Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1026: The power of the world


When the beasts smashed on the body of the chaotic beast, the deafening blast sounded, and the endless destruction of the hurricane swept the void, stirring the dozens of miles of space to be distorted, oh, chaotic.

"Chaotic Five Elements!"

After a large number of sacred beasts attacked, the chaotic beast immediately opened his mouth and spewed a lot of chaotic five elements of destructive power, and bombarded a single beast.

If you want to break the ravages of the beasts, you must smash all these beasts and shadows.

Under the full attack of the chaotic beast, a dragon's true dragon shadow is broken, and dozens of heavenly forces are bombarded on the body of the chaotic beast, bombarding it from the air to the ground, and pulling the ground out. A big pit.

"It’s so happy, it’s so painful, let the punishment of the day be more violent.”

Relying on the bones that are harder than the best-purpose road device, resisting the beasts of the beasts, the chaos and the beasts are not injured, and the roaring screams continue to rush up, killing the sacred beasts .

Under the full attack of the chaotic beast, a single animal beast was torn by it, and it was turned into a large number of pure lines, which melted into the bones of the chaotic gods.

The indiscriminate bombing is enough to destroy the beasts of the Shangpindao, but it is impossible to break the skeleton defense of the chaotic beast, and the damage to it is very limited.

"A strong defense, I don't know if the world power will appear at the last moment!"

Ye Chenfeng’s sharp eyes passed through the chaotic space, watching the violent tumbling in the void, and constantly robbery the clouds of the beasts and shadows, secretly worried.

If the power of the world appears, it will definitely threaten the life of the chaotic beast.

"Chaotic Mountain!"

The chaotic beast was fiercely killed for more than half an hour. The body of the white bone suddenly became bigger and turned into a mountain of white bones. With an infinite amount of repression, the bombardment turned to a ferocious roar and spewed out the meaning. The light of the beast and the shadow of the beast.

Under a single shot, several of the beasts of the beast were broken, and the terrible power shook the void.


A large number of sacred beasts have been broken, completely angering the beasts of the beasts. Dozens of horrible sacred sacred shadows are rapidly condensed under the action of the rapid revolving clouds, and soon form a same as the chaotic beast. The beast of the beast.

And this chaotic beast and the shadow of the beasts combined with the remaining forces of the beasts, the power is far better than all the gods and animals, which poses a threat to the chaotic beast.

"Chaotic Five Elements!"

Looking at the eyes of the chaos and beasts that are bigger and more powerful than themselves, the chaos of the gods and beasts is not reduced, and it cracks open the mouth of the blood, spurting the chaotic five elements of light like the flow of the galaxy, bombardment The chaotic shadow.


The huge body of the chaotic shadows robbed the light, and a squeaking sound like a river swallowed in its mouth, instantly shattering a space, smashing the chaotic five elements of light, and bombarding the chaotic beast.

"Chaotic Mountain!"

Feeling that the space in front of him is constantly broken, the chaotic beast immediately becomes a giant mountain, like a moving mountain, and it is hard to break the sound of the chaotic shadow.

But the power of this embarrassment is beyond imagination, the soul of chaos is still suffering from no small damage, and the light of the soul is dimmed a bit.

After the shock and chaos, the chaotic shadow continues to attack, the terrible killing makes the heavens and the earth discolored, and the attack it launches is even more broken and empty, destroying and smashing the counterattack launched by the chaotic beast.

Soon, the offensive of the Chaos Beast was suppressed, and it was covered with a demon-like skeleton, which was also damaged.

"Stars move!"

The bone damage is increasing, and the chaotic beast also launches madness, mobilizes the majestic energy accumulated in the soul, forcibly exerts the strongest inheritance that it currently controls, and the huge body becomes a white bone covered with congenital lines. Stars, falling to the chaos.

At this moment, the stars formed by the chaotic beast became the only space, and the light and energy in the void were all taken away by it, increasing the power of this attack.


Baigu Xingchen squats on the chaotic shadows, and the radiant light fills the sky, just like a scorching sun in the void, the glare of the light makes people unable to open their eyes.

The chaos and beasts made a full blow, and the huge body of the chaotic shadow appeared cracks immediately, and the whole body was hit hundreds of meters away.

"Stars move!"

The chaotic beast did not waste this wonderful opportunity, once again released the energy accumulated in the soul, turned into a white bone star, and smashed into the chaotic shadow, it is necessary to crush it.

Under the fierce attack of chaotic beasts at all costs, there are more and more cracks in the chaotic shadows. For example, the forelimbs of Optimus Prime are crushed by the stars of the chaotic beasts. The pattern is integrated into the bones of the chaotic **** animal.

"Well, there is new power in the robbery cloud!"

Looking at the fierce chaos of the offensive, the chaos of the chaos has restrained the chaotic shadows, constantly smashing its huge body, and the powerful soul of Ye Chenfeng discovered that a powerful force has emerged in the robbery cloud, and this power Strong, more than a hundred beasts.

"It seems that the Dragon Blood Lion is right. The chaos is robbing in the fighting world. It violates the rules of the heavens of the fighting world. Once it passes through the beasts, it becomes a holy beast, and it will lead to the soul of the mainland. The world forces are killing."

Feeling that the new power in the robbery cloud is similar to the power of the heavens in the soul of the soul, Ye Chenfeng knows that the power of the world has appeared, revealing a dignified color.

There are a few crystals in the body, almost all of the best soul crystals, all melted into the body of the sword spirit, always ready for the chaos of the beast is life-threatening, let the sword spirit to help it against a kill.

"Chaotic Mountain, give me broken!"

The chaos and the beast violently screamed again, and once again changed into a tall and chaotic mountain, with the power to annihilate everything, squatting on the fragmented chaotic shadow.

The powerful force directly blew its head, and more than 200 million jins of power rushed into the chaotic shadows, almost smashing its huge body.

"The sacred beast is fine, can you have this power? You are not addicted to your chaotic grandfather, and then give me a violent point." A lot of dazzling lines, the chaos of the ever-increasing strength, screaming and provoking The power of heaven.

"Hey, this pig, I don’t know if the world’s power will drop, will it cry?”

Looking at the arrogance, the chaotic beast of the world, Ye Chenfeng shook his head, showing a bitter smile.

The chaotic beast screams at the same time, while attacking, fierce attacks continue to smash the scarred shadows of the scars, blending the lines of Tao.

Finally, under the fierce attack of the chaotic beast, the chaotic shadows were broken and turned into thousands of lines of morality, branded in the bones of the chaotic gods, and greatly enhanced its strength.

When the chaos beast wants to use the meaning of the robbing of the beast, reinventing the flesh, a force that makes it feel fearful, and the hair in the heart tears the clouds of hundreds of feet high and splits the void. In two halves, with the power of extinction, bombarded the body of the chaotic beast.

The terrible force directly bombarded it from the air to the ground, and pulled a large hole in the ground. The bones of the whole body broke down by a third, and the soul was riddled with holes.

The chaos of the beasts has passed through the robbers of the beasts, and the moment when it becomes a holy beast, the power of the world of the fighting souls has come.

ps: A map of chaotic beasts tomorrow night, friends who want to see plus WeChat public number: ylty83

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