Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1219: God Blood Shadow

"Spirit fish, don't suppress your realm, speeding up the penalty!"

The spirit fish has only three levels of beasts, she blends the blood of the true god, and the strength has reached the limit of the realm. If Ye Chenfeng does not want the people of the temple to know the secrets of the spirit fish, she has already let her Leading to the punishment of the day, the impact of higher realm.


The spirit fish nodded, no longer suppressed the realm, and fully attacked the fourth level of the beastly kingdom.

When the spirit fish hit the realm of the full force, Ye Chenfeng took another Shengdan, and under the promotion of the power of Shengdan, he attacked the five-level beast kingdom.

The power of the ancient singularity of the Magic Valley is horrible, but Ye Chenfeng also thinks of the most direct and simple way to crack. That is, he and the squid both bring in the punishment of heaven, and they can directly break through the punishment of heaven. Drop the ancient array.

This method of breaking the array is simple, but the risk is great. If there is a slight discomfort, there may be an accident.

But the morning air and the spirit fish are too deep, especially the spirit fish. The body refines the blood of a true god. With the blood of the true **** and the blood shadow of the sky, you can spend the ancient wonders. Curse.

"Good cool!"

Serving the second Shengdan, Ye Chenfeng discovered that this Shengdan contains a different potency than the last taken Shengdan. This Shengdan contains the potency of the bones, constantly freezing his body and Five internal organs.

"burning the flames of the heavens, turning cold!"

Ye Chenfeng can not withstand the cold and cold chemical erosion, and quickly control the burning of the holy fire throughout the body, constantly defusing the cold body of the erosion of the body, refining the holy Dan, full impact on the five-level beasts.

When Ye Chenfeng endured the chilling erosion and refining the Holy Land, the spirit fish that constantly blended with the blood of the true **** felt his own punishment.

"Morning wind brother, my punishment will soon be lowered, you will let me go out quickly!" Can not suppress the realm, the spirit fish that emerged from the forehead with a sweaty pass to Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, everything is careful, I let the sword spirit go out to protect you!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and sent the spirit fish and sword spirit to the environment.


The moment the spirit fish left the Qiankun, the terrible heavenly punishment immediately felt her breath, and the waves of dark clouds rushed from all sides, quickly gathered in the sky above the ancient array, forming a terrible robbery cloud. .

The endless winds rushed out in the clouds, sweeping the whole world, pulling up large blocks of ancient wood, and the whole black magic mountain was chaotic.

"Heavenly punishment, how can there be a sudden punishment of the day, is it that the few people have no way to go, think of the power of the punishment of heaven, and break the ancient array of my magical valleys that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years?"

Looking at the violent tumbling in the sky, the thicker and thicker the robbery cloud, the Dark Lord guessed the reason, but he did not believe that Ye Chenfeng and others could survive the fierce attack of the ancient singularity. Penalty, break through the realm.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Speaking, the Dark Lord repeatedly mobilized the ancient array through the control of the plate, and stormed the spirit fish and swordsman who appeared in the battle.

A terrible pattern like a mad thunder descends from the sky, and the sword spirit immediately blocks the top of the spirit fish with an indestructible body, resisting the attack of the ancient array.

And under the protection of the sword, the spirit fish refines the blood of the true god, rapidly enhances its own strength, and provokes the strength of the heavenly punishment in the sky to become stronger and stronger.


With the strength of the spirit fish becoming stronger and stronger, there is only one line away from breaking through the four-level beastly kingdom. The thundering sound of the violently rolling robbery clouds, the endless blood red mad thunder broke. The hundred-foot-thick robbery cloud is like the punishment of the last day, and the bombardment has turned to Ye Chenfeng, who is trapped in the ancient array.

"The ancient array, open!"

The moment when the blood red mad thunder appeared, the Dark Lord opened a gap in the ancient squad in time, letting the blood red robbery bombard the squid.

"Sword Spirit, come back!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and sent the swordsmanship back to the Qiankun’s realm. One heart and two uses, while fully refining the natural punishment, attacking the five-level beast kingdom realm, while observing the spirit fish robbery through the Qiankun territory. Happening.


The blood color is fined, and the spirit fish emits a squeaking sound that is not like human beings. The petite body is constantly getting bigger, and the clothes on the body are instantly blasted, becoming more than ten feet high, and the whole body is covered with golden yellow animal hair. The body is as strong as a mountain. The big bell in the big bell is shot with the golden scorpion of the golden light, and it is baptized with the **** day.


The innumerable lightning blasting sounds on the surface of the body of the golden scorpion, which is incarnation of the spirit fish, and madly destroys her body.

The power of the **** day punishment is extremely horrible. The power is even more terrifying than the punishment of the six-level beastmaster. But the refining of the blood of the true god, the spirit of the spirit fish is raised to an unimaginable degree, relying on Kim Min Jong God's powerful flesh, she easily resisted the **** day punishment, under the punishment of heaven, tempered the energy of the body and the blood of the true God.

With the integration of the spirit fish and the blood of the true **** more and more thoroughly, the second blood in her body has become more and more powerful, and there are signs of recovery.

"God, how did a **** appear in the ancient array!"

Watching the spirit fish incarnation of the golden scorpion, easily resisting the scene of the **** day punishment, the three black magic kings widened their eyes, and the heart picked up a big wave.

"God to the ancient array, kill me!"

The Dark Lord took a deep breath and pressed the inner shock, constantly controlling the ancient array to form a large number of attacking patterns, bombarding the spirit fish from all angles, and wanting to kill her in one fell swoop.


Continuously attacked by strange arrays, the spirit fish continued to make angry screams, and the mountain-like body constantly burst into the power of horror, by smashing his own blood and punishing, tearing the attacking lines.

However, the ancient singularity is too horrible, and it is attacked by dense patterns. Her physical injuries are constantly increasing, and the flesh and blood of many places are blurred.


While the spirit fish disregarded the physical injury, and fully resisted the **** day punishment and the strange array of attacks, the violently rolling robbery cloud dropped the second heavy penalty.

Thousands of **** days are reduced together, turning into a **** tornado in the void, smashing a large area of ​​space, plunging into the ancient array, and smashing the moments of the strange lines, directly The spirit fish was swallowed up.

"Hey, what is the origin of the gods, how can it lead to such a terrible punishment!"

Looking at the whirlpool of **** days, the silver-haired old man’s throat could not help but roll, revealing a deep horror.

Under the **** day attack, the body damage of the spirit fish is constantly increasing, and the entire ancient fantasy array is also madly consuming energy under the **** punishment.

I feel that the control array in my hand is getting more and more trembled, and the Dark Lord’s face becomes gloomy, and my mind has the idea of ​​closing the ancient array.

But when I think of the disappearance of the ancient array, it is very likely to give Ye Chenfeng and others a chance to get out of trouble.

Thinking of the golden petals of fire lotus, thinking of the space treasures that Ye Chenfeng is wearing, the Dark Lord has bitten his teeth and decided to kill Ye Chenfeng and others at all costs.

When the Dark Lord disregarded the consumption of the ancient singular array, and controlled the squadron to continue to kill the spirit fish, the flesh and blood were vague and fleshy, and the edge of life and death was on the verge of death. The spirit fish that was smashed by the gods finally merged with the blood of the true god. Come together.

The next moment, the horrible blood of the true **** emerged from the body of the spirit fish, the sky above the head, the foot on the earth, carrying the endless light, releasing the power of extinction, and tearing the horrible whirl of the heavens. .

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