Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1126: Strong killing

"Looking for death!"

The woman in black did not think of her dreams. She would be counted by Ye Chenfeng. She was injured and injured two big fires, but made a wedding dress for him. The gas was almost crazy.

Using the black woman's intention, the golden lotus fire lotus was successfully transplanted into the Qiankun environment. Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, and the pedaling sword stepped away from the fire at a very fast speed.

"Where to escape!"

The raging black woman screamed and raised her speed to the peak, chasing Ye Chenfeng at a very fast speed, and it was necessary to intercept him and recapture the golden lotus.

"The Wrath of God!"

When Ye Chenfeng fled to the entrance of the fire, the purple sacred sacred, the two poles of ancient heaven and earth, the death of the sky fired his body, quickly blending, forming a terrible power of gods, such as the roar of the gods, bombardment A woman in black who is chasing after.

After being attacked by the wrath of God, the woman in black immediately condensed the map of the road of wood and the map of the fire, blocking it in front of her, resisting the attack of the wrath of God.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

When the woman in black borrowed the power of the two avenues and forcibly tore the wrath of the gods, Ye Chenfeng sacrificed the best dragon ice sword and took out a sword containing the sound of the avenue.

A sword is thrown out, like a mountain-like sword, which bears the imprint of the prosperous avenue, such as the bright moon, the venting of infinite moral pressure, smashing everything, mixed with the terrible sound of the avenue, bombardment A woman in black who has changed her face.


The two avenues were attacked by the ancient swordsman. Immediately, there were criss-crossing cracks. The terrible swordsman constantly attacked the black woman's body through the road map, which aggravated her physical injury.

"Abominable boy, I will kill you today!"

Understanding the amazing attack power of Ye Chenfeng, the woman in black knows that she has been played by him, and the lungs of her breath are almost blown up. At the cost, she continues to burn powerful blood, suppress the body injury and control the two ancient roads. Bao attacked Ye Chenfeng.

Incorporating the powerful blood and morality injected by the woman in black, the fist-sized ancient tortoise is constantly becoming bigger and becomes a living golden tortoise, emitting a golden light, like a hill, with Let the power of the fear of life, attack to Ye Chenfeng.

When the ancient Taobao attacked the golden tortoise, the black woman controlled another big ancient baby tower from the sky, releasing the suffocating repression force and heading to Ye Chenfeng.

"Nine maps, suppression!"

The woman in black controls the two ancient roads, and Ye Chenfeng does not panic. His thoughts and movements control the body of the holy treasure and the nine figures show the body. With the power of the nine dragon spirits, the suppression is two Ancient Taobao.

"What! This is the holy treasure."

Seeing that the two ancient road treasures were instantly suppressed by the Jiuyi map, the black woman’s brow squinted, showing a deep shock.

She did not think that Ye Chenfeng, the fourth-level beast of the beastly kingdom, not only had an amazing attacking power, but also had such a terrible heritage. He even had a holy treasure that was almost extinct in the central mainland.

"Yin and Yang chessboard!"

When the woman in black was surprised, Ye Chenfeng sacrificed the yin and yang chessboard that was obtained by killing Ze Lao, and injected a blood into the chessboard to control the yin and yang chess pieces falling off, such as a cold star. Flying to the woman in black.

In the black woman holding a dragon gun, intertwined with a sharp gun mans, when resisting the yin and yang chess pieces, she suddenly recognized the origin of the yin and yang chessboard, exclaimed: "How can the old yin and yang chess board be in you? In the hands."

In the face of the question of the woman in black, Ye Chenfeng ignored it. He burned three blood veins in an instant, and he also presented a Gorefiend map, which was combined with this evil magic treasure to enhance his own strength. To the limit.

"What the **** are you?"

Feeling the strength of Ye Chenfeng is almost the same as the nirvana level. The crazy skyrocketing exudes a sense of suffocating oppression. The soul and the mind of the body are like a sizzling river. Was shocked.

"You have too much nonsense!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng, whose strength has soared to the limit, has torn the sea with the ice dragon sword and approached the woman in black.


A sword smashed out, and the whole piece of fire was completely dull. The terrible Taowei took the mountain and river, and pierced the black woman’s chest at a speed that exceeded several times.

Feeling the possibility of Ye Chenfeng's sword, the black woman's instinctive reaction, the rolling intention was injected into the dragon's gun, and a shot was stabbed, such as the dragon to the sea, the sound is amazing, fully resisted Ye Chenfeng. A sword.

When the two avenues collided together, the force exceeding 200 million jins broke out in the arms of Ye Chenfeng. The terrible power passed through the dragon gun and passed into the arm of the woman in black, shaking her arm. Hemp continues to increase the body's injuries.

"How is it possible, how can there be such a power in his realm!"

Feeling the powerful power from the dragon gun, the black woman’s heart has set off a big wave. It can be said that the strength of Ye Chenfeng has broken her understanding of the realm of the beast, and she has produced fear.

"The sound of the avenue, the ancient melody!"

When the woman in black was surprised, the speed of the brain was speeding up. A lot of sounds appeared in the sea of ​​the morning spirit, playing the ancient melody, fluctuating with the void, bombarding the body and soul of the woman in black.


After the ancient sacred attack, the woman in black who was not hurt immediately felt the pain of the soul, and a stream of blood flowed down her seven holes.

"Three heads and six arms!"

The injury is constantly increasing. The woman in black has not escaped. She has once again changed into the ultimate form of three heads and six arms. It is necessary to kill Ye Chenfeng, recapture the Golden Lotus, and everything in Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, will you have three arms and six arms?"

Ye Chenfeng saw that the woman in black was armed with the Sixth Avenue, and changed into three heads and six arms. She was greeted by six heavy men, and she was violently killed in the dark gray fire.

"What the **** are you?"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng would have been rumored by the unicorn gods, the black woman showed an incredible color and wanted to know who he really was.


When the black woman questioned, Ye Chenfeng once again stabbed a sword.

A sword stabbed out, and thirty-six swords of Qiankun flew out of his body, quickly condensing into a picture, sweeping everything, attacking the woman in black.

"Six-way soldiers, block!"

The black woman’s face changed slightly, and immediately controlled the Sixth Avenue soldiers to resist the tide-like offensive of the Qiankun sword.

The power of Nai Kun Kunjian is extremely powerful, and she is too hurt to play the strongest strength. Under the attack of Qiankun Jianzheng, the Sixth Avenue soldiers were swayed, and the rich body was worn by the sword of Qiankun. A sword hole, a large amount of blood flowing out of control.


The woman in black was injured and retired. Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled thirty-six swords of Qiankun and merged them into a sword with a length of dozens of feet. Under the increase of bronze swordsmanship, it was like a galaxy hanging for nine days. , venting out the chilling swordsman.


Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the sword of Qiankun descended from the sky, and with the power to kill all the creatures, he turned to the black woman who wanted to dodge.

Suddenly, the soul of Ye Chenfeng’s brain broke out, forming a terrible stun power, and slammed into her soul sea, causing her reaction to briefly pause.

Although she recovered from awakening in a blink of an eye, this brief pause was fatal.


The sword of the Qiankun, which blends with the meaning of the avenue and the bronze sword, is broken. Under this sword attack, the mountains and rivers will be broken, and the heavens and the earth will be discolored.

Although the woman in black tried her best to defend, she still could not resist the attack of the sword of Qiankun. Most of the body was smashed by this sword, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out uncontrollably.

The body was hit hard. The woman in black wanted to crush the skyfire to escape from it, but Ye Chenfeng attacked faster. Under the control of his mind, Jiulong Yuxi emerged his body, blending Ye Chenfeng almost. All the soul power, turned into a lore killing dragon, bombarded in the black woman's body.


The six-pointed grotto trembled violently, and the hard space showed criss-crossings.

Under the attack of the Kowloon Jade, the woman in black was smashed and the soul was smashed, and the bones were gone.


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