Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1037: After encountering the demon bones

Time is running fast.

Soon, one month passed.

In this month, Ye Chenfeng and others have suffered several life and death crises. The three holy places have been hit hard again. Three people have lost their lives. The two were seriously injured and almost lost the ability to fight again.

But they have harvested a few blood beads worth more than Avenue Dan, but they have not seen the demon of the demon emperor.

In the fierce fights, the three sacred sites that suffered heavy damage did not receive a **** bead. All of them were treated and the two were taken away. This made the three holy places dare to speak. Some regrets that the unicorn **** country came to the land of **** to explore, looking for opportunities.

"Lake, there is a lake in front!"

When Ye Chenfeng and his group flew aimlessly, a secluded lake surrounded by water and grass surrounded by water plants appeared in front of them.

"The atmosphere of the demon god, there is a demon bone in this lake!"

When flying over the lake, the dry and the old, in the depths of the lake, vaguely felt the same strength as the demon bones, showing a hint of excitement.

This time into the land of hell, the main purpose of Gan Ming waiting people is to capture the demon bones that are very important to them.

If they can bring out a large number of demon emperors from the land of hell, and with the power of the demon emperor, the overall strength of the Kylin God Kingdom will have a clear improvement. Beyond the nine-day God Kingdom will not be a dream.

"The demon bones in this lake must be available!"

Dan Minghou, Ze Lao and other Qilin Shenguo masters made a decision.

"Everyone noticed that I am going to bring out the monsters in this lake, and you are always ready to attack, as much as possible to hit the monster that transforms the demon bones."

Ze Lao shouted loudly, a large number of yin and yang chess pieces fell off the board, wrapped around his body, protecting his body.

The next moment, the horrible Ze Lao broke open the blue waters of the lake, swam to the bottom of the lake at a very fast speed, close to the location where the demon bones are located.

Only five breaths, a cloud-like snoring sounded at the bottom of the lake, the whole lake rioted, and a large number of water columns, such as long dragons, vacated and splashed endless water.

Soon, the mouth was bleeding, and the rather embarrassed Ze Lao flew out of the lake in chaos and came to the void.

And next to him, there is another one like a small hill, the volume is extremely large, the light is like electricity, the **** mouth is cracked, the angry roar, the black turtle of the ninth-level beast level.

"The demon bone is in this black turtle."

Feeling the level of black turtles, the dryness reveals a dignified color.

If you are in the outside world, you can easily kill this nine-level beast black turtle, whether you are doing it or not.

But in the land of hell, they are restrained by the power of Hell, and their strength is greatly affected. Together with this black turtle, it has strong defense ability and can sink into the lake at any time, want to kill. Very difficult.

"Hou Ye, the task of killing this black turtle will be handed over to you. I will break its back road and prevent it from escaping into the lake to hide." Ze Lao took a deep breath and passed. Said the sound.

"Well, as long as you don't let it escape to the bottom of the lake, gather the power of everyone, you can still kill it." Gan Ming nodded and said.

"Awful humans, why do you bother me to sleep?"

The black big turtle glared at the fierce eyes and looked at the waiters and other people, said angrily.

If it is not from the dry, Ze Lao, the two major nine-level beasts feel threatened in the body, with the fierceness of this big turtle, it has already violently killed.

"Do it!"

The demon emperor’s backbone is waiting for him. He has no nonsense with the black turtle.


Ze Lao, an acceleration, once again plunged into the turbulent lake, a group of white and crystal clear waters emerged from his body, stimulated by his continuous injection of half demon, venting endless cold, freezing This secluded lake.


Under the Zesong control Tianshui ice seal, the icy lake quickly freezes. In the blink of an eye, the secluded lake freezes by one tenth, and the temperature of the air drops rapidly.

"Split Heaven!"

When the black turtle found the lake water abnormal, and wanted to sneak into the cold and piercing lake to kill Ze Lao, he made a bang and screamed, and Lei’s road figure emerged from his body.

He quickly deduced the idea, condensed a thunderous hand with a flowing line, and grabbed the tortoise cover of the black turtle in a split sky.

The terrible power is hard to catch it.

"Poseidon, Golem, Serpent Snake, Ghost Killing Map..."

The moment when the black turtle was caught by the cracked hands, Haiming map, Yuegu and other people have shot, control the treasures of their respective towns, killing the black turtle, and want to gather the power of everyone to kill it.

"Hey... humble humans, I want to destroy you!"

There was a violent bombing, trembling, and the black turtle with a **** mouth uttered an uncontrollable roar. Nearly 200 million pounds of power broke out in its huge body, shattered the cracked hand and spit out. Demon power, the attack went to the waiter and other people.

"Xuanshu, you are too weak, dodge to the side!"

When the magic wind cloud attacked, Ye Chenfeng shouted at a distance.

"Master, be careful!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and ducked to the distance, watching the battle quietly.

As long as Ze Lao can completely block the black turtle's retreat, to the strength of the people waiting for others, it is enough to kill this ferocious and terrible black turtle.

When the Ming and other people fiercely attacked, the old man who had conquered himself had reached the limit, and the extremely cold cold completely frozen the whole lake, so that the black turtle could not sink into the bottom of the lake.

"Humble humans, die for me!"

Black turtles hide their **** heads, limbs and tails in the indestructible tortoise shells. The gyro is usually swaying at high speed, causing the airflow to surge, the space is chaotic, the space is distorted, and the impact is on the way. people.

"Demon snake, resist!"

The black turtle slammed into the air, and immediately opened his mouth, and a ancient square of the snarling snake shot his mouth and collided with the gyro-like black turtle.


The whole space couldn’t bear their fierce collision, and immediately broke, and there were a lot of cracks.

"Tian Mo Dance!"

"Wan Silence Mill!"

When the black turtle was stunned by the cloud monster, the magic wind, the moon and other people used to cast a big kill, bombarded its hard turtle shell, swaying its body and smashing it to the ice. lake.

"Yin and Yang chess pieces, broken!"

The black turtle body is out of control, and Ze Lao immediately took off a large number of black and white pieces containing the power of yin and yang, and shot at the belly of the black turtle relative to the defense corner.

A series of intensive impacts, the black turtle's abdomen was pierced by several yin and yang pieces, and a lot of blood was like rain, splashing out and dyed the ice lake.


Catch the opportunity of the black turtle to be injured. The masters of the unicorn gods constantly exert their power and horrible inheritance techniques to attack. The powerful force can not break the tortoiseshell of the black turtle, but the huge body that shakes it trembles violently. A heavy shock force passed into it, damaging the internal organs and aggravating its physical injuries.

The injury is getting heavier and heavier, but it has inspired the black turtle's fierceness. It is angry and roaring, fierce attack, and before dying, bite a unicorn **** country master and bite it in half.


When the master of the Qilin Shenguo was about to be killed, he unwillingly blew his whole body's half demon power, launched a fatal blow to the black turtle, blurred the blood of his huge head, and bloody.

After another fragrant time, the tenacious black turtle finally could not withstand the attacks of the people, and was forced to kill by the people.

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