Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1240: 雷穿王


The sound of a piercing sound rang out over the silent Zhou Family.

Afterwards, a breath that passed beyond Zhou Shanlong and others appeared. As a mountain of mountains was oppressed, this strong breath made Zhou Shanlong and other people tremble with their legs, and could not stand.

And Zhou Tianyi, Zhou Xue and other juniors, even this horrible breath pressed the beach to sit on the ground, no blood.

When Zhou Shanlong and others are about to be pushed to the ground by this increasingly powerful and terrible atmosphere, a few fingers of white fingers suddenly appeared in the West Campus of Zhoujiafu, one finger breaking the sky, directly covering the Zhoujiafu The terrible breath is broken.

"Zhou Shanlong, I said how do you dare to fight against my Lei family, you have invited a master, but today is the king of Laos here, and can not save your week!"

A middle-aged man wearing a dark blue robes, whose face is as sharp as a knife, and his burly body flashing with electric power, with a group of Lei masters, appears outside the Zhoujiafu, with the superior The tone is drunk.

And this blue man is the first person in Qinglei County. Wang Lei, the Lei nationality county, wears a king and is trained to reach the peak of Nirvana.

"Lee through the king, you listen to me, things are not as you think!" Zhou Shanlong stood up and tried to explain.

"There is nothing to explain! Today I will let you know and provoke the end of my Lei family!" Ray wearing the eyes of the king shimmering in the thunder, said the killing.

"Lei Wang, my family is willing to offer a new excavation of a gold mine stone mine, seeking the county king network to open one side, give me a week to stay in the road!"

Feeling the terrible breath that Ray wears through the body, Zhou Shanlong’s heart trembles and his head is low.

"Hey, Jin Leishi Mine!" The face is gloomy, and Lei Ming’s guardian method, which flashes in the eyes, says: "You think that a gold mine stone mine can make up for you to challenge me, kill me. The crime of the Lei master."

"Today, my Lei family will take you to the knife, so that the various forces in the minefield know to provoke the end of my Lei family!"

"Reming, I didn't expect you to dare to come!" At this time, Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish appeared.

When Lei Ming saw Ye Chenfeng, the pupils shrank, and the momentum of the body was obviously weaker by three points. However, considering the strength of Lei Wang, he suddenly had the confidence and used his triangular eyes to give He came to the endless humiliating Ye Chenfeng two humanity: "Kid, I don't care who you are, you must die today."

"Reming, I wanted to spare you a life, but why don't you cherish this opportunity too!"

Ye Chenfeng shook his head and stepped forward.

The next moment, his body suddenly blurred, and rushed to the pupils to shrink at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and sniffed the threat of death.

"Looking for death!"

Thunder King did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so arrogant, and dared to kill the Lei nationality in front of his face, and was furious, and the endless thunder flashed in his body, such as a snake, killing Ye Chenfeng, want to kill him.

"Bronze Sword Soul, Off!"

In the face of thunder and lightning attack by Wang Biao, Ye Chenfeng did not rush and rushed in, relying on absolute power, tore the thunder and thunder, and pointed out a finger at Lei Ming.

One point out, the bronze sword soul shot out, like the unbreakable light, penetrated the attack of the king, and pierced the scared Lei Ming head.


Remy’s head splashed a **** flower, and he still couldn’t believe it until he died. Ye Chenfeng really dared to kill him.

"Hello big dog!"

Looking at Lei Ming was killed by Ye Chenfeng’s head, and a raging anger burst out in the body of Lei Wang. He completely broke out the strength of Nirvana’s peak and summoned a large amount of flow. Lei Guang, the long gun that reaches the level of the best grade, will kill Ye Chenfeng and avenge the dead Lei Ming.

"Morning wind brother, let me deal with him, test my true strength!"

The spiritual fish pedals and the eight shadows appear around Ye Chenfeng, and the beautiful big eyes are burning with strong fighting intentions. Please shout.


Ye Chenfeng also wants to know the true fighting power of the spirit fish, and his body flashes, avoiding the lightning-like fists of the thunder and wearing the thorns, and returning to Zhou Shanlong and others.

"Old guy, eat your spirit fish, grandma, a stick!"

The spirit fish screamed and sang a sacred scorpion, and a terrible force erupted to the thundering king, colliding with the thundering gun that he stabbed.


A deafening blast sounded.

The two avenues collided together, and the power of earth-shattering broke out, and the air rippled in the air.


The hard regrets of the king wearing a gun attack, the spirit fish was shocked to retreat, and every time she stepped back, the ground was crushed, which shows the horror of the gun wearing the king.

"How is it possible, how can this little girl be so powerful!"

Feeling a hint of numbness in his arm, Lei wears a big wave in the heart of the king. He can't believe that the soul fish that seems to be underage is so terrible.

But the next sentence of the spirit fish completely ignited the anger in his heart.

"Old guy, you are not bad, it is worth letting me do my best!"

"True blood, burning!"

Speaking, the spirit fish burned the second blood that she basically mastered, and a force beyond the blood of everyone imagined broke out in her petite body.

The strength of this bloodline has given a strong sense of suffocation to everyone present, and there are many people who are not good enough to produce a cult.

"This, what is this bloodline!"

Thunder wearing Wang Yan’s eyes widened, watching the petite body continue to rise, the body is getting richer and thicker, the black hair grows fast, and the spirit fish that covers the little buttocks is covered, and the heart is even more shocked.

Although he doesn't know what the blood of the spirit fish is, he is very sure that the blood level of the spirit fish far exceeds him.


The blood of the true **** was burned, and the limit of strength was reached. The spirit fish broke out with a force of 200 million jins, and the hand held the scorpion to the king.

A stick of squatting, air riots, this stick hit, like a smashing mountain, letting people suffocate and despair.

"Thunder shot!"

In the face of this stick of the spirit fish, Lei Wang did not dare to care about it. The road of Lei’s road showed his body. He shot a gun and thundered it. He gathered it on the tip of the gun. The attack of the spirit fish.


Thunderstorms, space chaos, and the storm of destruction swept the entire space.

The second collision of the two avenues caused a great burst of force, and the whole Zhou Jiafu trembled fiercely under this attack.

With strong physical defense, the squid holds the Scorpio stick and rushes directly into the devastating storm, and is violently strangled with the King.

Although the strength of the king wearing the king is afraid, it has reached the limit of Nirvana's human condition, and has mastered many Shentong cards, but the true blood of the gods is even more anti-day, coupled with the terrible blood heritage, the spirit fish and the king wears a fierce battle, and Did not fall into the wind.

"This, how can the little fish girl be so strong!"

Looking at the sky from the sky to the ground, from the ground to the sky, the spirit fish and the king wearing the king, Zhou Shanlong and others were deeply shocked by the strength of the spirit fish.

But it’s shocking, Zhou Shanlong and others are more worried. If Lei wears a big loss and is injured by a spiritual fish, it will really break the sky.

ps: The subscription number is plus, everyone will join the subscription number, and the tears will be updated. Subscription number: ylty83

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