Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1138: I will try it

"Awesome strength!"

Jiao Yu, who looked at the old man in awe, was completely shocked by his strength, and wanted to take Ye Chenfeng out of here.

"I will try it!"

At this time, a young man wearing a dark gold embroidered tiger robes, fair-skinned, and arrogant young people came.

His own breath resonates with the surrounding air, and the eyebrows are a bit of a world-like momentum that shows his extraordinary.

"The Emperor Song, the Great Emperor of the Nine Gods!"

Looking at the man who is flying high, many people recognize his identity. He is the great emperor of the Nine Kingdoms, and the generation of the singer.

But it was such a shocking talent, but in the battle for the Prince, lost to the Emperor of the Three Emperors flying, it is more powerful and more amazing.

Pressing a Taobao on the Taiwan case, the Emperor Yangge picked up a wooden box full of prohibitions.

The next moment, a dragon like a dragon, the sound of a tiger-like knife rang, and a sword with a dragon blade and a tiger pattern appeared in the singer.

When he took the sword, the whole person's momentum gave an earth-shattering change. The fierce murderousness made many people feel fearful and afraid to approach him.

"Quasi-sacred dragon and tiger killing knife!"

Looking at the sword in the singer of the emperor, many people exclaimed and recognized the origin of this knife. This knives came from the hands of the master of the first sacred division of the gods in the nine days, and he spent countless efforts. Refining one of the most proud three pieces of quasi-saint, you can marry the sun, the moon and the stars, the power is terrible.

"The Emperor Song!"

Ying Chenfeng, who is controlling the devotion of the brain, is looking at the imposing emperor's song, and I want to know the strength of the nine-day **** king.

"Give me a break!"

The emperor’s song throws up the wooden box in his hand, and the whole person plucks up from the sky. The yin and yang road map, the road of heaven shows his body. He sings high and the whole person and the dragon and tiger When they are combined, the terrible doctrine bursts instantly, and everyone in the room feels suffocated and feared.

When the Emperor Yangge deduced the two avenues to the extreme, he took out a smashing knife. When the wooden box was banned, the prohibition of the wooden box suddenly trembled fiercely, cracking a small crack, the whole wooden box. Heavy squatting on the ground.

"Well, not open!"

Looking at the wooden box that fell to the ground, but healed quickly, the emperor’s brow furrowed slightly, revealing an unexpected color.

There was just a knife, he almost increased the attack power to the limit, the two road maps were pushed to the extreme, even if the best quality equipment can be cut off, but this knife was not allowed to move wood when the wooden box was banned. The box was banned, which surprised him.

Not only the emperor's songs showed a sense of surprise, but the crowds were also shocked. They couldn't believe that the prohibition of a wooden box was so strong that it blocked the attack of the emperor's song.

"Senior, your attack power is really good, but you want to rely on brute force to tear the wooden box and prohibit the far-reaching!" The old man of the robes looked at the emperor's song, which was locked in the brow, and said slowly.

"Predecessors, the younger generation wants another knife. If this knife is still fruitless, then the treasure is the predecessor!"

Although the old man of the Mapao is a bit harsh, but the Emperor Song knows that he has met a high-ranking person, and he dares not to let it go, politely said.

"Whatever!" said the old man in the robes.


The Emperor Yangge took a deep breath, and the two avenues once again revealed his body. When the two avenues were pushed to the extreme, the Emperor Songs quickly took a knife.

This knife is invincible, this knife is like a galaxy landing.

Everyone only felt a flash in front of him, and the dragon and tiger double knives in the emperor singer squatted on the wooden box.

The horrible knife moment filled out, scared a lot of strength, and the martial arts heart was not strong, and he almost sat down on the ground.

The four-level beastly kingdom of the realm of the beast, also affected by the pervasive killing of this knife, the legs are soft, leaning on the body of Ye Chenfeng.


The surface of the wooden box rang with a loud noise. Although the second knife of the Emperor Song was cracked and the wooden box was banned, it still did not open it and opened the wooden box.

"The younger generation concedes defeat, this treasure is the predecessor!"

After two knives, the Emperor Yangge did not have a third knife, because he knew that with his own attacking power, it was really impossible to directly tear the wooden box and ban it, and then attacked without any meaning.

"You know how to advance and retreat, you are very good."

The old man of the robes looked at the emperor’s song that he gave up, and the old eyes of the turbidity revealed a hint of appreciation, and said slowly.

"No one wants to give it a try. If no one is an old man, I have to collect it!" The old man in the robes looked at a person with a different expression and said slowly.

Seeing the nine-day **** kingdom emperor's songs can not break the wooden box ban, the people present are completely certain, this is a trap, this wooden box prohibition can not be opened.

"Since no one is there, I will try it!"

At this time, Ye Chenfeng, who has been controlling the devotion of the brain, spoke up. After the devotion of the brain, he captured the deficiencies of the ban and found a way to crack the ban.

And in the mind of the gods, he also found the origin of this prohibition.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, who came out slowly, the crowd of people on the scene showed a trace of disdain. In their view, even the Emperor of the Nine Kingdoms, the Emperor’s Song of Nirvana, could not break this wooden box, only four Ye Chenfeng, who is in the realm of the beastly kingdom, is impossible to break open.

He is just sensational.

"Look at your appearance, it seems very sure!" The old man in the robes squinted his eyes, looking up and down the morning wind, and said slowly.

"There is no grasp of the full, but there are 80%!" Ye Chenfeng said calmly.

And his words suddenly brought a noisy sound, and the face of the imperial songs and other people who failed to crack the ban was obviously ugly.

"Since you are so sure, try it. I hope you are not bragging!" said the old man in the robes.

"If I am not mistaken, the prohibition in this box should be a ban, and it will be circulated in the ancient times. It can ban the sacred beast. However, according to my observation, this shack is just like a shack. The power is even less than one percent of the real sleep!"

Ye Chenfeng took out a Taobao and placed it on the booth. He gently picked up the wooden box that was not very heavy and flowing with a strong ban, and said slowly.


The words of Ye Chenfeng just fell, and the old eyes of the old man in the robes of the robes smashed the radiance of the road, and the wrinkles on his face were completely stretched out, revealing a hint of surprise.

"Yes, this is just a sleepy day, the little brothers have good eyesight!"

"You can try to break this sleepy ban, if you can, I pick up the things on this booth!" The old man in the robes excitedly urged.

When the old man in the robes was excited, the people who sneered at the morning breeze were all stupid.


Ye Chenfeng nodded, reaching out to the palm of his hand and slowly groping for a wooden box.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng's fingers point out like lightning, and a finger is in the wooden box prohibition.

Next, Ye Chenfeng retracted his fingers, and then pointed out the nine fingers, respectively, in the wooden box forbidden.

Suddenly, the energy of the road is centered on the fingers of Ye Chenfeng, and spreads quickly around.

Soon, the cracks in the wooden box were criss-crossed, and the cracks spread more and more quickly and quickly spread throughout the wooden box.

And this strange scene, shocked the audience, so that everyone present, all stupid, can not believe what they saw.

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