Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1102: 不灭魂诀

"Huh, finally succeeded!"

Feeling the change of the soul, the soul and the body, Ye Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, took away the 108 silver needles tied to her acupuncture points, pulled up the quilt next to her, covered her temptation People, people with **** bodies, guarding the side.

"Heavenly spirits...jiao 嫣..."

Looking at the stunned words in the coma, Ye Chenfeng fell into meditation.

Although the brain is remembering a kind of soul blending, if he cultivates with Jiao Yu, with his powerful soul, his soul will have a qualitative leap in a short time.

But the soul blends with the double repairs. One is a blend, and the other is a soul blend.

And he does not have any emotional foundation with Jiao Yu, once he is in harmony with the soul, he will have emotional entanglement with her.

The avenue is alone. Since the moon has left, Ye Chenfeng has sealed his heart and pursued the avenue of excellence. He really does not want to influence the heart of martial arts because of the singer.

But the Holy Virgin is more important to him. If you can't get together the refining of the main medicine of Tiansheng, you can refine it and break the world shackles and break through to the Taoist realm. Ye Chenfeng feels himself. Challenge the Tianyu Gate to ten deaths.

"Hey, take a step and see it!"

Thinking for a while, Ye Chenfeng sighed softly, no longer thinking about it, letting things develop on their own.

I don’t know how long it’s been, but the long eyelashes are slightly shaken, and she finally woke up in a coma.

The soul of the soul awakens, the strength and realm of the Jiaoyu language enhances a realm, the strength reaches the fourth-level beastmaster, and the soul reaches the level of the six-level beast.

And this is her awakening to the soul of the gods. Once she is allowed to dig out the potential of the soul, her strength and soul will have a qualitative leap, and she will stand on the top of the fighting world.

"Language, how do you feel?"

Looking at the fascinating whisper, the pretty face of the soft beauty, Ye Chenfeng asked softly.

"Thank you for the dust, thank you for helping me to awaken the soul of the gods. I feel very good now. In the coma, there is a set of inheritance souls in my soul." Jiao Yuyu slowly got up and pulsed. Looking at Ye Chenfeng, the pulse.

"Inheritance of the soul..." Ye Chenfeng's eyes lit up.

"Wind dust, if you want to learn, I will teach you."

Although the inheritance of the soul involves the big secret of Jiao Yu, but in order to thank Ye Chenfeng for her kindness, she decided to pass it to Ye Chenfeng.


"I can wake up the soul of the heavens, thanks to you, and I know that for me, you also spent a lot of precious things." Jiao Yu licked his lips and said: "But I teach you the soul of the inheritance." Before you go, you have to promise me three things."


Ye Chenfeng looked at Jiao Yan’s beautiful face and asked softly.

"The first one, I taught you the soul, you can't pass it on to a third person. This is the secret of both of us." Jiao said softly.

"Well, I promise you!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said without hesitation.

"Second, third, I haven’t thought about it yet, but I won’t let you do something that goes against my conscience!” Jiao Yu took a deep breath.

"Good! In the future, I will unconditionally do two more things for you." Ye Chenfeng meditated, or nodded.

"I know you will promise!" Jiaoyu reveals a fascinating smile: "The soul that has just appeared in my mind is called the soul of the soul. There are a total of nine realms, and the soul can be cultivated to the extreme. Not dead."

Speaking, Jiao Yuyu passed on the soul of the soul-derived inheritance to Ye Chenfeng without reservation.

"Do not destroy the soul!"

The memory of the meditation of the mouth of the slogan, Ye Chenfeng’s heart has set off a big wave.

He did not think that this invincible soul is so overbearing that he can cultivate the soul to the realm of immortality.

And it has a soul that does not destroy the soul, avoiding the hustle and bustle of the two souls, and letting Ye Chenfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's not too late, let's go back and have a good rest. I will pass you alchemy tomorrow morning!"

In order to be grateful to the singer, I will pass on such a precious and immortal soul to myself. Ye Chenfeng decided to give it to her, and to pass on the soul fragments and pass on the experience of alchemy and alchemy.


Golden eyes blinked, revealing a deep surprise.

If she can learn the alchemy of Ye Chenfeng's god, she believes that she can achieve good results in the Temple of Heaven competition.

"Remember not to go to bed tomorrow morning, come to me early, I may change my mind later!" Looking at the surprise of the cheeky, Ye Chenfeng half jokingly.

"Do not worry, I will arrive tomorrow morning!" Jiao Yu slaps a high-speed chest to ensure that.

Next, the two of them smiled at each other and the relationship was brought closer at this moment.

After Jiaoyu’s departure, Ye Chenfeng immediately removed the distracting thoughts and controlled the first change of the soulless brain to temper the soul.

In the speed of running the brain, and pushing the first change of the invincible soul, Ye Chenfeng felt that there was a huge soul grinding disc in his soul sea, slowly rolling, forming a terrible twist. Force, directly cracked the soul.

Suddenly, a pain that could not be described in words spread throughout the sea of ​​the morning spirit, so that Ye Chenfeng had a feeling of tearing his soul and his head was about to burst.

"Deeping your mind, speeding up!"

Although Ye Chen’s painful death came to life, in order to achieve the most direct effect of the soul and enhance the soul, he clenched his teeth and relied on the endurance of ordinary people to continue to control the brain to push the soul and turn the soul. Continue to temper the soul.

"Persevere, be sure to hold on!"

Ye Chenfeng bit his teeth and tried his best to keep his mind awake and try not to let himself faint.

Slowly, time passed half an hour.


When Ye Chenfeng was about to hold on and fell into a coma, he finally stopped pushing the soul of the soul, and the slowly grinding the soul grinding disc disappeared. He also fainted at this moment. .

In the morning, the soft sunlight poured in, and the dark room was illuminated, and the morning wind in the coma was awakened.

"I, my soul has grown so much!"

When Ye Chenfeng woke up feeling the soul changes, it showed a deep surprise.

Although he did not destroy the soul yesterday, the pain of death came to life, but the benefits are also extremely obvious, his soul has grown by nearly 10%, and this speed of improvement has greatly exceeded his expectations.

Just as he resisted the excitement in his heart and silently repaired the broken soul, a slight knock on the door sounded.

Wearing a long white dress, the black hair is like a waterfall, and the long waist is scattered on the shoulders. The slender waist and the towering double peaks form a strong contrast. The charming charm of the fascinating charm came to him early. In the room.

"Wind dust, I am not late."

Jiaoyu's mouth is slightly upturned, looking at the pale pale morning breeze, filled with a sweet smile.

"Early than I thought!"

"Language, did you cultivate your soul last night?"

Ye Chenfeng feels a sweet voice and changes his soul. He wants to know if her cultivation is not as bad as her own.

"Cultivating!" Jiaoyu nodded and said: "When I practiced last night, there was a huge soul-grinding disk in my mind. Every rotation of the grinding plate, my soul grew, and it was like a fish. It feels very comfortable."

"The soul of the soul of the soul, it is only suitable for the soul of the soul itself, if the outsiders practice, they must endure the pain of the soul being shattered." Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself, could not help but admire Jiaojiao System.

"Language, you sit down, I will teach you the Dan dynasty I have cultivated now, but this Dan technique is passed down to my master, and you are not allowed to pass it on to a third person."

Ye Chenfeng gestured to speak eloquently across from himself, serious martyrdom.

"Do not worry, this is the secret of the two of us, I will not talk nonsense." Jiao Yu squinted his eyes, some playful said.

"You close your eyes, don't resist, I will pass on Dan, and my alchemy experience, imprinted in your soul, deepen your memory."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng controlled the rapid development of the brain, and engraved a lot of Danchuan inheritance and alchemy experience in the soul of Jiaoyu.


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