Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1224: 夺灵舟

"What, the breath of the Devil's ancestors has disappeared!"

Controlling the six-sided magic pattern disk, and the black magic emperor who is fiercely killed by the sword spirit, suddenly the feeling of the demon soul ancestors disappeared, and the look of a sigh, revealing a deep panic.

He knows the horror of the demon soul, especially the devil's ancestors, even if he is afraid of three points.

The magic soul ancestor broke into the magic leaf morning wind soul sea, but the breath suddenly disappeared, which made the black magic king panic.

"Half-month sword arc!"

When the Black Devil was distracted, the Sword Spirit slammed the energy and turned into a sharp sword of light. He cut all the barriers, and the sword was swayed to the Dark Lord, forcing him to quickly control. The six-sided magic pattern disk is fully defended.

Swordsman's sword is of great power. Although the Dark Lord's Cang Cang has resisted, his body has temporarily lost control and retreated uncontrollably.

At this time, the chaotic beast suddenly appeared, and the chaotic five elements of light were blasted. The bombardment on the back of the Dark Lord, smashed his body defense and blurred the flesh and blood of his back.

The next moment, the chaotic beast that is filled with nearly 200 million pounds of power suddenly hugged the body of the Dark Lord, and cast a chaotic mountain from the sky, pressing the Dark Lord under the body and slamming to the ground.


A deep pit appeared in the severely damaged mountain. The chaotic beast pressed the black devil to vomit blood. The bones on his body shattered more than ten roots. The body was greatly damaged. A lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth. come out.

The Black Devil is injured, and the Master of the Magic Valley has been hit hard. Under the crazy killing of the spirit fish, the King of Killing, and so on, the Master of Magic Valley has been killed, and he has become a **** fog in midair. .

But an enemy two, against the magic grain valley two elders of the elders, but they are in a disadvantage, the offensive was completely suppressed by both of them.

"The moon mask!"

Repressing the offensive and offensive, attacking the tacit understanding of the silver-haired old man, they have exerted powerful powers of the gods, and they have become two overbearing meniscus, slamming into the dry, waiting for one move Kill him.

Suddenly, an ancient clock covered with ancient patterns fell from the sky, covering the dry and waiting, resisting the masking of the silver-haired old man.


The moon masking technique continued to blast on the surface of the ancient clock, and a huge bell rang, shaking the soul of both of them to tremble and suffer.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

When the two souls were injured, Ye Chenfeng, who arrived in time, held the Longji Sword and displayed the ancient sword song.

As the sound of the avenue of Huang Zhong Da Lu, the mountain-like swordsman imprints the avenues of the prosperous avenues, such as the bright moonlight, venting the infinite moral pressure, and slamming the nearest to him. The white-haired old man.

The old man with white hair was attacked by the sound of the avenue in the ancient sword song. The reaction was greatly affected. It was impossible to dodge the sword and the heart was clear, and it was directly broken by the body defense. The arm smashed down and a lot of blood squirted.

"The demon snake prints, the animal head prints, kills!"

Dan Ming waited to fly out of the soul clock, grasping the white hair of the old man was hit hard, control the two ancient seals bombarded the head of the white-haired old man, the terrible attack will explode his head, hit him kill.

"Thousand Cranes!"

Looking at the white-haired old man’s body falling from the air, the white-haired old man gave a painful shout, his body flashed, hugged his headless body, wrinkled eyes, and two lines of tears. .

"I want to kill you and avenge the thousand cranes!"

The white-haired old man sent out a tragic shout, and at the cost burned the magic lines and the whole body's blood, and raised his own strength to the limit, like a crazy attack to the dry.

"True Kirin!"

Don't wait for the murderous white-haired old man to be close, and the quick-pressing finish of his hands and hands, condensed a mighty sacred unicorn, the fierce impact of the power to the white-haired old man.

"Wu Luo Youben!"

The white-haired old man with red eyes and blood, to raise the whole body's power to the limit, it is necessary to display the first killing trick of the magic grain valley, and give a fatal blow to the dry.

Suddenly, a terrible dizzy force broke into her soul sea, causing her reaction to be slow and delaying her attack.

When she came back to God, the true unicorns that had been shot out had been bombarded on her body, madly destroying her body and aggravating her physical injuries.

"Let me send you to hell, let you reunite in Huangquan!"

Ye Chenfeng melted the bronze sword spirit into the Longji Holy Sword, stabbing a sword, and a sword stabbed the white hair of the body out of control.


A speed swordman slashed through the air, the heart of the white-haired old man was pierced by the sword of the Longji, and the sword of the bronze swordsman vented more than one hundred lines of the sword directly through her body. , she will smash her internal organs directly.


The whole body of white hair is bursting in the air, turning into a lot of blood fog, killing on the spot.

Seeing the two great elders in the Magic Valley were killed, the Dark Lord was hit hard, and the remaining Devil Valley masters gave up their resistance and fought to escape to the magic grain valley full of **** smell. .

"This hate me remembered, one day sooner or later, the gossip royal family will get justice for me!"

The black emperor who was not injured was also retired, evading the deadly attack of the chaotic beast and the sword, and summoning the spirit boat to escape.

"Do you think you can run away?"

Ye Chenfeng stepped on foot and suddenly stopped in front of the spirit boat, burning the blood of the gods, raising the physical strength to the limit, and grasping the spirit boat, forcibly slowing the flight speed of the spirit boat.

But the flying power of Ling Zhou is too horrible. Ye Chenfeng’s power of 200 million jins can only delay the flight speed of Ling Zhou, and the whole body blasts in midair.

"Boss, we help you!"

Chaotic beasts, Jinqinglong blood lions, golden hair shovel, single-horned dragons rushed in, grabbed the burning of powerful energy, want to fly out of the black magic mountain Ling Zhou.

With the help of the chaotic beasts, the speed of the flying dragon has been greatly affected, which makes the face of the Dark Lord above the Lingzhou change, and it is necessary to attack.


At the time of his shot, Sword Spirit appeared on the top of his head, turned into a stunning light sword, and took out a sword like a mercury rush. He broke the defense of the spirit boat and turned to the Dark Lord. The head, do not give him the opportunity to attack the chaotic beasts.

"Sorry for God!"

"Two ancient seals, kill!"

Spiritual fish, Ganming waiting and other people also came here at this time, constantly attacking the Dark Emperor above the Lingzhou, forcing him to defend.


The spirit boat was forced to limit the speed by Ye Chenfeng, and he was attacked by the sword spirit, the spirit fish and so on. The seriously injured black demon could not resist it. In desperation, he decisively abandoned the spirit boat. Cast blood to escape from the Valley of Magic.

In the end, the Dark Lord paid a great price, and he broke out of the encirclement. The wolverine disappeared into the Valley of Magic.

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