Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1228: Tianyu Gate

"Morning wind, we also went to the fire to change the Nirvana!"

When Ming Ming entered Taiqingtian, when he hit Nirvana, Jiang Xingchen three people put a petal of golden lotus petals in his mouth, flew into the fire, and changed to Nirvana.

"Morning wind brother, do you say they can all succeed?"

The cute and charming spirit fish sits beside Ye Chenfeng, and the beautiful big eyes are full of worry.

"Yes, I believe they can all succeed!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded, and believed in the strength of people who have many treasures and cultivated to the limit of the realm. They are not worried that they will break through.

Soon, Jiang Xingchen and the three entered the fire in the middle of the sky. Ye Chenfeng borrowed the remnant of the three people and saw the scene in the fire.

With the three people of Jiang Xingchen who were suffering from the red stagnation and thunder, moving rapidly in the hot red sky, looking for the place to be repaired, Ye Chenfeng peeked at the rules in the fire red sky, leading to the heavens. door.

Ye Chenfeng has seen the biggest city gate, which is the gate of the city of Vulcan, but the gate of the city of Vulcan can only be described as a small one, hidden in the fire, in the sky, by the rules of heaven The condensed gate is like two mountains that stand tall and sacred and inviolable.

Because Jiang Xingchen’s three people are too far away from the Tianyu Gate, Ye Chenfeng cannot peep into the real secret of the Tianyu Gate. Less than half a column of incense, Ye Chenfeng stayed in the three shackles of Jiang Xingchen. The soul was destroyed by the Red Flame.

Looking for a suitable place to be rehabilitated, Jiang Xingchen and his three men withdrew their defenses and allowed them to infuse themselves into the body, crushing their own bodies, and transforming their nirvana between life and death.

"Tianyu Gate, I swear I will push you away!"

Peeping into the true face of the Tianyu Gate, Ye Chenfeng is more powerful than the shock. He clenches his fists and swears in his heart.

Whether it is done, or Jiang Xingchen, the transition requires a very long time and process to break through the realm.

During the long waiting period, Ye Chenfeng will summon the Zhoujia woman who has been sleeping in the Qiankun environment to wake her up.

When the Zhou family waking up, the body unconsciously curled up together, hands crossed on the chest, looking at Ye Chenfeng's eyes filled with panic and fear.

"Don't be afraid, I didn't hurt you."

Looking at the nervousness of Zhou’s woman, Ye Chenfeng knew her miserable experience in these years, and left an indelible memory in her memory. She sighed softly and said softly.

"I, I am not afraid!"

I feel that I have not been violated in a coma, and Zhou’s woman has settled in her heart.

"What is your name? How did you get out?" Ye Chenfeng whispered her life.

"My name is Zhou Yuhan. I met a big evil person when I went out with my parents to find a grass in the past few years. She discovered the secret of my true body, cruelly killed my parents and forcibly took me away. I will do his daily harvesting until I am weak and unable to replenish it. He will sell me like goods!"

Zhou Yuhan glanced at the clear eyes of Ye Chenfeng, hesitated, and said his tragic experience. At the end of the day, a lot of tears flowed down her eyes, and pitiful feelings provoked pity. .

"Oh, that person is too wicked, that kind of person does not deserve to live in this world!"

The spirit fish on the side listened to Zhou Yuhan’s tragic experience, and the angry face was red, and he said with anger.

"My life is not good, no wonder others!" Zhou Yuhan gently wiped the tears on his face, took a deep breath and calmed down the emotional road.

"Destiny can be changed!" Ye Chenfeng looked at Zhou Yuhan with some sympathy: "If you remember the person's place of residence, we can retaliate for you."


Zhou Yuhan said with tearful eyes and excited eyes.

She dreams of killing the big wicked who insults her and kills her parents. She will not give up as long as there is hope for revenge.

"Really, I promise you that as long as you find him, I will let you kill him personally and avenge your dead parents!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and promised.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Zhou Yuhan suddenly fell to the ground and gave Ye Chenfeng three heads, sobbing.

"I have some relationship with you Zhou Jiazu, and promised to shelter you Zhou Family!" Ye Chenfeng let the spirit fish help Zhou Yuhan, who burst into tears, and said: "Can you tell me where your Zhou family is? What is the situation?"

"My family is in the minefield, the situation is not good!"

Thinking about Ye Chenfeng's strength and status and Zhou's situation, Zhou Yuhan did not doubt Ye Chenfeng's intentions and told Ye Chenfeng about Zhou's general orientation and situation.

"Thunderfield! I didn't expect Zhou Jia to take root?"

Thinking of the black king is the ancestor of the Lei nationality Lei family, Ye Chenfeng could not help but reveal a faint smile.

"After a while, I will send you home, and then send you a big chance!" Ye Chenfeng said softly: "Come, take this medicinal medicine, it can restore your serious negative Yinyuan ."


Zhou Yuhan took over the medicinal herbs handed by Ye Chenfeng, and did not want to swallow it directly.

Time passed by, while waiting for the right time, Jiang Xingchen and others, Ye Chenfeng first used the brain to forcibly erase the soul mark in the spirit boat, and recognized him, and he would get it from the treasure cliff. The block mysterious jade was taken out and tried to penetrate.

But no matter whether it is a brain or a chaotic god, it is impossible to solve the secret of this jade. Even the mysterious golden blood that is parasitic in the chaotic **** wood has no reaction to this mysterious jade.

In the end, Ye Chenfeng can only give up, and this mysterious jade is taken into the environment of Qiankun, controlling the brain, releasing a powerful soul into the ancient map of the banned red and white peaks, trying to repair the residual map. The pattern in the rest restores the true power of the residual picture.

After about ten days or so, the void covered by the clouds suddenly trembled, and a terrible breath broke through the void and flew at a very fast speed.

“Da Minghou!” Looking pale, his body was extremely weak, but the **** and vigorous work, Ye Chenfeng knew that he successfully broke through to Nirvana, revealing a faint smile: “Congratulations to break through Nirvana."

"Ye Shao, thanks to the relics of the dry Houhou, if you don't have the gold-flowered fire lotus, the ancient Taoist priest of the ancient Daobao grade, and the defensive array, I am afraid I will die too soon." !"

Although it has successfully broken through the realm, but I think of all kinds of experiences that have been experienced in Taiqingtian, I still feel worried about it afterwards.

"Taiwanese robes will be sent to you, and you will be able to consolidate the realm in the future. In the near future, I promise to help you break through to Nirvana!" Ye Chenfeng smiled softly and promised softly.

"Thank you for Ye Shao!"

Chen Ming said with gratitude, he returned to the Qiankun environment to carry out long-term retreat and consolidate the Nirvana realm.

Don't wait for a long time to break through the realm. Jiang Xingchen, Zeng Biyue, Bai Feng successively used the red inflammation to destroy the world, and faded the body. He successfully transformed Nirvana and became a nirvana.

The process of their transformation to Nirvana is equally dangerous. Fortunately, the Golden Flounder has restrained the power of the Red Thunder.

They each consumed three precious fire lotus petals, combined with the life spirit of the life and the ancient Tao, and finally rebuilt the body through the rules of heaven, and successfully transferred to Nirvana.

Successfully transferred to Nirvana, Jiang Xingchen three people not only increased their strength, but also added more than 10,000 years of life, which made them grateful to Ye Chenfeng, and the remaining nine fire lotus petals and more precious The fire lotus heart gave Ye Chenfeng.

"Three predecessors, you will also return to the realm of the realm of Qiankun. After a while, I will send you back to the mainland, and the order of the mainland will be maintained!" Ye Chenfeng whispered.

After finishing, he will be successfully repaired, and the three bodies of Jiang Xingchen, who are also extremely weak, are sent back to Qiankunjing, summoning the Lingzhou, which was refining and refining, and leaving the Chibaifeng.

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