Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1118: Charm of Jiaoyu嫣

"Where are you, where are you going?"

Looking at the singularity that disappeared in front of the eyes, the eyes of the sky widened, revealing the feelings of living and ghosting. He could not believe that he could escape in front of the King of Heaven.

"Space treasure, who is it, give it to me!"

The well-informed figure Tianwang instantly thought of the reason why the singularity disappeared, and a powerful soul power broke out in his soul sea, covering a few rounds of space and searching for all suspicious people.

But Kun Kun was taken into the body by Ye Chenfeng, and the search for Tu Tianwang could not sense the existence of Qiankun.

"Wang Shu, what happened just now."

At this time, a woman wearing a green and green long skirt, temperament is elegant, her eyebrows are like a crescent moon, her eyes are like stars, her eyes are beautiful and charming, and a woman with a crystal crown is guarded by two nine-day gods. Accompanied by, he slowly came over and asked with a pleasant voice.

"The people who have just had the unicorn gods come here to make trouble, and they will fight in the sky." Tu Tianwang frowned and said.

He thought that there would be a master of the Kirin Kingdom hidden in the vicinity, and saved the dry, but his powerful soul covered all around, and no suspicious people were found, which surprised him a little.

"Whether it is a nirvana master who rescued him, he was instigated by this time!" Tu Tianwang flashed several thoughts in his mind, feeling that the situation was serious.

"Sorry Wang, Xiao Ping is shameful to Wang."

He looked at the sky and frowned, and his face became more and more gloomy. The king of the picture trembled, and he couldn’t take care of his face and swear by his body.

"Xiao Ping, I have told you earlier, give me less trouble." Tu Tianwang glanced at the horrible weather, the cold lesson said: "This is not my nine-day **** country, here, everything Speaking by strength, no strength will only take its own insults."

"Xiao Ping knows the wrong, will not be in the future!"

Although the arrogance of grievances in the weather, I want to kill people to vent their anger, but in front of Tu Tianwang, he did not dare to make a second, and said with a low voice.

"And you, give me honesty here, and provoke you to provoke people, no one can save you!" Tu Tianwang looked at the sky, and several people walked out of the inn, respectfully standing On the one hand, the master of the nine-day **** country, aloud the lesson.

Teaching a lesson, the thoughtful figure Uranus left with a temperament green dress woman.


Tian Tianwang left, he was seriously injured, and his face was lost. He looked at the sky with a smile and looked at Tianhou with a smile. He was so worried and black, and Xiao Tianyan, who was not hurt, left.

"Hou Ye, this is the first time I have come to Vulcan City, I want to go out and go!"

Everything is calm, and Ye Chenfeng and others have successfully settled down. Ye Chenfeng has found Wang Tianhou. He wants to go out and buy something to prepare for the unexpected.

"Wind dust, we have just had a conflict with the weather, you may be dangerous to go out at this time." Wang Tianhou said with some concern.

"Do not worry, Hou Ye, they can't hurt me!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said confidently.

"Mother, I also want to go out for a walk, can I?" At this time, Jiaoyu walked out of the wing and looked at Ye Chenfeng, his face said.

"Well, then you will go shopping with the city of Vulcan!" I thought that Ye Chenfeng could even kill the Buchan, and I hoped that Tianhou would be relieved and said: "But the city of Vulcan is different from the general place, here. There are too many masters, here, you can bear it, don't make trouble."

"Do not worry, Hou Ye, we will pay attention!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuyu left together.

The city of Vulcan is too big, Ye Chenfeng is too strange to this place, and Jiaoyu is also here for the first time. The two are wandering around and inquiring about famous places.

Finally, after all the way to inquire, Ye Chenfeng walked for more than an hour, far from seeing a five-meter-high high, with a faint red light and an extremely luxurious palace.

"Zhenbaolou, let's go in and go!"

Looking at the plaque hanging on the gate of the palace, I felt the ancient scent of it, and Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yu went side by side.

Because the beauty of the singer is too beautiful, the temperament is dusty. When she walks into the treasure house, she immediately attracts a pair of hot eyes, and she is somewhat unnatural.

"Language, don't care about them, you should be a dog!" Looking at Jiaoyu's expression is somewhat uncomfortable, Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.


Sweetly screamed and laughed out, and smiled at the city, so many people were obsessed at this moment.

"Go, let's go shopping!"

The first floor of the fish and dragon mixed, Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, followed by a wooden ladder, with a sweet voice like the second floor of the Treasure Building.


When he walked to the entrance of the second floor of the Treasure House, Ye Chenfeng saw a strong ban on the door.

"It seems that there is no certain strength, and it is impossible to enter the second floor of this treasure building!"

Although the second floor of the Treasure House was ineffective, but it had no effect on Ye Chenfeng. His thoughts moved, and the sword figure showed his body, venting the infinite sword pattern, directly tearing the entrance prohibition, with Jiao Yuyu walked into the second floor of the Treasure Building, which was full of aura and markedly reduced.

But Ye Chenfeng did not stop on this floor. He went down the stairs to the third floor of the Treasure House, torn the ban, and boarded the fourth floor.

"A strong and powerful ban, eligible to enter the fourth floor of the Treasure House, at least has six levels of beasts and kings!"

Feeling that the prohibition power of the fourth floor of the Treasure House has improved significantly, Ye Chenfeng did not want to be too swayed and gave up the idea of ​​going to the fifth floor of the Treasure House, ready to redeem some useful things here.

"Don son, miss, can you help you?"

The two stayed on the fourth floor of the Treasure House for a while. A woman wearing a white lotus cheongsam, a sleek figure, a light makeup, and a powdery aroma, slowly came over and showed a charming smile. The sound is pleasing to the ear.

"I want to redeem some of the Chinese products, I don't know if you have it?"

There are too many masters in Vulcan City. In order to cope with the dangers that may arise at any time, Ye Chenfeng is ready to exchange some of the Chinese products Tianjing for the swordsmanship, in case of emergency.

"中品天晶!" Cheongsam woman smiled slightly and said softly: "Zhongpin Tianjing is very rare, the value is extremely high, we only redeem, do not sell! Every Chinese product Tianjing needs at least one middle product. The Taoist or Zhongpin Daodan can be exchanged. How many do you need to know?"

"First come ten!" Ye Chenfeng pondered a bit, and the rich and powerful said.

"Boss, miss, please come with me!"

When Ye Chenfeng was to be exchanged for ten Chinese products, the smile on the cheongsam woman’s face was even stronger. They took them to a quiet and elegant room and personally poured two cups of spiritual tea for them.

"The son, can you let me identify the exchange of the son?" The cheongsam woman asked with a pleasant voice, and the soft voice made people feel very comfortable.


Ye Chenfeng killed many masters of the gods in the early stage and obtained a large number of Chinese style wares. He selected ten useless Chinese style wares and handed them to the cheongsam women.

"Wind dust, how do you have so many medium-sized devices!"

Looking at the front of Ye Chenfeng, one of the quality of the middle quality road device, Jiaoyu widened his eyes and asked with surprise.


Ye Chenfeng squinted at the cheeky voice and said.

"The ten Chinese styles are of good quality. I have exchanged treasures and sons."

One by one identified the ten Chinese style martial arts that Ye Chenfeng took out. The cheongsam woman showed a satisfied smile and whispered: "The son, please wait a moment, I will go to you for the middle of the day." Crystal."

"Wait, the next product, Tianjing, are you selling?" Ye Chenfeng yelled at her and asked.

"The son of the family is forgiven. Tianjing is extremely rare in the central world. We are only redeemable for the following products. We can exchange five pieces of the next product, each of which can be exchanged for one. The next product is Tianjing!" The cheongsam woman introduced her passionately.

"Okay, then I will exchange twenty of the following products!"

Ye Chenfeng took out three pieces of Chinese style, five pieces of lower quality equipment, and handed it to the cheongsam woman.

After a moment, the cheongsam woman took ten Zhongjing Tianjing, twenty of the following products, and completed the transaction with Ye Chenfeng.

When I wished to trade to Tianjing, Ye Chenfeng bought a few excellent quality heaven and earth grasses under the enthusiasm of the cheongsam women, and gave dozens of best flags, and gave them a good taste. Treasure level amulet.

There is no shortage of the main medicine for the refining of the heavenly sacred scorpion, and the treasure house is not.

Finally, in the cheongsam woman personally congratulated, Ye Chenfeng and his face were full of smiles, and the happy words left.


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