Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1222: Five-level beastmaster

"Not good!"

The dark magic emperor hiding in the distance, seeing Ye Chenfeng rushing to the main hall of the Valley of Magic Valley with a penalty, his heart trembled, and immediately opened the heavy prohibition outside the main hall, wanting to stop Ye Chenfeng Enter inside.

Once the main hall is destroyed, the foundation of the magic grain valley will be destroyed in a few hundred thousand years, and it is more likely to destroy the source of the magic grain valley. He can't afford this loss.


A piece of thunder and lightning meteorite broke through the rolling clouds and continually smashed Ye Chenfeng.

After a large number of lightning meteorite explosions and the release of the devastating force, the heavy ban was torn, and Ye Chenfeng continued to approach the main hall of the Valley of Magic.

"Mom, I don't kill you, don't swear!"

The black devil emperor licks the blood-red eyes, regardless of his own safety. It is built like a palace, and the majestic and magnificent main hall of the magical pattern constantly injects the power into the six-sided magic pattern disc. The crazy vent of the disk ruined the magic pattern, attacking Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to stop him from entering the main hall.

"Sword Spirit, resist!"

The Dark Lord is a nirvana after all, and his attack on the six-sided magic disk is extremely terrible. Ye Chenfeng simply does not dare to let the magic lines running through the void attack the body.傀儡 summoned it out to resist.


There was two deafening blasts in the robbery cloud that violently tumbling, and the tens of thousands of **** thunders quickly gathered together to form two powerful thundering giant mountains, with the power of extinction, falling from the sky. Down, the bombardment to Ye Chenfeng and the Dark Lord.

Because the strength of the Dark Lord is too strong, the power of the Thunder Mountain that attacked him exceeded the number of Ye Chenfeng several times, which made his face change greatly. He did not dare to pick it up and had to flee outside the area.

"God's blood, burning."

In the face of the Thunder giant mountain attack, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to burn the blood of the gods, instantly increased the physical defense and strength, broke out the power of 200 million pounds, and hardened the destruction of the Thunder Giant Mountain.

While the Dark Lord escaped from the area of ​​the robbery, but attacked his Thunder giant mountain, but the heavy bombardment behind him, shrouded the most powerful prohibition of the main hall of the magic pattern.

At one time, there was a thunder sea over the main hall of the Devil Valley. The thundering power of the Thunder made the Devil Valley Master who was hiding in the distance horrified, and there were many disciples of the Devil Valley who were inferior in strength. The two destructive forces that opened were shocking and vomiting blood, and were seriously injured and fell to the ground.


Under the destruction of the Thunder Giant Mountain, the ban on the main hall of the magical pattern continued to crack and open the road, and the mountains and rivers trembled constantly. Many mountain peaks were shattered and destroyed by the terrible Yuwei.

When the main hall of the magical pattern was banned by the power of the Thunder giant mountain torn apart, a huge gap was formed behind Ye Chenfeng.

A golden light flashed, and Ye Chenfeng directly ran into the destruction of Leishan attack and flew into the main hall of the magic pattern.

"No, run!"

A large number of disciples in the Magic Valley hiding in the main hall, seeing Ye Chenfeng flying through the ban, the three souls scared the two souls and fought to escape to the main hall.

Although they reacted very quickly, but Ye Chenfeng’s power of punishment was too terrible. He was attacked by Yu Wei who destroyed Leishan. Many disciples were smashed and killed.

After countless years, the main hall of the magic grain that the ancestors of the Magic Valley used to spend a lot of effort, was shaken sharply and shattered to crack the road.

"Your lover, this time is my magic grain valley is wrong, please also raise your hands, do not destroy my main valley of the magic valley."

When the main hall was constantly attacked by the heavens, the black devil who could not stop was desperate. He had to lower his noble head and whispered to Ye Chenfeng and prayed for his forgiveness.

For the enemy, Ye Chenfeng never felt soft and soft. He ignored the Dark Lord’s petition and continued to provoke terrible punishment and destroy the majestic main hall.

At this time, tens of thousands of **** thunders were collected from the robbery cloud, turned into a thunder mountain, like a star field sinking, falling to Ye Chenfeng, want to destroy him.


Under the destruction of the Thunder Giant Mountain, the magnificent main hall of the magical grain was smashed, and fell directly to the Ye Chenfeng standing in the middle of the main hall.

"The Pearl of Death, give me a break!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and inspired the power of the dead spirit in the Shenmen Cave. He constantly blasted a fist that was filled with the power of death, inciting the Thunder Giant Mountain and forcibly weakening it. The power.

Under the full attack of Ye Chenfeng, thousands of electric awns exploded in the main hall, and the main hall was annihilated.

"Mom, I swear to heaven, I will kill you!"

When the main hall of the demon pattern was destroyed by the terrible Thunder Mountain, the heart of the Dark Lord and others was bleeding, like an angry lion, snarling constantly.

The Dark Lord never dreamed that things would develop into this. If you have already expected such an ending, the Dark Lord may buy the Golden Lotus directly instead of forcibly snatching it.

Thousands of thunderous giant mountains are constantly falling, and Ye Chenfeng is like an undead war god, making all the stops and constantly shaking the attack of the Thunder Giant Mountain.

Under his ferocious attack, the main peak of the Black Devil Mountain was flattened, and the Dark Lord and others who were hiding in the distance, in addition to seeing the endless thunder flashing, the main peak continued to sink, and the trace of Ye Chenfeng could not be seen.

"Hello, let him die for me!"

At this time, the Dark Lord can only pray that the morning punishment of Ye Chenfeng is stronger, and that Ye Chenfeng will live and die suddenly, so that the treasures of Ye Chenfeng can compensate for today's losses.

"Dragon Sword!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the four-way map. When the bare-handed boxing and the thunderous giant mountains fought for a long time, the physical injury began to increase. He quickly burned the blood of the dragon and the blood of the gods, and he rebuilt the dragon himself. The Sword of the Sword is summoned and continues to be hard to attack the Thunder Mountain.

With the sword of Longji, the attack power of Ye Chenfeng is extremely fast. Under the amplitude of the bronze sword, a tall and thundering giant mountain is directly opened by him and turned into an endless Leihai.

"It's still a little bit, I'm going to break it!"

Under the horrible day of baptism, Ye Chenfeng refining the power of Shengdan is getting faster and faster, and it is only one step away from breaking the five-level beastmaster.

And the four avenues, under the baptism of the heavenly punishment, constantly enhance the power of the Tao.

Once Ye Chenfeng passed the thunder of the lightning electrode, his understanding of the Tao will surely take it to the next level.


There were two thundering giant mountains suddenly appearing in the robbery cloud. They fell at the same time and launched the most deadly blow to Ye Chenfeng.


In the face of two thunderous giant mountains, Ye Chenfeng, who was seriously injured, did not dare to care about it. He decisively summoned all the best swords of the 81st, and merged with the Dragon Sword and became a dozen. The tall sword of Zhang Gao, blending the power of the bronze sword soul and the four avenues, smashed up.

In that moment, the chaotic void was smashed into two. The space that Jianmang had had appeared a deep sword mark, directly smashing a Thunder giant mountain into two halves, and resisting the second Thunder Giant Mountain. .

"Five-level beastmaster, break through!"

Under these weights, Ye Chenfeng finally took the last step and broke through to the five-level beast kingdom.

The moment of breakthrough in the realm, Ye Chenfeng mobilized the power of the whole body, broke out the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, destroyed the second thunder giant mountain, and a sword broke into the robbery cloud that violently tumbling, breaking the cloud Opened a huge hole and ruined the remaining days.

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