Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1235: I let you roll, not go

"You...Do you want to live with me Donghe?"

Donghe Yuqi, who was humiliated and humiliated, glared at the blood-red eyes, glared at the spirit fish, and shouted in anger.

"Why, do you think your aunt is afraid of you Donghe?" The spirit fish hands on his hips: "You Donghe wants to die, and your grandmother is with you."

"You, you..."

Donghe Yuqi was speechless by the lawless spirit.

"My grandmother, my patience is limited, I counted three, who did not get out of the week, I crushed the bones of his body one by one!" The spirit fish exudes a suffocating suffocation, like a savage The beast, the cold warning.

"Good, let's roll!"

Donghe Yuqi bit his teeth, and he has a few words in his teeth, and the wounded Donghe master is about to leave.

"You can't make a deaf ear, I let you roll, not go!" The spirit fish stopped the Donghe Yuqi who lost his face and shouted loudly.

"Little girl, I advise you not to do things. Once I have come to Donghe's ancestors, you have to eat bitter fruit!"

A pair of white flowers, the robes were stained with blood, and the old man of Donghe, who was broken in front of his arms, couldn’t stand the humiliation, and the cold warning.


His words just fell, and the spirit fish smashed the ground and punched him.

The fists filled with billions of pounds were bombarded on his body, and he punched him in the air.

has not waited for him to mourn, his whole body suddenly burst open, and turned into a **** fog in midair.

"I see you who are nonsense!" A boxing robes old man, the spirit fish looked at the face changed greatly, the Donghe master who was greatly frightened, killing and swearing: "I count to three, who does not roll Go out, he is your end."

"Less master, staying in Castle Peak is not burning, waiting for us to go back, there are ways to deal with this dead girl, to deal with Zhou Jia!"

When I watched the fists clench, the forehead collapsed with the blue veins, and the inner river was extremely calm, Donghe Yuqi, the Donghe master who was scared by the strength of the spirit fish, persuaded.

"Okay, okay, you won!"

Donghe Yuqi’s biting and trembling teeth rolled on the spot, and under the gazing eyes of Zhou Shanlong and Zhou Tianyi, like a family dog, they rolled out of Zhou’s house.

Soon, the Zhou Jiafu, which is faint and bloody, has returned to calmness, but the heart of Zhou Shanlong and others has not calmed down, and the eyes of the spirit fish are full of awe.

"Spiritual fish, it performs well!"

At this time, Ye Chenfeng, who was hidden behind the scenes, slowly came out and said with a faint smile.

"Morning wind brother, why don't you let me kill them all?"

If it wasn’t for Ye Chenfeng’s voice, the spirit fish couldn’t help but kill the flying Donghe Yuqi and others.

"They are just small fish. I want to catch big fish, big fish behind the scenes!" Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, an unpredictable voice.

"Ye Gongzi, Miss Ling, thank you for helping me today, for my family!"

A woman wearing a white long skirt, tall and graceful, white and tender as snow, a pair of Danfeng eyes sparkling with charming waves, temperament is elegant, very beautiful woman came out from the crowd, directed at Ye Chenfeng and Ling The fish bowed deeply and said gratefully.

And this woman, it is Dong Xue Yu Qi who wants to marry Zhou Xue.


Looking at the beautiful snow of Zhou Xue, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"Oh, although the crisis of today has been lifted, my family and Donghe have really broken. Today they have suffered this big loss in my family, which gives them an excuse to blatantly plunder the Jinleiite mine. "Zhou Shanlong said with some concern.

"Reassured, Zhou Jiazhu, I assure you that no one can take away your Jin Leishi mine." Ye Chenfeng confidently full of promises.

"Ye Gongzi, do you have a way to deal with Nirvana's humanity? Donghe's two Nirvana people can sit in town." Zhou Shanlong reminded.

"You will know when you arrive!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said mysteriously.


"Yuqi, how can you hurt so much, what happened!"

Donghe Yuqi and others wandered back to Donghe, when they set off an uproar in Donghe, the father of Donghe, the father of Donghe Yuqi, and the owner of Donghe’s Donghebo looked at himself. The son’s misery was furious and asked loudly.

"Father, you must give us revenge!"

The Donghe Yuqi, who was sitting on the chair of the Taishi, was stunned by the people in the Zhou family.

"What, Zhou Jia invited a strong support, you were injured by a girl who looks like fourteen or five years old?"

After listening to the story of Donghe Yuqi, Donghe Bo’s brows were tightly twisted together and felt incredible.

"Yes, that dead **** is endless, the strength is extremely horrible, I am afraid that it has reached the limit of the six-level beastmaster!"

Thinking of the humiliation that the spirit fish brought to himself, Donghe Yuqi hated the roots and itchy, and wished to bring the family master back to Zhoujia immediately, and the spirit fish would be ruined.

"It seems that Zhou family is necessary to keep the Jinlei stone mine!" Dong Hebo's eyes flashed with a fierce color: "In addition to the little girl, Zhou Jia also invited those masters?"

"We only saw the dead girl. I didn't see any other masters except her. But when I played against Zhou Tianyi's waste, I was attacked by a terrible soul, so I suffered a big loss. Guess that Zhou Jia is afraid to hide other masters!" Donghe Yuqi continued.

"What do you think?"

After listening to the story of Donghe Yuqi, Donghe Bo’s fingers continually tapped the ancient wooden table and asked with a contemplative look.

"Zhou Jia does not hesitate to break with my Donghe, please come to the master to sit in the town, but also to keep the Jinlei stone mine, which proves that the Jinlei stone mine is rich, is a rich mine, I must win As for the masters invited by Zhou Jia, I feel that I am not afraid. If the experts they invited are very strong, I think Yu Qi will never return."

Donghe’s elders, Donghejing, took a sip of faint aroma of tea and slowly analyzed it.

"The elders said yes, Zhou family has no connections in the minefield. I don’t want any experts at all. The reason why the little girl is so powerful, I think I should use the drug, and I can just do it. Taking the excuse of Yuqi’s injury, he attacked Zhou’s occupation of the Jinlei stone mine discovered by Zhou’s.” Several high-rises of Donghe’s family echoed.

"Tonight, whoever voluntarily asks you to rob the Zhoujia's Jinleishi mine and explore the Zhoujia's card!" Donghe Bosi said, said.

"Home, this matter will be handed over to the old man, let me know the master who will come to Zhou!"

The East River view, which reached the limit of the 6th-level beastmaster, put down the teacup in his hand and said with ease.

"Okay, then there is a great elder!" Donghe Bo nodded, killing and swearing: "All the Zhou family members in the killing Jin Leishi mine gave Zhou a warning."

"Reassure the owner, I promise to make the nightmare of Zhou family tonight!" Donghe attractions nodded, revealing a smile.

"Zhou, you are waiting to be destroyed by my Donghe!"

Seeing the East River scene to be shot, Donghe Yuqi’s fierce light mourns in his heart, and the scene of Zhou’s blood flowing into the river appears in his mind, revealing a cold smile.

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