Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1144: The conflict caused by the Imperial Sword

"Tianzi, you are hurt!"

The emperor’s song saw Jian Tianzi’s back covered with blood and his face changed. He quickly asked her about her injury.

"I'm fine!" Jian Tianzi shook his head. Danfeng's eyes burned with flaming ambitions and looked at Ye Chenfeng. "I am looking forward to fighting with you. I hope you don't let me wait too long."

"If you really want to fight hard, after the Heavenly Games, I will play with you!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the soul of the soul, and drops a lot of power to repair the wound on the chest without fear.

"The gap between you and me is too big, I won't be so big, so even if you beat you, it doesn't make sense!" Jian Tianzi said coldly.

"You are a proud woman!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and some admired the sword-like posture of the world.

"Let's go!"

Sword Tianzi put away the sword of the gods and looked at the emperor's songs beside him. He said arrogantly.

"Wait a minute, I still have something to look for!"

The emperor’s song looked at Ye Chenfeng, who took away the Emperor’s sword, and said slowly.

"The emperor's song, you will not do the kind of price reduction!" Jian Tianzi's brow slightly wrinkled, looking at the emperor's song with a smile on his lips, asked coldly.

"I naturally don't like the people of the Kirin Kingdom, I am forced to buy and sell strong, I just want to get back the same treasure that should belong to my nine-day godland!" The emperor said slowly: "Hello, if I don't admit it, the sword in your hand is the Emperor Sword."

"You have made a mistake!"

Ye Chenfeng knew that the Emperor Tianjian was the object of the old **** of the nine-day god, but he did not intend to return it.

"Whether you admit it, I know that I have not admit it. The sword in your hand is the Emperor Sword. It is a sword of my nine-day **** god gods!" The Emperor Yang Ge said calmly: " I don't know if you are willing to return this sword to my nine-day **** country, but you can rest assured that I will not want this sword to be imperial, I am willing to give you a sword in exchange for the best sword." Emperor Yangge seems to be generous Said.

"I said, you admit your mistake, this is not your nine-day **** god sabre!" Ye Chenfeng thought of a move, the ice dragon sword and the emperor sword into the territory of the Qiankun, said faintly.

"Hello, this Emperor Tianjian is not high in level, but for my nine-day **** country, it is a symbol of the times, please return it!" The Emperor Song said: "As long as you are willing to Return, conditions can be mentioned casually."

Although the performance of Emperor Yangge has no problems and his attitude is very sincere, but Ye Chenfeng has a feeling that his purpose of returning to Emperor Tianjian is not simple, and this Emperor Tianjian is afraid of hiding a big secret. A secret that I don't know.

"Xuanwu brother, we will have a period later. Language, let's go."

Ye Chenfeng did not entangle with the emperor's songs, and wanted to leave with the Jiao family and the Zhou family.

"Wait!" The emperor's body flashed slightly, blocking in front of Ye Chenfeng, and said coldly: "Do you really want to meet with me?"

"I am not going to meet you, but you are screaming and entangled!" Ye Chenfeng greeted the emperor's song and turned cold, and said without fear.

"Why, I am in trouble, do you want me to solve it for you!" At this moment, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded.

When wearing men's clothing, it is difficult to hide the arrogant appearance, the beauty of the water and cold smoke, shaking the folding fan, accompanied by the two followers came over.

"Water cold smoke!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of cold water, the brow of Emperor Yangge’s brow was noticeably wrinkled. He did not expect that the cold smoke would appear at this time, for the early morning of Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, then please help me to drive away some nasty flies!" Ye Chenfeng looked at a chilly, cold-faced smoke, smiled softly and said softly.

"I really want to ask for the return of the Emperor's sword. If you export the wounded, I will be rude to you!" The emperor's face was heavy and he said angrily.

"The emperor's song, tear off the face of your hypocrite." The water cold smoke came to Ye Chenfeng, and said unceremoniously: "Do you know why you lost to Emperor Feiyang when you fight for the Son of Heaven? Because you are too Hypocrisy, too fake, if the nine-day **** country is handed over to you, there will be a day of demise soon and evening."

"Water cold smoke, I advise you not to irritate me, otherwise I am not welcome to you!" The cold water smoke in public to unravel the scars, which makes the emperor's songs angry and cold, cold warning.

"Okay, then I will see how you are rude to me!" The water cold smoke closed up the folding fan, the red lips were slightly tilted, and there was no fear.

Although her strength is far less than the emperor's song, but her two followers are powerful, and they will never lose money.

And after Emperor Feiyang became the emperor, he constantly attacked the forces controlled by the Emperor Yangge. Once the emperor’s songs collided with himself, causing disputes between the two great kingdoms of God, they would surely be caught by the Emperor Feiyang and give him a fatal blow. .

"Water cold smoke, I am here today, you can't keep him, I must take it back!"

Speaking, the Emperor Yangge took out the communication beads and told the king of the map to tell him the news of the reappearance of the Emperor Tianjian.

"Let's go!"

Seeing the emperor's songs in public to the Tu Tianwang communication, the water and cold smoke brows slightly wrinkled, when the machine broke.

Tian Tianwang is a big man in charge of real power in the nine-day kingdom, and he controls the extremely large forces. If he comes forward, things will develop into a situation that cannot be reversed.

"Hey, before Wang Shufu, no one can go!" The emperor’s body flashed slightly, and with his tall and straight body, he stood in front of Ye Chenfeng.

"I just want to stop me!"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes shot a thick cold light, and the **** and white bones intertwined with the killing effect, which was said.

"Ye Chenfeng, you are not his opponent. Before the future of Tianwang, you will leave here quickly, I will help you with it!"

The water cold smoke deeply understands the strength of the Emperor Yangge, fearing that Ye Chenfeng suffers a loss, grabbing his arm and urging the voice.

"Trust me, even if the king of the picture comes, don't dare to hurt me!" Touching the hesitation in Ye Chenfeng's eyes, the water and cold smoke continued to pass.

"Be careful!"

Although the water cold smoke just blackmailed him, he was quite annoyed, but when he was in trouble, the water and cold smoke came forward, making Ye Chenfeng more moved, and whispered, he would forcibly leave.

"I said, Wang Shu, you can't go before the future!"

Speaking, the emperor’s songs vented infinite knives in his body, and a slash of sorrows and sorrows fell from the void, and slammed into the front of Ye Chenfeng, not giving him the opportunity to leave.

Looking at the conflict between Ye Chenfeng and Emperor Yangge, Xuanwu brows slightly wrinkled, and constantly choose whether to help.

Although he can ignore the princes, he has to face up to the singer of the Emperor of the Nine Kingdoms and think about the series of consequences of his conflict.

In the end, he sighed softly and gave up the idea of ​​helping Ye Chenfeng.

As Ye Chenfeng prepares to shoot, a breath like the sea Wang Ze is coming in, and the figure king wearing a dark golden dragon robes appears in an unbeatable posture, directly breaking the leaves. The morning wind forced the thought of breaking through.

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