river flows silently.

On either side are red plains, flaming mountains, crazy monsters, and fuchsia skies.

There are no stars, moons, or suns in the sky of the underworld.

In its place was a purple-red sky.

All of this is the same as Thoth's account.

After slaying an eagle monster, Seth got up and left the ship of sand.

He came to the underworld in search of the blue water lily.

However, Nephthys did not know where the blue water lilies were in the underworld.

When Ra said the blue water lily, he only said that he had seen it when he was patrolling the underworld.

Seth looked up, trying to find a route to Ra's tour of the underworld.

If you can find a route to pull the patrol, you can find a blue water lily along the way.

Otherwise, with the size of the underworld, Seth will have to search for a long time.

However, he couldn't find a trace of the 10,000-year-old ship.

There is no such record in the materials in the library's records.

Because Thoth didn't know Ra's route to the underworld.

When patrolling the earth at night, Ra needs to be accompanied by a higher god.

However, when Ra patrols the underworld during the day, he is not accompanied by a higher god.

The reason is that Apep will not appear during the day, and he will be safe when he patrols the underworld.

Moreover, Ra does not patrol the underworld every day.

There are only five days in each month, and Ra goes into the underworld.

"When was the last time you were pulled into the underworld?" Seth tried to remember.

However, Seth is no longer involved in patrolling the land.

He is also not responsible for maintaining order and dealing with the things of the gods.

Coupled with the fact that his focus is on collecting the sands of faith, Seth doesn't know when he last went into the underworld.

"Alas, I hurried into the underworld." Seth regretted a little: "I should have asked Ra for his route to the underworld." "

"Forget it, let's wait and look for it."

In desperation, Seth decided to summon tens of thousands of yellow sand birds, and at the same time gave them divine power to protect them.

Immediately, Seth sent them scattered in search of blue water lilies.

He waits at the entrance to the underworld, waiting to be pulled into the underworld.


A botanical temple by the Nile.

Osiris looked at the decaying green water lily in his hand and pondered something.

Suddenly, the water lily lily, which had decayed and would soon wither, was brought back to life.

The faint aroma emanated, and Osiris was not surprised, and set it aside.

Suddenly, the door to the temple of plants was opened.

Wheat skin, wearing a gold and white dress, a red and blue long skirt with exquisite features, and perfect facial features, Hartol pushed the door in.

Osiris was very surprised to see these two.

"Osiris, how are you doing?" Best greeted him warmly.

"It's fine." Osiris answered and asked, "Is there anything wrong with you?" "

"Yes." Best nodded, pulled Harthor in front of him, and said, "We want to ask Isis to help take a look at Hathol's marriage." "

Hartol blushed.

Osiris sighed and said, "Isis can't help you. "

"She researched Apepe's magic, but failed, was counterattacked, and was seriously injured."

"She is currently asleep to heal her injuries."

Hartol and Best were both disappointed.

"Was it Apep's venom?" Best overcame his disappointment and asked Osiris.

When the god Ra gave Isis Venom, Best was beside him.

Osiris nodded, "Well, and her magic amplification." "

"Then we should look for the god of pulling." "It's not realistic to heal on your own. "

"Seth is so strong, and in the end, he relied on pulling God to heal his injuries."

"That's what Best said." Hartol agrees with Best.

"She's not as badly injured as Seth." Osiris shook his head.

"I'm almost healed."

Suddenly, the voice of Isis came from behind them.

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