Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1128: Santa Dan Battle

"Well, I didn't expect you to be a master of cultivating the kendo!" Looking at the road of the sword that emerged behind the fire spirit saint, Ye Chenfeng revealed a sharp smile. "Oh, I also cultivated the kendo. Take a look today, who is the kendo of us."

Speaking, the best dragon ice sword appeared in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, and there was also a road map of the sword behind him.

"I will let you know that it is a foolish decision to be against me!"

The sacred scorpion of the fire spirit shrinks, and the figure of the sword that floats behind him vents a large number of sword lines, such as the rolling tide, madly pouring into the sword of the sky, a sword stabbed to Ye Chen wind.

A sword is emptied, and it is ruthless.

The sword of the fire spirit saint is extremely terrible, and the attack power is more than the limit of the six-level beast.

"Tianjian Cangjie!"

Ye Chenfeng’s wrists trembled, and a large number of swords were draped in the ice dragon sword. A sword-like mantra ran across the road, with the power of extinction, and the sacred son of the fire spirit. The swords are intertwined.

The two swords are staggered, and the endless fire is stirred up. A large number of swords are diffused out, and they are fiercely repelled in the void.

Hard and fight a sword to divide the autumn, Ye Chenfeng and Huo Ling Shengzi continue to attack each other at the same time, to fight fast, to fight strong.

For a time, the space in which the two were located formed a horrible wind, and the sound of the piercing cracks continued to blast, and the entire space was covered with sword marks.

"This fire spirit saint really has arrogant capital, the strength is so terrible!"

With the time when the fire spirit samurai smashed a fragrant incense, Ye Chenfeng discovered that his attacking methods were endless, and his understanding of the kendo was not weaker than himself.

"Bronze Sword Soul, Melt!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the bronze sword spirit flew out of his soul sea, melted into the ice dragon sword, and instantly raised the attack power of the ice dragon sword to the limit.

The mighty avenue of the boulevard is constantly surrounded by the tip of the ice dragon sword. Ye Chenfeng has a sword and smashes the sky, smashing the swordsmanship intertwined with the fire spirit, such as a cold star, straight to his Chest.

Ye Chenfeng’s sword was attacked by the air, and the sacred son of the fire spirit shrank and changed instantly. In the blink of an eye, three swords were stabbed in a row, and the ice dragon sword stabbed in a continuous shape and the leaf morning wind was fierce. collision.

The fire sage is extremely powerful, but it can't resist the ice dragon sword that blends the bronze sword spirit.

With Ye Chenfeng's wrists shaking, the ice-cold sword, which is like a broken bamboo, smashes the swordsmanship that the fire spirit son stabbed.

A sword-mantle mixed with a few avenues flies away, as if to open the heavens and the earth, and slammed into the sacred son of the faint face, forcing him to dodge like one side.

"Blood burning!"

Although he shunned Ye Chenfeng’s slashing sword, the arrogant and flamboyant Son of the Fire felt a shameful disgrace. He quickly burned the power of the blood, and the triangular flame on his forehead reflected the endless fire. , greatly enhance his strength.

"God's blood, blood, and blood!"

In the face of Huo Ling Shengzi, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care. At the moment when he burned the blood, Ye Chenfeng also burned two blood vessels, greatly enhanced his strength, and carried the ice dragon sword to continue his attack.

For a time, the two great invincible swords traversed the void, tearing the earth, fierce collisions, the space where the swords crossed, and the sword marks that criss-crossed the road, which did not linger for a long time.


When the two men fought to the white-hot stage, Ye Chenfeng suddenly changed his mind, and a sword stabbed out. Thirty-six of the Qiankun sword arrays flew out, and instantly evolved into a Qiankun sword figure with a shrill ear. The sound of the air, the intensive attack on the Holy Spirit,

"Bronze Sword Soul, Melt!"

When Ye Chenfeng urged Qiankun Jianzhen to attack with all his strength, he melted the bronze sword spirit into the Qiankun sword array, increasing the attack of the sword of Qiankun.

The swords of the Qiankun are falling, as if you can smash the void, tear the earth, and bring great pressure to the fire spirit.

"Skyfire Map!"

The offensive was deducted by Ye Chenfeng, and the fire-fighting son decisively summoned a powerful map. When he merged with the map, the hot energy in the seven caves was crazy. Into the map, turned into pure energy, melted into his body, increasing his strength.


When the Fire Spirit Holy Son melted into the skyfire map, Ye Chenfeng controlled thirty-six swords of Qiankun and merged them together to swallow the tide of the heavens and rivers.

The sturdy sword of the shackles seems to destroy the foundation of this world, smashing the whole void, and let the fire sage have a feeling that the end of the world is coming, and the unyielding heart trembles inexplicably.


The sword of Qiankun was fallen, and the terrible Jianwei shattered the attack of the Holy Spirit, and slammed into his head.

Once his head is smashed by the sword, he will be killed without suspense.

"Sun Moon Mountain River Map, Defense!"

At the crucial moment, under the control of the Holy Spirit of the Fire Spirit, the holy treasure is suspended above the head. By this sacred treasure, it resists the fatal blow of the sword of Qiankun.

"Why, you haven't been very arrogant? How can this use the holy treasure!" Ye Chenfeng looked ugly, and the body of the fire violently tumbling in the body, coldly snarled: "I thought you were A character, now it seems, is just a species."

"You are looking for death!"

When the Holy Spirit of the Fire has been subjected to such humiliating humiliation, he screams in anger, continues to melt the map of the sky, and holds the sword of the sky to the air of Ye Chenfeng. It is necessary to kill Ye Chenfeng to vent his anger.

"200 million pounds of power, outbreak!"

The fire sage is like an angered lion, madly attacked, and Ye Chenfeng immediately ignited the power of the five great points, holding the ice dragon sword to fully attack.

When the best-selling ice dragon sword and the coffin sword collided together, a horrible force shattered the surging soul and the mind in the sword, and passed it into the arm of the fire spirit. His arm was open and he had a lot of blood flowing.


When the fire spirit was shocked, the soul of Ye Chenfeng broke out in the brain, forming a terrible dizzy force, and rushed into his soul sea, making his reaction appear a little slow.

Next, Ye Chenfeng inspired the strongest power of the bronze sword soul, melted into the ice dragon sword, and a sword broke through the air and stabbed the chest of the fire spirit son.

For a time, the dragons screamed in the ice dragon sword, and an ice dragon with a congenital pattern flew out the tip of the ice dragon, and the astounding screaming of the fire spirit saint with a sharp decline in reaction.


The sorcerer of the fire spirit who was dodging was swept away by Ye Chenfeng. The top-grade warrior suit worn by the Shangpin was opened with a half-meter long sword mark. A large amount of blood was sprayed out uncontrollably. Red his body.

A sword hits the fire son, and Ye Chenfeng does not give him a chance to breathe. He holds the ice dragon sword and continues to launch a deadly attack on him. He wants to kill him with a bang and end the battle.

At the crucial time, the fire spirit son was in a very embarrassing position, rolling on the ground, quickly escaping to the side, resisting the deadly attack of Ye Chenfeng.

"I want to see if you can hide a few times!"

Ye Chenfeng reveals a faint color, holding the ice dragon sword to attack, forcing the wolf's fire spirit son to suspend the sun and moon mountain river map in front of him, protecting the body and resisting Ye Chenfeng The waves are higher than a wave of tides.

The demeanour of the Central Plains is fascinating, and the sacred son of the emptiness of the sky is completely suppressed by Ye Chenfeng.

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