Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1180: Fighting and confusing

"Wind dust, you gave us a surprise today. To be honest, we all thought you lost. I didn't expect you to have a card and reversed it!"

Wang Tianhou and others who have been waiting outside the Temple of Fire, seeing Ye Chenfeng finally walked out of the Temple of Fire, and immediately greeted him, excitedly said.

Either Ye Chenfeng or Jiao Yu, their achievements today are far beyond the expectations of Wang Tianhou and others, especially Ye Chenfeng’s means of turning things around, and they are shocked by what they have never heard before.

They can imagine that Wang Tianfeng and Jiaoyu will sit in the town in the future, and how prosperous it will be, and the city of Tiandu will be dimmed and developed rapidly.

"Let's go, Hou, let's go back and say!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the excited and waiting for Tianhou and other people, smiled slightly, did not stay in the Temple of Fire for a long time, looked at the ancient temples that the Tao did not stop, under the watchful eyes of a pair of amazing eyes.

"Look, it's windy, he's so handsome!"

"Yes, especially his eyes, it’s really fascinating!"

Ye Chenfeng’s performance in the past few days has been amazing, so that more people have known him, especially his means of turning around today, and many people have been convinced by him.

On the way to the ancient court, Ye Chenfeng and his party attracted a lot of eyes, especially some women, and they favored Ye Chenfeng, hiding and pointing a little, whispering.

Walking around, one wearing a green green long skirt, two fascinating blush on the round face, a petite woman with a shy color in the dark lacquered eyes suddenly in the crowd When I came out, I came to Ye Chenfeng: "Wind, dust, I want to make friends with you, don't you know?"

When I heard the shy voice of the green skirt woman, many pedestrians on the street cast their smiles, and even the eyes of the day showed a smile.

"Make friends!"

Looking at the cute, delicate and pretty woman, Ye Chenfeng showed a hint of vigilance, because he remembered that the phantom killer was a woman, so he had to be careful.

Suddenly, a sharp swordmang flew out in the passing crowd, and slammed into Ye Chenfeng at a speed that exceeded hundreds of speeds of light.

Although this sudden swordmanpower is amazing, but Ye Chenfeng reacts faster, his right hand is like a virtual void, and the number of avenues is quickly condensed, bringing together a meteor-like fist, dragging the eye-catching Dao Ying, the sword will be shattered by a punch.

But the morning wind shattered the swordsman's moment, wearing a green dress, the cute and lovely woman's eyes shot in the murderous path, three black beads filled with destructive power appeared in her hands, to the extreme The fast speed shot at Ye Chenfeng, and the sweet words around him.


Ye Chenfeng’s body broke out with earth-shattering power. For example, the waves of the waves swayed out the squeaky voices around him, and with his body resisted three ruined black beads.


Three huge blasting sounds, and the devastating energy instantly swallowed Ye Chenfeng, madly destroying his body.

The majority of the streets were destroyed by these three terrible explosions. Even the buildings that were under the ban were affected, and they were covered with spider web-like cracks.

"Wind dust!"

When being looked at by Tianhou, he was firmly guarded behind him, and saw that Ye Chenfeng was swallowed by the devastating energy. The whole heart was broken, and the pain shouted loudly, for fear of his accident.

"Give me a call!"

The rush of the road screamed, releasing the meaning of the rolling, directly tearing the intensified destruction energy, and saving the heavily injured Ye Chenfeng from the energy of destruction.

"Black King, catching the living!" angry screaming shouted.

"Give it to me!"

The black king’s body flashed, and the strange disappeared in the same place. In the rapid flight, he blurtly split and split several residual images, and captured the phantom killer who wanted to take the sneak attack.

Between the blink of an eye, the phantom killer who escaped tens of thousands of meters was caught by the black king and his split afterimage.

But the next moment, the two phantom killers suddenly blew their bodies, and there was no chance for the black-powered king to give birth.

"Wind dust, how are you?"

Looking at the blood, the serious injury of the morning, Ye Chenfeng, Jiao Yan blinked red, and asked pampered.

"Do not worry, I am fine!"

The blood of the morning, the morning breeze quickly served a Dao Dan, slowly sat up, shook his head, said weakly.

Although Ye Chenfeng relied on the body of the Shangpindao to resist the three deadly killings that destroyed the black beads, but the scene of the shock still gave him a heart, if the three ruined black beads are stronger, take his I am afraid I can't resist it, and it will be blown up in an instant.

"The sword, **** them back, I went to find medicine to settle accounts."

Under his own protection, Ye Chenfeng was still injured by the phantom killer, which made Dodge feel that his face was dull and angry.

"Looking for me to settle accounts? Do you think this is what I did?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, wearing a black refining costume, and the gloomy medicine suddenly appeared. He stared coldly at the idiot and whispered.

"Drug, you don't want to fake it. I feel that the person behind the scenes of the assassination of the dust is you." The road glared at the drug, the murder in the body became more and more intense, and could not help but want to shoot.

"Feeling?" Dao sneer a sneer: "Don't be fooled, don't you think your words are naive?"

"I admit, I really want to kill him, but in the city of Vulcan, do you think I will take this risk? And I really want to kill him, but also need to borrow a killer organization? I think the whole central world, willing It’s definitely more than four for you.”

"Pharmaceutical 焱, I am a person who recognizes death, I feel that you are not a good thing, you must teach you lessons!" said the idiot.

"Dad idiot, you really thought I was afraid of you!" Two flaming flames flashed in the scorpion of the sputum, and said nothing.

Two people standing at the top of the Central World will fight on the chaotic streets.

"Dad idiot, he may not really be a real murderer, we should not be used by people!"

When the two men were arrogant, the sword suddenly stopped in front of the Taoist idiot and whispered.

"Dao idiot, learn more swords, sometimes, the brain is more useful than feeling!" The drug squinted at the angry drug, and used the light to glance at the injury, the knee wound healing Ye Chenfeng, turned and left.

"The sword, just if you are willing to help me, with the strength of our four people, there is full strength to kill that old man!" Dodge looked at the sword in front of him, said the injustice.

"Don't be fooled, you still calm down, there are a lot of doubts about the assassination of the wind and dust, and you and I will not kill him. The more important point is that the appeal of the drug is indeed better than us. It’s not wise to talk to him without perfect evidence!”

Although the sword asks strength to outperform the medicine, it is not sure to kill him. More importantly, the sword is also somewhat concerned about the appeal of medicine, and does not want to be used by people, constantly persuading the Tao.

"Dao crazy seniors, the predecessors of the sword said yes, now is not the time for revenge, but no matter who the person is, I must take him out behind the scenes and kill himself!"

With the help of Dao Dan and Sheng Lingzhu, Ye Chenfeng stabilized his physical injury and slowly stood up and said that his voice revealed a strong belief.

"Okay, let's go back and say!"

Under Ye Chenfeng and the swordsman persuasion, Daoqi gradually calmed down and returned to the ancient courtyard with Ye Chenfeng and others.

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