Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1237: The arrival of the lei

"What do you think about this?"

Donghe Bo, who looks like a watery face, looks at a famous Donghe master who is silent, and asks for a low voice.

"This incident is a bit strange, the entire minefield, in addition to the Lei family sacred Lei Peng, has not heard of the emergence of the second sacred beast, and the sacred beast also appeared in the Zhoujia Jinlei stone mine, this Very unusual." Dong He's two elders took a deep breath and analyzed.

"Two elders, what do you mean, that holy beast has a relationship with Zhou family?" Donghe Bo brows slightly wrinkled.

"Although this sounds a bit ridiculous, I think there must be a connection between them!" The two elders nodded and said.

"I don't think this possibility exists. Unless the Lei family is such a giant, how can the general forces accept a holy beast? And if the Zhou family really supports the sacred beast, it will endure me Donghe "The Elders of Donghe retorted.

"The patriarch, did you contact the elders again, what did he say?" The two elders meditated and asked.

"Hey, the elders can't be contacted. If I guess well, the elders should be killed!" Dong Hebo said with a gloomy face.

"The patriarch, do you say that Zhou Jia will donate the Jin Leishi mine to the Lei nationality and get the protection of the Lei nationality. The holy beast in the Jinleiite mine is Lei Peng!"

Slim and small, with a goat beard, the eyes of the Lei nationality shimmering with wise light.

"Well, Dafa and I thought about going there. In the case of nowhere, Zhoujia really has the possibility to dedicate Jinleishi mine to the Lei people and seek their shelter!" Donghe Bo nodded.

"If the Lei family really shelters Zhou, then the trouble is big!"

When I heard Donghe Bo, the atmosphere in the entire lobby immediately became suppressed, and the face of Donghe’s high-rise was also deeply dignified.

"Everyone should not panic. All this is our own guess. Today I am going to visit Lei Ming to protect the law, to explore the style of Lei Ming's law-protection, and then make a decision!" Dong Hebo took a deep breath and said with anxiety. .

If the mysterious masters appearing in Zhou Jiazhong are from the Lei nationality, the Lei nationality really supports the Zhou family. For Donghe, it will be a disaster.


"Ye Gongzi, how is the situation, tonight, Donghe's people attacked the Jinlei stone mine in Zhoujia?"

When Ye Chenfeng returned to Zhoujiafu alone, Zhou Shanlong and others who had not waited for a night’s sleep immediately walked out of the lobby and asked nervously.

"Tonight, Donghe’s people attacked the Jinleishi mine, but they were all killed by me!” Ye Chenfeng said in an understatement.

"All killed!"

The overall strength of Donghe's is far better than that of Zhou. In the subconscious, Zhou family is not willing to fight with Donghe. It is known that Ye Chenfeng kills Zhoujia masters. Zhou Shanlong has revealed his concern.

"Zhou Jiazhu worried about Donghe's revenge?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"Ye Gongzi may not be afraid of Donghe, but I have to fear at Zhou!" Zhou Shanlong took a deep breath.

Now, Zhou Jia has Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu sitting in the town, not afraid of Donghe’s revenge, but Zhou Shanlong knows that Ye Chenfeng can’t stay in Zhou’s home all the time, they must leave, Zhou’s situation will become Extremely dangerous.

"Do not worry, Zhou Jiazhu, even if I leave with the spirit fish, I will properly handle everything and will not leave you trouble!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and promised.

"Ye Gongzi, I am afraid that it is not as simple as you think. Even if Donghe fears your strength and does not dare to retaliate, Donghe Bo is a hero, the method is terrible, and he definitely has a way to borrow the Lei Hand to deal with us."

Zhou Shanlong is not clear about the relationship between Ye Chenfeng’s energy and the black king. He is worried.

"Zhou Jiazhu, you only need to relax your mind, even if the Lei family come out is useless!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said confidently.

"Ye Gongzi, do you know the people of the Lei family?"

After hearing the words of Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Shanlong browed and looked at Ye Chenfeng with surprise.

"I know someone about the Lei family!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Ye Gongzi, I don't know if you know the big man of the Lei family?" Zhou Shanlong asked.

If Ye Chenfeng knows the top of the Lei family, all problems will be solved.

"I know the black king." Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"Black Power King... Does the Lei family have this person?"

Zhou Shanlong and others looked at each other and saw the strangeness in each other's eyes. They never heard the name of the black king in the Lei nationality.

Looking at the doubts in the eyes of Zhou Shanlong and others, Ye Chenfeng guessed that few people in the entire minefield should know the identity of the black king, and he did not know the real name of the black king, nor did he explain too much. .

"Well, Zhou Jiazhu, you are all tired all the night, let's go to rest, I promise that Zhou family has nothing to do." After that, Ye Chenfeng looked at Zhou Shanlong and other people's eyes. Returning to the West Courtyard with a spirit fish.

Nothing in the night, it was dawning soon.

Looking at the faint light outside the window, Ye Chenfeng took out the subpoena and gave a message to the black king. He asked him to help and let him hide his identity.

Next, Ye Chenfeng began to retreat, cultivating the three magical changes that he won from the Holy Fire Valley.

Suddenly, there was a riot in the front yard of Zhoujiafu. Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul was banned through soundproofing, and he felt that more than a dozen highly-skilled masters broke into the Zhou family.

"It’s coming soon!"

Ye Chenfeng opened the closed eyes and stopped practicing, and went to the front yard with the spirit fish.

"Lei Hufa, how come you!"

At this time, Zhou Jia’s chaos became a pot of porridge. Zhou Shan’s family, Zhou Shanlong, was afraid to stand in front of a man wearing a dark blue moiré robes, carrying his hands and his face with arrogant colors. Asked respectfully.

And this arrogant man, it is the Lei people to protect the law Lei Ming, although Lei Ming did not change the Nirvana people, but also the sixth level of the beasts of the beasts of the realm of the king, plus the giants behind the Lei people standing behind him, In Qinglei County, even if some of his ancestors saw him, they would not be offended.

After thunder, stood a man with a burly figure and a color of unconscionableness. He is the Donghe clan Donghe Bo.

"Why can't I come?"

The Lei nationality guards thundered and sneered, squinting at Zhou Shanlong.

"No, no, don't misunderstand the law, I don't mean it!"

Zhou Shanlong Yu Guang saw the sneer hanging on the face of Dong Hebo, and his heart was more and more uneasy, and he said quickly.

"Call out your Zhou family's cuddling, let me see who is so bold, dare to intervene in Qinglei County." Lei Ming can not resist the order.

"This is..."

Zhou Shanlong reveals a dilemma.

"Why, if you have a cuddling in your family, would you not listen to me?" Lei Ming said coldly and coldly: "I believe you don't believe me to let your Zhou family be removed from Qinglei County."

"Thunder protects the law, and I have no intention of offending the Lei family. It is just..." Hearing the warning from Lei Ming, Zhou Shanlong was filled with panic and explained quickly.

"You find me..."

At this time, a gentle and not overbearing voice rang in the repressed Zhoujiafu. Ye Chenfeng walked slowly with the spirit fish and Zhou Tianyi.

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