Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1159: Wolf of the Wolverine Son

The Vulcan world, the most mysterious mustard space above the Temple of Fire, is also the place where the temples of the Temple of Heaven practice.

"Interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect that little guy to give us a surprise!" Xuantou, the master of the Temple of Heaven, looked at the image of a huge light above the Vulcan world, revealing a faint smile.

And the image that has just been mapped by the light is the combination of Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuyu. Under the guardianship of the Holy Beast, the image of the nine-star lotus seed is forcibly taken.

"Yeah, the little guy snatched four nine-star lotus seeds at the last moment, it is estimated that this beast will be very depressed!" Vice-president Xuan Qingyun said with a smile.

"There is no reason for the little guy, the soul has reached such a level, even the sacred fire of the Suzaku can not melt his soul instantly." The Great Elder Xuan Atrium has a strong background on Ye Chenfeng’s identity. curiosity.

"The little guy should have a very good master, otherwise it is impossible to refuse to accept the idiots, but according to Yan Ruyu, the little guy is bleeding with the blood of my human race. With this alone, it is worth cultivating! Xuan Hong said slowly.

And he is asking Yan Ruyu to come out and help Ye Chenfeng to solve the behind-the-scenes people.

"The Lord, you said that the little guy, can finally get the number?" Xuan Qingyun also appreciated Ye Chenfeng, whispered.

"I don't know too much about him. I don't know how much he will practice Dan, but with his anti-sky means and powerful soul, he should have the opportunity to rush into the top ten in the alchemy competition." Hongzheng pondered and said.

"The top ten? With his age, it is impossible to refine the quasi-sacred Dan." Thinking of the age of Ye Chenfeng, the Great Elder Xuan Atrium said with some suspicion.

After all, rushing into the top ten of the alchemy competition, it is not enough to refine the ancient Dao Dan, and it is necessary to refine the quasi-shengdan. Refining Quasi-Shan Dan requires not only a powerful soul, a deep alchemy heritage, a powerful flame, but also a long period of accumulation, thousands of experiments, which is why the Central Continental Saint Seiya, the Holy Grail The reason why the teacher is scarce.

"When this little guy enters the Jiuzhong Grotto and enters the ancient medicine mountain, who can think of it, he can get the holy sacred, accept the holy fire, and under the guardianship of the sacred beak, take away the four nine-star lotus seeds." Xuan Hong asked positively.

"It seems that the lord feels that he will create a miracle again!" Xuan Zhongting said with a smile.

"There is this possibility, we will wait and see!" Xuan Hong just nodded and said.

But Xuan Hongzheng and others did not think that Ye Chenfeng’s goal was not to enter the top ten in the alchemy competition, but the top three in alchemy and refining.

"Okay, one hour is here, you are ready, start!"

With the death of Xuan Changxin, a powerful soul rises into the air, like a long river, flocking to the sea like a fire, burning a thousand pieces of fire spirit, rushing to conquer them, vying for Eligibility for promotion.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuying looked at each other and released a powerful soul close to the two Holy Valley disciples who were fully convinced of the fire spirit.

Ye Chenfeng and Jiaoyu’s souls are too strong. Under the attack of their souls, the two disciples who just received the fire spirit and are happy in the future will be forcibly taken away by the two of them. It was torn directly by them.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuzhen control the two groups of fire spirits, turned into a shocking one-on-one phoenix, rolling the boundless sea of ​​fire, whistling and attacking more than a dozen Shenghuo Valley disciples.

Under their exquisite fire control attack, a famous disciple of the Holy Fire Valley could not resist it. The soul in the fire spirit was constantly torn by the fire dragon and the fire phoenix.


When the soul of a famous disciple of the Holy Valley was burned out by Ye Chenfeng, the fire spirit son was furious, and immediately controlled the fire into a powerful fire tiger, and rushed up.


Ye Chenfeng controlled the fire dragon to send out a terrifying dragon, twisting the huge body to meet, and the fire tiger controlled by the fire spirit saint was fiercely killed in the void, and an endless flame broke out.

Fire Dragon Fire Tiger fights in the void, and the phoenix controls the fire phoenix, like the autumn wind and leaves, the soul of a famous disciple of the Holy Valley is burned out.

In an instant, the entire Holy Fire Valley is left with only one of the fire spirits, and the souls of the remaining disciples are all destroyed, and the fire spirits they have received are also robbed by others.

The soul was destroyed, and a disciple named Shenghuo Valley was immediately hunted by the soul. However, in order to enter the preliminary round, they did not give up, regardless of the soul damage, and continued to release the soul into the air and compete for the fire spirit.


A sharp voice of the birds rang, and the singer controlled the fire and phoenix from the sky, rolling the hot sea of ​​fire, and burning the soul of a famous disciple of the Holy Valley again, damaging their souls.

"Wind dust, do you really want to die with my holy fire valley?" The face of the flaming spirit of the Holy Spirit did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so embarrassed, rushed to kill, angry voice.

"Why, is this angry?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "The game is just beginning, let's enjoy it slowly."

Said, Ye Chenfeng's thoughts move, the ferocious attacking fire dragon suddenly spins up, forming a powerful flame vortex, wanting to smash the fire tiger in it.

Feeling the horror of the flame vortex, the face of the fire spirit is slightly changed, and he quickly controls the fire tiger to continually jump in the void, gliding against the flame vortex.

"I want to see where you are going to escape!"

Ye Chenfeng constantly enhances the power of the soul, and controls the flame vortex to chase the fire tiger controlled by the Holy Spirit. It is necessary to smash its soul.

At this time, Jiao Yuzhen controlled the fire and phoenix to attack, and also turned into a flame vortex, blocking the fire spirit son.

"Mom, the two guys are so big, they have been playing against my holy fire valley again and again. Today is over, I can’t spare them!"

In a quiet room in the Guansai Pavilion, a tall, flamboyant, long-haired red-haired man looks like a fire-fighting sage. The middle-aged man with unfathomable strength is witnessed by the light. The disciples of the Holy Fire Valley were almost completely destroyed. The Son of Fire Spirit was stalked by Ye Chenfeng, and the singer of the dog was like a funeral dog. The violent violent leaping was like a thunder, and the anger roared loudly.

And this red-haired man is the Lord of the Holy Fire, the strength of Nirvana, and the fire of the title of the sage.

"Fire spirit duck, you are not very strong, very strong? How can this be like a mad dog to escape around! I really doubt if your nine-day celestial badge is not coming."

Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yu嫣 pursued the fire spirit controlled by the fire spirit, while chanting him and disturbing his heart.

"You give me a wait, this hatred will be reported to the Holy Valley of Fire!" The fire spirit saint gnawed his teeth and counterattacks, dare not have a slight distraction, and fully evaded the pursuit of Ye Chenfeng.

Because Ye Chenfeng is too strong, the flame vortex formed is too terrible. No one dares to help the spirit of the Son against the enemy. He can only watch as he flees like a house dog.

In order to avoid the pursuit of Ye Chenfeng, the fire spirit Shengzi made all the stops, and the fire tiger seemed to climb like a dragon. At this time, the fire spirit son felt that time was so difficult.

When he couldn't hold on to it, the time of a fragrant incense finally passed, and the tired soul, who was almost exhausted, escaped from the robbery, and held the fire spirit he controlled, and entered the preliminary game with thrills.

However, although he advanced, but was chased by Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yu, the scene of the chasing, but he suffered a shameful shame, plus the Holy Fire Valley disciple in addition to his entire army, he wants to vomit blood.

"You two are waiting for me, I can't spare you!"

The Son of Fire Spirit glared at the blood-red eyes, glaring at Ye Chenfeng, and swearing.

" Coincidentally, I also want to send you this sentence, I can't spare you!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth is slightly upturned, and the **** for tat.

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