Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1161: 道痴,绝剑,药焱


The gray-faced fire scorpion climbed up on the ground, like an irritated lion, glaring at the infiltrating eyes, angry roaring.

A humiliation that has never been experienced is filled in his heart, completely stimulating the fierceness and killing in his heart. At this time, he only wants to kill and kill the sneak attacker with the most **** means. Wash your own shame.

"I kicked!"

When wearing a linen robes, the sorrowful sorrowful sorrowful singer has no savvy nose and arrogant.

After the road, there was a middle-aged man and two old men standing.

Although the three people are the same as Taoism, they are very ordinary in appearance, and there is no trace of exogenous body on them. But where the three of them stand, they form a strange atmosphere in the invisible, which makes people dare not look straight.


Looking at the idiot wearing a linen robes, the anger on the face of the fire suddenly disappeared, and the brows were tightly twisted together.

He asked himself that he had never offended the idiot. He couldn’t figure out why he was suddenly shot at this festival, and he hoped that Tianhou and others would teach himself.

But I think of the strength of the idiot and the status in the Central Continent, Firefly knows that he can't offend him, he has to press his inner anger, forcing a smile that is more ugly than crying: "Predecessors I know that I didn't offend my predecessors. I don't know why my seniors attacked me."

"Sneak attack on you." Dao screamed and smiled, and said unceremoniously: "As for your three-legged cat's effort, it is also a sneak attack. You really thought it was the Holy Valley, and it was invincible."

"Why did the seniors shoot at me?"

Fire 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 戟 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火 火Road.

"I am teaching you, don't look at the eyes of the head!" Dao screamed loudly.

"Predecessors, you know them!"

After hearing the words of the idiot, there was a bad thought in the heart of the fire, and he whispered.

"Small, I see that you really ate the bear and the leopard, and everyone dares to bully. Anyone dares to oppress! Is it that you feel that the strength of Nirvana is invincible?" His face was iron and blue, and his body was not controlled by the blazing fire. He said aloud.

"Little 戟戟..."

When I heard the name of the idiot on the fire, Ye Chenfeng deliberately laughed, and the crowds were not smiling, but they were red.

This title is too insulting, and the madness of the fire is almost vomiting blood.

"Predecessors, I did not intend to oppress them, they are too deceiving, no one is in sight, not only openly robbing me of the treasures I have discovered, but also in the knockout match, deliberately targeting my holy fire valley, leading to all other disciples except my son. I was killed!"

The fire screamed at the sneer of his own leaf morning wind, biting his teeth and explaining the bones.

"The fire valley owner has a set of things that are upside down in black and white. I have seen it in the next!" Ye Chenfeng sneered and retorted.

"Why, you still want to argue!" The fire-blooded blood-red eyes glared at Ye Chenfeng, and he wished that he would be able to solve his heart and hate.

"Fire Valley Lord, since you said that I am soaring, then can I ask you, and your son has several questions!" Ye Chenfeng ignored the angry eyes of the fire, sneer a voice:

"That treasure is the owner of the seven fires. I and your son found fair competition at the same time. He was not good enough for me. I took away the treasures. How did you get to your mouth? The thing, is the Jiuzhong Grotto a private property of your holy fire valley?”

"And, you said that I was targeting you in the last knockout, but why don't you ask, more than two thousand people, why don't you target others, but against you?"

"It’s really a deceitful thing for you! If it’s not that he deliberately retaliates against me, he has destroyed the old soul in the ancient medicine mountain, and wants to insult the language in public, will I have nothing to do with him?”

"What, insults in public..."

I haven't waited for the fire, and the fire spirit replied, and a raging anger burst out in the body of the Tao.

"Fire, you believe that our four old guys will go to your holy fire valley, destroy your roots, and receive the five elements of the holy fire, let your holy fire valley be removed from the central world."

"Predecessors, you are angry, this is just his nonsense, predecessors should not take it seriously!"

Fire Scorpio does not know the relationship between Jiao Yu and Dao, and looks at the emotional, maddening madness, and constantly explains.

"Language, just said that the wind is not the truth, some people want to insult you in the ancient drug mountain!" Dodge did not listen to the explanation of the fire, did not look at the voice of the singer, whispered .

"Returning to the master, the words of the wind and dust are true, the fire spirit saints hate the wind, deliberately participate in the knockout, want to retaliate against us, my master lost to their souls, lost the qualification of the preliminary contest, and They blocked me in a valley, trying to insult me, if it was not a strong soul, I am afraid, I am afraid..."

In the end, Jiao Yan licked her lips and didn't know how to say it.


Hearing the name of the idiot, the fire is stupid, the fire spirit is stupid, and the people waiting to watch the show are stupid.

At this time, Huo Tianyu finally knows why Daoqi suddenly shot himself and attacked himself. It is even clearer why Tianhou and others are not afraid of themselves. I also want to see why Tianwang sees himself like a plague. The language is a disciple of Tao.

"Fire, you are a big dog, and even my disciples are dare to insult, the old man has killed you today!"

The road is mad, and the power of the explosion in the body vibrates the whole space and it is confusing. When he catches himself, he directly catches the face of the fire that has changed his face.

"Predecessors, this is my fault, my father is not informed, he is blinded by me, you should punish me if you want to punish."

The Holy Spirit of the Fire knows the horror of the idiot, and knows the power of his control. If he really wants to destroy the Valley of the Holy Fire, he can't resist the call of the Holy Fire Valley. In desperation, he can only stand on the scalp. Come out, kneel on the ground, swearing for a crime.

"You just want to insult my apprentice!"

The road is fascinating, and the two rays of the spear are suddenly condensed. They directly penetrate the fire sage, break his body defense, penetrate his body, and have a lot of blood in his body. The flow came out.

"Predecessors, under the mercy, as long as the seniors will spare us, I am willing to pay a gift.!"

The Holy Spirit is the favorite son of Fire Scorpio, and it is the hope of his future. If he is killed, it will bring irreparable damage to the Valley of the Fire. In desperation, the fire is only A humiliating beggar.

"Dow crazy, your temper is still so explosive!"

At this moment, a thick voice suddenly sounded. An old man wearing a white refining suit, his hair was white, and his hair was suddenly out of the crowd. He looked at the madness in the anger and said slowly.

This crane-born boy, the old man, is the same as the Taoist, one of the top ten scattered masters in the Central World. He will practice alchemy to the unconventional realm, and his fame will be above the master of the sorrow, with a great appeal.

When the medicine appeared, standing behind the road, wearing a black robes, black long hair casually scattered on the shoulders, the middle-aged man with eyes closed like a sly suddenly opened his eyes, an invisible sword light shot Come out, people can't look straight.

And this black robe man, the identity is equally terrible, he is also one of the top ten scattered in the Central World, known as the sword of the Emperor of Wanjian, the attack power is more above the Tao.

There were three people in the Central World's top ten majors, and suddenly became the absolute focus. The news was spread out at a very fast speed, and an uproar was set in the city of Vulcan.

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