Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1174: Overbearing response

"Wind dust, language, don't have too much burden on the heart, we continue to look forward to your wonderful performance in Guansai Pavilion, come on!"

Take the morning light to the outside of the Temple of Fire, and hope that Tianhou whispered a whisper, and watched Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuyu walk into the Temple of Fire.

The two of them just walked into the Temple of Fire, and a strong breath appeared. One was not tall, and the spirit was full of arrogance. The face was hung with a arrogant color, and the white hair symbolizing the highest identity badge was hung on the chest. The old man walked into the Temple of Fire in the tiger step.

"Wind dust, the old man is the master of the sacred sacred man who is known as the sacred hand of Danzhong. I am the first priest of the nine-day **** country. He is the first sage of the alchemy contest." Morning wind introduced.


Ye Chenfeng looks at the master of the eternal death far away. He feels that his whole person is integrated with the space, regardless of each other. If he does not look at it with the naked eye, he seems to be unable to detect his existence.

After the arrival of the Master of Silence, the Master of the Heart of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, the Master of the Blue Mountains of the Qilin Kingdom, the Master of the Moon of the Heavenly Forces, and the Master of the Water Moon, have arrived.

Although they did not have any communication with each other, they stood proudly in the Temple of Fire, but they gave a great sense of oppression, as if they were a giant mountain, not to be shaken.

When Ye Chenfeng secretly looked at his main competitors, Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense of perceived that four sharp dawns locked himself.

"Fire, I didn't expect him to sign up!"

Looking at the side of Huo Ling Shengzi, he is full of burly, with a fire-red long hair, and Ye Chenfeng reveals a playful smile.

But the fire scorpion is also a holy teacher, but he is not the main target of Ye Chenfeng. Ye Chenfeng looked at him coldly and took his eyes back, waiting patiently.

Soon, the 20 alchemy divisions who participated in the semi-finals were all together, and they were twenty, representing almost the highest level of refining in the Central World.

"You have been away for a long time!"

Suddenly, the silent void splits a gap, and the five giants of the Temple of Heaven, led by the Lord Xuan Hongzheng, came out of the Vulcan world and came to the Temple of Fire.

"The main hallkeeper, don't delay the time, speed the game!"

The master of silence who closed his eyes and meditated opened his turbid old eyes and looked at the crane hair, like the Xuan Hongzheng of the gods, and said slowly.

"Master of Silence, don't worry, let me introduce the rules of the game to the little guys who entered the semi-finals for the first time, and then start the contest!" Xuan Hong is revealing a kind smile, whispered: "The semi-final is the same as the rematch. In the elimination tournament, only 10 of you can enter the finals. In order to be fair, Dan Fang, the herbs are all provided by my temple, and the medicinal herbs that you have produced are also owned by my temple.

The Heavenly Temple held a refining contest, although it was quite expensive, but the harvest was great. The refining of the alchemy in each of the alchemy contests was enough to make up for their huge consumption.

Know that the value of ancient Dao Dan and other medicinal herbs is extremely high, not to mention the possibility of quasi-sacred Dan. If these medicinal herbs are owned by the Temple of Heaven, then the resources they have are indeed powerful and unimaginable.

"Okay, this semi-final competition is five days, you can choose Dan Fang!"

Speaking, the Qiankun ring in the hands of the deputy master Xuan Qingyun maps out the white light, and nearly a hundred jade pieces depicting different levels of Dan Fang are suspended in front of him.

At this time, the masters of the silence and others have released powerful souls into a piece of jade, and selected Dan Fang.

Soon, everyone chose Danfang.

Because of the difficulty of refining Quasi-Shengdan, in addition to the masters of silence, the master of Danxin, the master of Bilu, and the master of Shuiyue, all others chose to refine the ancient Dao Dan.

Ye Chenfeng chose to refine the ancient Dao Dan, named Tianxian Guludan, which can enhance the strength of the Nirvana realm without any side effects.

Tianxian Guludan can be said to be one of the best in Dandan, the most difficult and the most difficult to refine, and one hundred and eight kinds of herbs are needed for alchemy.

In addition to Ye Chenfeng, there are seven people who choose to refine Tianxian Guludan, including Fire and the Fire and Son.

"The referee will be done by us five, and you have no objections!"

Ye Chenfeng and others have chosen Danfang, and they are highly respected. Xuan Hong, who has absolute authority, is showing a faint smile.

"I have objections!"

Suddenly, the door-to-door system of the Temple of Vulcan was torn by people. Wearing a black robes, the medicine of the crane hair suddenly appeared, and said slowly.

"Pharmaceutical 焱."

Looking at the sudden appearance of the drug, Xuan Hongzheng and others’ faces suddenly gloomy.

"Pharmaceuticals, you are not welcome here, you can go!" Xuan Qingyun said unceremoniously.

"Why, Xuan Hong is not talking, you are a deputy, you want to win over the Lord?" There is no anger on the face of the medicine, and the wind is light and dark.

"Qingyun means me, medicine, my temple does not welcome you, let's go!" Xuan Hongyun said faintly.

"Xuan Hongzheng, I am coming today, not to trouble, I am just to give a testimony to my apprentice and my grandchildren, lest you bully them and falsify the results!" The drug did not leave, said slowly.

"There are masters of silence, Master Danxin are there. Do you think that my temple will be unfair? You don't think that everyone is like you, with kindness and coldness, and for your own self-interest!" Said coldly.

"Xuan Hongzheng, it seems that you are still afraid, I am afraid that my descendants are better than your descendants, only to find so many excuses." Medicine mistakenly thought that Ye Chenfeng is a descendant of Xuan Hongzheng and others, faintly said "Well, I just want you to say a word. If you are willing to admit that I am afraid of me, I will leave immediately. I will not step into your city of Vulcan in this life."

"People?" Xuan Hong suddenly smiled and said slowly: "You think that the dust is a few of our descendants."

"Why, even my own descendants dare not admit it?" The medicine showed a sarcasm. In his opinion, only the Temple of Heaven can cultivate a enchanting alchemy teacher like Ye Chenfeng.

"I think the dust is our descendant, but unfortunately, he is not!" Xuan Hong shook his head and said: "The wind, this old guy wants to witness the game between you and his descendants, do you have confidence? Beat them."

"Yes, full grasp!"

Ye Chenfeng looked awkwardly, looking at his eyes and looking forward to his own Xuan Hongzheng, and exchanged a look with him, confidently said.

"Haha, good! Since you have confidence, then I will break the case and leave this old thing. I hope that after the semi-final, you can make him faceless!" Xuan Hong is looking at a confident smile. Ye Chenfeng, said with a chuckle.

"Reassure the predecessors, they will lose no doubt!" Ye Chenfeng said confidently.

"The game hasn't started yet. Is it too early to talk about winning or losing!" Firefly sighed with anger in his heart and looked at Ye Chenfeng, gnashing his teeth.

"If you choose Quasi-Santa, it may be too early to talk about the outcome, but you choose to refine the same kind of medicine with me, then you are destined to be a loser." Ye Chenfeng responded with arrogance.


Fire days did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so arrogant, his face was black.

"Okay, don't talk about unnecessary words. In this world, everything still depends on strength. The fight is just a child's trick!" The drug was not looking at Ye Chenfeng at all, and the voice was full of sarcasm. And disdain.

"Predecessors are right. The ones I don't like most are some people who are the only ones who are the only ones who are the ones who are the ones who have a stomach bag!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and slammed back.


The fire scorpion has just been ignited by the anger of the cockroach, and the lungs are quickly blown up.

"Xuan Hongzheng, can the game start?" The medicine showed a sharp edge in his eyes, faintly said.

"Okay, get ready to start the game!"

Xuan Hongzheng smiled and announced loudly.

The next moment, there are twenty separate spaces above the Temple of Fire, and these twenty independent spaces are the land of alchemy for all.

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