Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1242: Elders of Criminal Law


When Ye Chenfeng re-created the king of Lei, the sound of a terrifying sound came from far away, and it sounded over Zhoujiafu for a long time.

The next moment, a very fast Ling Zhou broke through nine days and appeared in the sky above Zhou Jiafu.

"Criminal Law Elders!"

Looking out of the spirit boat, wearing a purple gold unicorn robes, eyebrows and beards white, dark skin, revealing the old man who is not angry and self-important, the well-wounded Lei wearing the king reveals the ecstasy, regardless of physical injury Shouted.

The Lei nationality has two criminal law elders. They have a very high status in the Lei nationality, and the strength of the two criminal law elders has reached the nirvana realm and has mastered many terrible channel skills of the Lei people.

Although Lei Wang does not know why the elders of the criminal law with high status will come to recall Zhoucheng, his appearance can directly declare Ye Chenfeng’s death penalty.

"Lee Criminal Law Elders!"

The person who learned to fly out of Lingzhou turned out to be the elder of the Lei nationality, and the heart of Zhou Shanlong and others fell directly into the abyss.

Even Zhou Tianyi, who is blindly worshipping Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Xue and Er, also showed the color of despair.

"Purple Chu Sheng Lei!"

When everyone was shocked by the elders of the criminal law who came from the spirit boat, Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword and suddenly appeared in front of the victim who was seriously injured. The terrible purple beginning of the thunder was sprayed out. With the power to destroy everything, the bombardment went to the king.


A deafening blast sounded, and Ray’s body defense was directly broken by the purple sacred thunder, and a large amount of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

"I let you stop!"

The elders of the criminal law did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so courageous. In his own face, he dared to reinvent the thunder and wear the king. He suddenly became angry. The endless thunder rushed out of his body and turned into a terrible thunder. Destroy the void and grab the Ye Chenfeng.

"Bronze Sword Soul, give me off!"

The king of Lei Chao just wanted to kill the spirit fish, and completely touched the counter-scale of Ye Chenfeng. Therefore, the elders of the Lei nationality criminal law appeared, and Ye Chenfeng was not prepared to let him go.


A sword light crossed before the eyes of the king, and the bronze swordsman who was like a broken bamboo directly cut off the legs of the king. A lot of blood, like a fountain, spurted out at his broken limbs. The huge pain almost let Lei wears the king and faints.

"Insane crazy, this Ye Chenfeng is too big, in the face of the elders of the criminal law, dare to cut off the legs of the king, he is dead!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng breaking the thunder and wearing the legs of the king, I was shocked by everyone present, so that they could not believe what happened in front of them.

The elders of the criminal law flashed, and the legs were cut off. The blood flowed through the front of the king. The road was released to seal the wounds of his legs. He was given a medicinal herb and glared at him. Ye Chenfeng, angry roaring said: "Hello, big courage, in front of the old man, dare to hurt my king of the Lei family."

"I didn't kill him. I have already given the Lei people a face. If he is not a Lei national, he has now become a dead body!"

Ye Chenfeng ignores the angry eyes of the criminal law elders and the hegemonic response.

"The arrogant, arrogant boy, the elder of the criminal law, killed him, revenge for the king."

Ye Chenfeng’s words are like a bomb, which ignited the anger of the Lei family’s masters. They glared at Ye Chenfeng and wished that they would be swallowed up.

"You don't think that someone will support you, you can have no fear, Lei Wang is the king of my Lei family, you broke his two legs, you must give me a confession!"

The elders of the criminal law are not clear about the relationship between Ye Chenfeng and the black king. It is even more unclear about his origins. He only received orders to solve Zhou’s troubles.

But he did not expect that Ye Chenfeng was so arrogant, in front of him, he broke the legs of the king and killed the defending Lei Ming, which completely angered him.

"Interpretation? I don't know what you want to explain?" Ye Chenfeng ignored the terrible smell of the elders in the criminal law, said faintly.

Although the strength of the criminal law elder is very strong, more than Ye Chenfeng is too much, but it is not easy for him to defeat Ye Chenfeng.

And Ye Chenfeng is not afraid of big troubles. With his kindness to the black king, he believes that even if he kills the king, the Lei family can’t help themselves.

"You broke the king's two legs, I will break your two legs!"

The elder of the criminal law said, a breath that surpassed everyone’s imagination radiated out of his old body, forming a sharp wind blade and pointing to Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink, and the power of the five major points erupts, forming a powerful wind blade that is spread out of the whole body and hardened by the elders of the criminal law.


The momentum wind blade and the power of the Ye Chenfeng burst into each other, forming a strong air wave, sweeping around.

"The strength is good, but in the minefield, even if it is a real dragon, you have to give it to me!"

A horrible ancient beast emerged behind the elders of the criminal law. When he merged with the shadows of the ancient beasts, tens of thousands of thunders sprayed out of his body, just as Raytheon came to the dust.

"Yes, let me teach the strength of the top Lei masters!"

In the face of the overthrow of the criminal law elders, Ye Chenfeng did not retreat, his mind moved, the gods and bloods burned, the whole body continued to rise, the whole body's skin turned red and red like steel casting, and his own power exceeded. The general sacred beast has reached 200 million pounds.

"I didn't expect you to have this card, but you can't change your destiny today because of your strength!"

Speaking, the elders of the criminal law emerged with a superb level, a water-blue six-foot sword with ancient lines.

And this sword, called the criminal law sword, can be used to protect the king of the Lei nationality, even if the general elders see this sword are afraid of three points.

"Today your legs, the old man is going to fix!"

Speaking, the elders of the criminal law took out a sword, and a sword broke out, sweeping the world, and the terrible swords shrouded Ye Chenfeng, giving him a hint of dignity.

The Zhou family feels that the sword of the criminal law elders is even more desperate. They have no doubt that the power of this sword is enough to master their life and death.


The elders of the criminal law facing Nirvana, Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care about it. Under the idea, in 1989, the sword of Qiankun flew out of his body and condensed into a sword figure, resisting the criminal law elders. A sword.


The Qiankun sword figure trembled violently, and the cracks spread on the surface of the sword.

Under the criminal law elders attacked with a sword, the indestructible Qiankun sword figure actually broke, which made Ye Chenfeng surprise his attack power.


Forcibly resisting the attack of the criminal law elders, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled a sword that swept away and turned into an intensive sword rain, attacking the elders of the criminal law.

"Silver Feather Thunder!"

Twenty-one of the swords of Qiankun is close, and the elders of the criminal law immediately display the techniques of the Lei family. A large number of thunder and lightning sprayed out his body, turning into a feather-like mad thunder, bombarding the sword of Qiankun, intense in midair. The attack.

The Qiankun Jianzheng is a holy power, and the swords of the Eighty-one are all superb devices. The power is extremely horrible, and the Nirvana people can be trapped, and it is difficult to get out of trouble.

But the criminal law elders are in charge of the Lei nationality criminal law, the strength of the sky, the silver feather thunder is also the top technology of the Thunder family for hundreds of thousands of years.

Every attack by Lei Yu exceeded the strongest strike of the best-in-class device, and the rebellion against the Qiankun sword array brought great pressure and threat to Ye Chenfeng.

Gradually, Ye Chenfeng’s offensive was restrained by the criminal law elders and retreated.

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