Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1176: Cheat

"Not good, the dust of the dust has gone out of control, if you can't control it, I am afraid it will burst!"

Through the light, I witnessed a large number of dead cockroaches, and the sizzling spurs of the whole furnace, the Xuan Qingyun and other people's faces changed greatly.

Once Ye Chenfeng fails in this way, the medicine will definitely seize this opportunity and humiliate them, and the temple will be shamed.

And they are more aware of the fact that Ye Chenfeng and the beast of the Fire Spirit are betting that they are deeply affected by the failure of Ye Chenfeng.

"This is the descendant of your choice, isn't it?"

The medicine sips a resounding spirit tea, reveals a faint smile, and looks at the slightly dysfunctional Xuan Qingyun and others, deliberately said.

"I said, the wind is not our descendant, and the outcome is not divided, you are too happy to be too early!" Xuan Hong is cold-eyed, and counterattacks.

Although the medicinal herbs in Ye Chenfeng's furnace may burst at any time, there is no panic on Ye Chenfeng's face, which shows that he is confident to stabilize the fire and solve this trouble.

"I don't care if you can't admit the relationship between the kid and you, but the fire is disorderly, which will directly lead to the loss of too much liquid, so even if he finally finishes alchemy, the quality of the drug will not exceed seven. So he lost!" The medicine showed a faint smile and said.

"Hey, medicine, you still pray that your disciple can succeed in alchemy, especially your high-ranking grandson. I think his success rate in refining Tianxian Guludan is more than 50%!" Xuan Zhongting retorted loudly.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it, but I really want to make a bet with you now, bet on the ancient sacred fire that you suppressed, don't you dare?"

Because the secret hand was left in the Holy Ding, the medicine was not worried about the failure of the fire spirit holy alchemy, and he ventured today, in addition to supporting the fire, they also wanted to claim to be the first in the Central World. The ancient fire of the holy fire.

"Pharmaceutical sputum, I will not take the ancient sacred fire and you gamble, if you really want to gamble, I can gamble with you a holy dan!"

The ancient sacred fire is one of the most precious things in the temple. Xuan Hong is not afraid to take risks, but at this time, he can not weaken the momentum, and he knows that Ye Chenfeng is still holding a group of first holy fire. Still have a chance, think about it, and say.

"Well, the old man will gamble with you. After you lose, you don't want to pay."

The value of Shengdan is also extremely precious. Although there is no swindling of the ancient sacred fire, it is no small gain to get a holy sacred, and the medicine does not hesitate to agree.

"Reassured, a holy Dan, my temple lost, but I think, the final victory will be us!" Xuan Hong is taking out a large number of forbidden white jade boxes from the carrying ring. It was banned in midair.

"You are still a bit hard now, hope that the game is over, you can still be so calm!"

The medicine smiled slightly, and also took out a jade box and banned it in midair. The two jade boxes contained two of them, which were enough to set off a **** hurricane, and let the Nirvana heavenly master compete for the world. Saint Dan.

"The Lord, do you really believe that the dust can turn around?"

Hearing Xuan Hong is actually gambling with the medicine, a worthless value of Sheng Dan, Xuan Qingyun and other people face a slight change, and quickly made a sound.

After now, Ye Chenfeng has not stabilized the disordered flame. Once he can't control it, it will explode. When the temple is over, the heavenly will be administered to a holy Dan.

"Okay, watch the game!"

Xuan Hong is calmly saying. The deep gaze passed through the light, completely locking the face of calm, not afraid of Ye Chenfeng.

"Call...It seems to only expose the burning fire at the beginning of the day!"

There are a lot of alchemy techniques, and it is still unable to stabilize the turbulent flame. In desperation, Ye Chenfeng used the second flame that he conquered, and spurted the burning fire at the beginning of the day, and injected it into the Suzaku Ding.

The fire level of the burning fire at the beginning of the day is far more than the death of the skyfire. When the fire of the beginning of the fire entered the Suzaku Ding, it immediately replaced the turbulent death of the skyfire. In the twinkling of an eye, the trembled Zhuque Ding recovered calm.

"Hmm... the first holy fire, he still has these cards?"

Looking at the early fire of the burning of the early days that Ye Chenfeng summoned, the medicine pupil unconsciously contracted. He did not expect that only Ye Chenfeng of the four-level beastly kingdom realm conquered a kind of first holy fire. This made him even more skeptical that Ye Chenfeng had a relationship with the Temple of Heaven.

"The flame has just gone out of control, and some of the spirits have been damaged. I don't know if the Spiritual Pearl can add the missing medicine back!"

Feeling the lack of medicinal power in the medicinal form of medicinal herbs, Ye Chenfeng continued to use the alchemy of the mysterious sacred, and melted the power of the raw spirits into the ancient dans, blending into the medicinal form of the medicinal herbs, repairing and upgrading The potency of medicinal herbs.

Slowly, time passed another day.

"The Spirit of Life is not a congenital treasure, it is amazing!"

After nearly a day of condensing, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the missing drug in the medicinal form of the medicinal herb was repaired by the sacred pearl, and a large number of raw forces were combined. This celestial ancient laurel showed signs of evolution. This made Ye Chenfeng's inner heart happy, and removed the distracting thoughts, and devoted himself to the process of refining the Tianxian Guludan.

The semi-final time was five days, very long, but no one in the stadium was leaving, they were waiting patiently, waiting for the final result to appear.

After one third of the fire sand in the funnel, a sage from the nine-day **** country first condensed the Tianxian Gu Ludan, the first one completed the game.

"Ten-grain Tianlu Guludan, the half-moon priest of the nine-day **** country is really extraordinary. In just four days, Tianxian Guludan has been condensed into ten lines, and his alchemy has indeed had the hope of hitting the top three. !"

Looking at the top of the half-monthly sacred teacher, the perfect ten-grain Tianxian Gu Ludan, Xuan Hongzheng and others are also full of praise.

After the half-moon sacred division of the Nine Kingdoms, the blood dragon sage of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, the sacred priest of the Qilin Kingdom, also successively refines the ten-grain Tianlu Guludan, sitting cross-legged in an independent space to restore interest. Waiting for the final result.

Because only the four masters of the ruined master chose to refine the quasi-sacred Dan, the first three-month priests who refine the ten-grain Tianlu Gulu Dan, entered the finals without any suspense.


On the last day of the alchemy, on the last day, when the mysterious alchemy was performed and the condensate was accelerated, a huge blasting sound rang in one of the independent spaces.

The nine-character Thousand Birds from the Valley of the Magic Valley, at the last moment, there was a small deviation, which eventually led to a defeat.

And he himself was hit by the uncontrollable explosion in the drug stove, and was hit hard.

"Black Devils, Accelerate Condensation!"

At this time, the end of the oil, the soul of the fire-stricken Huo Sheng Shengzi used the black magic holy sacred hidden in the sacred Ding, speeding up the speed of the heavenly Gulu Dan.

Finally, in the half-day of the time, the fire spirit saint borrowed the power of the horrible flame of the black devil, the first to smash the fire, and the fourth completed the alchemy.

And because of the support of the Holy Ding and the Dark Devil, the refining of the Tianxian Gu Ludan also reached the ten lines, perfect.

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