Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1106: Killing Buka


The two of them slammed together and rang a loud noise.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng retired three steps later, and the Buchan, who was full of tremors, was shocked by the power of over 200 million pounds that Ye Chenfeng broke out, and directly knocked him back into the body. .

"How, how is it possible, this guy is not a human, is a holy beast!"

Buja wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and was really confused.

If it wasn’t for personal experience, he couldn’t believe that he would be restrained by a four-level beastmaster and forced into a desperate situation.


When Buka was in a state of panic, Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to push to the extreme, and the horrible sound of the avenue became the song of the ancient meditation, sweeping nine days and ten places, and bombarded it to Buka.

Under the attack of Ye Chenfeng, the sun, the moon and the stars are all in awe, and the sound of yin and yang continually attacks the soul and body of Buka, making him feel a splitting headache.

"Black Water Whale!"

Buja sent a long shout in the sky, and he took the road to death to the extreme, turned into a whale that swims in the black water, and opened the blood basin to bite Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink and lock the whales of the dead road. He is stabbed with a sword, the power of the bronze swordsman is maximized, the heavens and the earth are shaking, and the time and space seem to be in chaos.

In the electric light flint sword, Ye Chenfeng stabbed a sword and smashed the whale, and Yu Wei did not reduce the stab to the chest of Buka.

In Buka, relying on absolute strength, thrillingly evading a sword, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appeared on his head like a ghost, stepping out, suppressing the world, mourning everything, heavier, Ten thousand miles.


Buja was once again used by Ye Chenfeng's Shentongba footsteps, and the whole body directly broke into the cracked stratum, and a large amount of blood emerged from his body uncontrollably.


Butgar, who was seriously injured, injected all the blood of the whole body into the dragon seal, and controlled the dragon seal to become a living dragon, releasing the endless dragon, attacking Ye Chenfeng, to him. Launched a fatal blow.

"Nine maps, receive!"

When the dragon is close to the shadow, Ye Chenfeng shot the nine maps, releasing powerful morals and souls into the map, opening the space in the nine maps, directly showing the dragons Into the nine maps, control the nine dragon spirits to suppress it.

"Holy, holy treasure!"

Feeling that the ancient Taobao dragon seal was easily suppressed by the Jiuyi map, Buka was completely certain, and it appeared on the top of Ye Chenfeng, and the light map of the nine dragons was a powerful treasure.

Ye Chenfeng does not use the holy treasure, he will restrain himself to death, if he uses the holy treasure again, he will have nine lives not to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"Three Shadows Blood!"

Buja, a bite of his teeth, exerted the last means of escape, suddenly bursting his body, turned into three blood shadows, fled in three directions.

The reason why he has been able to escape the three great powers of the country is to rely on this escape means.

It’s just that the three shadows are too much damage to the body. Every time he performs, he needs to cultivate for a long time to recover, so he is not willing to display it.

This method of Buka's exhibition can deceive many people, but under the rapid deduction of his brain, his body has nowhere to hide.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

Controlling the brains of the gods locked the real body of Buka, and Ye Chenfeng once again showed his killing.

A sword is thrown out, and the power of the bronze sword soul is maximized. With the sound of the avenue, the swords of the moon are branded with the imprint of the avenue, smashing all the obstacles in the world. On the body of Buka.

The infinite moral pressure vented in the ancient swords and songs blew up the left half of Buka's body. The huge pain almost made him faint.

"The road to death, burst!"

When Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword and approached him, the desperate Buchan blew the road of death and formed a powerful force of death. He wanted to shake Ye Chenfeng back and fight for his last escape. opportunity.

Now, the morning breeze is too strong, relying on the body of the upper class, he resisted the self-destructive power of the map of the dead.

The next moment, the five devils broke his body, such as the dragons of five claws and claws, wrapped around the body of Bukha's serious wounds, so that he could not move.

"Don't die with me!"

The desperate Buchanah made a roar, and it was self-destructive, and it was with Ye Chenfeng.

But the morning wind is too fast, the ice dragon sword is empty, and his head is cut off directly. A lot of blood is sprayed on his broken neck and killed on the spot.


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