Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1165: Technical surprises

A huge bell suddenly rang in the skyfire and passed to everyone's ears.

"Okay, alchemy is over, everyone stops alchemy!"

Xuan Changxin appeared in the void and looked at nearly two thousand alchemists with different expressions. He said with a deep voice: "Put your refining medicinal herbs on the stone platform, check by the stone platform, and the alchemy fails. Or the alchemy teacher with insufficient quality of medicinal herbs will be sent away from Skyfire by Shitai!"

Soon, many stone platforms mapped out the light of the road, and nearly 800 alchemists were sent out of the sky, and as they left, the stone platforms disappeared.

At this time, Xuan Changxin, who presided over the preliminary round, said: "Congratulations on the second round of the preliminary round. This second round of the preliminary test is to test your alchemy speed and alchemy proficiency. You each have two hours of alchemy. Who can refine the most medicinal herbs in these two hours, who is the winner, and we will rank according to the number of alchemy and the quality of alchemy, the first three hundred qualify for the final round of the preliminary round."

"Okay, take a break, after a time, take a second round of tests!"

Although this second round of trials is more difficult, but for Ye Chenfeng, there is still no challenge. He sits quietly beside Shitai, and adjusts his knees to wait for the second round of assessment.

Soon, an hour has passed.

Nearly 900 stone slabs suddenly mapped a large amount of white light, and the people who reflected it could not open their eyes.

When the glare of white light disappeared, nearly ten of the stone platforms on the stone platform appeared at the same time, and Dan Fang, which was sealed in the ban, and hundreds of herbs stacked together.

"Everyone is ready, the second round of the preliminary round begins!"

Xuan Changxin looked at the alchemy masters and was ready to go. The second round of the preliminary round began, and the ban on the stone platform disappeared instantly.

Ye Chenfeng, like most alchemists, grabbed a piece of Zhang Danfang and quickly recorded the ten herbs in Dan Fang into his mind, and cast his gaze into the pile of herb heaps.


Ye Chenfeng's right hand quickly explored, and the herbs in Danfang were captured with great precision, and one brain was thrown into the Dan furnace.

"Well, what is he doing? It is difficult for him to refine ten kinds of remedies at the same time!"

I have been secretly observing the mysterious letter of Ye Chenfeng, and found that Ye Chenfeng has put nearly 200 kinds of herbs needed to refine ten kinds of lower-grade Dao Dan into the Dan furnace. The white eyebrows gently shake. The old face showed a hint of unexpected color.

Not only Xuan Changxin was attracted by Ye Bingfeng’s bold move. Many people in the viewing team cast their eyes on Ye Chenfeng, and I want to know what he is doing.

Residents look at Tianhou and Mu Qinghuo, but they are extremely relaxed. They have long seen the morning alchemy of Ye Chenfeng against the sky, and they are not worried about him at all.

There are 189 kinds of herbs that are refining ten kinds of lower grades of Dao Dan. One of Ye Chenfeng’s mouths is sprayed out of the fire, and it is injected into the Dan furnace, and it is used to control the burning death. In accordance with Dan Fang, Hao Tianhuo skillfully separated a large number of herbs, releasing a powerful soul, and purifying 189 herbs.

"I rely on, what the kid is, how crazy, how to refine ten kinds of Dao Dan in a Dan furnace, what the guy wants to do."

"What else can you do, of course, is to show the limelight, but this is not so good, I see that there will be failure in alchemy!"

"Failure is affirmative. Like him, the people who are sensational, I see more, and finally there is nothing to end!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng refining ten different Dao Dan at the same time, the audience in the game console suddenly sounded a burst of discussion. Almost everyone is not optimistic about Ye Chenfeng, and he does not believe that he can be so anti-day, at the same time Refining ten kinds of Dao Dan.

"Mom, what does the kid want to do? Does he know that he is invincible and deliberately give up in this way?"

In the quiet room of the Guansai Pavilion, the fire and the sky smashed the morning wind and refined the ten kinds of Dandao's feats. It was also shocked and screamed.

"He is demonstrating like us!"

The medicine slowly tasted the fragrant tea in the cup, and looked at Ye Chenfeng, who performed alchemy like a flowing stream, and said slowly.

"Demonstration? Master, do you think he can succeed?" The fire screamed, incredulously said.

"If it is you, would you make a joke with Shengdan? And lose to Huo Ling, he loses not only a holy Dan, but also dignity!" The medicine drunk the tea in the cup Waterway: "So his move is like our demonstration, let us know that his superb alchemy and the belief of winning."

"Master, we can't lose this battle. Once lost, my holy fire valley will be discredited, and it will be difficult to raise your head again."

As a sacred teacher, Firefly knows how difficult it is to refine ten different grades of medicinal herbs in the same Dan furnace. Even if he is not fully grasped, if Ye Chenfeng is really successful, then he The alchemy is terrible.

"Staying in the air, what he wants is that we are self-defeating." The medicine pot put down the teacup, and the turbid eyelids revealed a cold light: "This child is a good idea, but unfortunately, things will not be smooth, he Destined to be a loser."

After more than half an hour of purification, the 189-flavored herb was turned into a drop of pure spirit liquid. At this time, Ye Chenfeng did not stop any more, and continuously injected two deaths into the Dan furnace. The power of the flame is great, and at the same time, ten of the lower grades are condensed.

Although at the same time, it is more difficult to purify the ten lower-grade dan, but it is more difficult to purify at the same time. However, Ye Chenfeng, who has a large number of soul fragments, has many alchemy experiences that the sage does not have.

And his alchemy technique is more mysterious. Between the two hands twisting, the dan dan is like a lively little fish, swaying in the void, constantly drilling into the fire-filled Dan furnace, upgrading With the quality of the next product.

"Severe, this wind and dust refinement is easy, and it is quite popular. This is really possible, like the guess of the lord, rushing into the top ten of the alchemy competition!"

I have been observing the mysterious letter of Ye Chenfeng's alchemy, and I saw that Ye Chenfeng's look is calm and sophisticated. The whole process of alchemy is done in one go, and he appreciates him more.

After more than half an hour, Ye Chenfeng opened a pair of eyes like a mans, and his hands were very rhythmically flapping the hot furnace that was burned by the fire.

And every time his palm hits, there will be a taste in the Dan furnace, Dan Chengdan, even knocking ten times, ten of the next product Dao Dan are all formed, with the hot energy, the brush is opened tightly The closed furnace cover flew into the air.

Seeing ten of the following products, Dao Dan rushed out of the furnace, and the people who passed the Guangxuan Watch were stunned, revealing the feelings of living and ghosting. Just a little noisy Guansai Pavilion suddenly quieted down.

It can be said that Ye Chenfeng’s superb alchemy technique has stunned all the suspicions and made everyone aware of his terrible.

And his stunning performance is more like a thorn in the hearts of everyone in the Valley of the Flames.

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