Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1244: Dust settles


Under the sky, the chaotic space suddenly fell into silence, and time seemed to be fixed at this moment.

The next moment, the big hand disappeared, and the intensifying storm disappeared.

"Well, what happened, the elders of the criminal law, how did his old man disappear?"

The smoke dissipated, and everyone was as stupid as being hit by the blue sky.

They saw that the elders of the Lei nationality criminal law disappeared strangely with the big-handed hands. In the space full of cracks, there was only the arrogant and unyielding Ye Chenfeng.

"A terrible big hand, is this the true strength of Nirvana?"

Recalling the scene of hiding a big hand like a child, and taking the criminal law elders away, Ye Chenfeng’s heart is shocked.

With his strength and playing cards, although he can compete with the general Nirvana situation, he is still vulnerable in the face of nirvana.

"Thunder wearing the king, this time I will give you the face of the Lei family, and spare you a life, but if you dare to provoke me in the future, no one can save your life!"

Ye Chenfeng looked down at his big eyes, and the trembling thunder of the king, the warning of loneliness.

"Let's go!"

Thunder wearing the king is seriously injured, but he is, after all, a nirvana human being, and through the storm of destruction, he saw a scene of obscuring the elders of the criminal law.

It is possible to condense out the sky and cover the hands of the criminals. The entire Lei family is no more than three people. Together with Ye Chenfeng’s incomprehensible posture, he is afraid of Ye Chenfeng’s identity. Did not dare to stay for a long time, but did not dare to retaliate again, with his broken leg, jumped to the spirit boat staying in the air.

The thundering king who was seriously injured was afraid that Ye Chenfeng would leave, and the rest of the Lei masters would not dare to stay for a long time. They jumped over the spirit boat and left.

"Big, big brother, what happened just now, where the elders of the criminal law went, and who is the big man who converges!"

Looking at the Lei master's wolverines leaving, Zhou Tianyi came to Ye Chenfeng and asked in awe.

"The criminal law elders were taken away!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"Ah...what is the person who has such magical powers, even the elders of the criminal law dare to catch!" Zhou Tianyi’s throat rolled and asked in amazement.

"Zhou Jiazhu, it’s really a shame to destroy your Zhou family in this battle, but from today, the Lei family should not be embarrassed about your week!"

Ye Chenfeng did not answer Zhou Tianyi’s words and directed his eyes to Zhou Shanlong, saying slowly.

"Ye Gongzi Daen, my family is unforgettable!"

Zhou Shanlong bowed deeply to Ye Chenfeng and said with gratitude.

"This is what I promised to your ancestors, and naturally will shelter you in the end!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said slowly: "Well, I and the spirit fish go back to rest, and the reconstruction is handed over to you." ."

"For the Zhou family, what happened today should not be promoted. If you let the outside world know what happened today, it is likely to cause more trouble!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish left under the watchful eyes of the Zhou family.

"Big Brother, do you say that my Zhou’s crisis has really been lifted?" Until now, Zhou Shankun couldn’t believe what had just happened, and there was a feeling of dreaming.

"We have a small scorpion, his background is not simple, even the power behind it, please come to the Lei nationality, and seize the criminal law elders!" Zhou Shanlong took a deep breath.

"Big Brother, you said that the person who condensed the big hands, Ye Gongzi invited!" Zhou Shankun took a cold breath.

"What do you say? In addition to Ye Gongzi, who will help me Zhou." Zhou Shanlong said: "Well, blockade today's news, no one can say what happened today, who dares to disclose, family law to serve ."

"Grandpa, is it useful for me to block the news? I am afraid that the Lei people will leak out what happened today!" Zhou Tianyi said.

"Tianyi, you are still too young! The Lei people have suffered such a big loss today, can't wait to block all news, will they publicize it?" Zhou Shanlong shook his head and said: "Maybe the power of Ye Gongzi, I really have Zhou family." The day of the resurgence of the mountains."


"How about, how about the situation of Zhoucheng, whether they have been destroyed by the thunder!"

The Lei family left, and when Zhoucheng returned to calm, Donghe Bo immediately called back to Donghe’s eyeliner and wanted to know the situation of Zhou’s family.

"The patriarchs, the Lei people have left, but Zhou Shanlong they are not dead, Zhou family has not been destroyed by the Lei family!" Donghe's eyeliner screamed.

"What... Zhou's home is okay!" Donghe Bo glanced, and asked aloud: "You are sure that Zhou Shanlong is still alive."

"My family saw it, Zhou family under the command of Zhou Shanlong, is rebuilding, and Zhou Shanlong, Zhou Shankun are still alive, but Lei Ming protection seems to be dead!" Donghe's eye line.

"How could this happen? What happened in the end? How could the Lei family let go of Zhou." Donghe Bo frowned and wrinkled together, thinking hard.

It can be said that this result is greatly out of his expectations, and his plan of deliberation has been lost, which has disrupted all his deployment.

"At that time, Zhou Jiafu was blocked by the Lei masters. We don't know what happened inside, and my Donghe's sneak into the Zhou family, and the Zhou family four elders left early, can't know the news!" He's master said.

"Why did the Zhou family hand over the culprit to the Lei nationality and donated the Jinlei stone mine in exchange for the forgiveness of the Lei people!"

Donghe Bo, whose face is gloomy and watery, continues to walk back and forth in the hall, thinking of a possibility that he can accept.

"The patriarch, we still have to deal with Zhoujia!" Donghe's two elders asked.

"Cancel all plans to deal with Zhou Jia, wait for me to find out the truth and plan again!" Donghe Bo smelled an unusual atmosphere, and ordered.

The crisis was lifted, and the Zhou family regained its calm. The Zhou Jiasi elders and other people who had heard the news repented and were cheeky and wanted to return to Zhou.

But after receiving a message from Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Shanlong did not accept the four elders who were mentally unsound, selfish and self-interested, and gave them some money to let them leave.

"Tianyi, this sword is given to you. When I got this sword, the owner of this sword told me that if one day I don't need this sword, I must pass him to the next person. Now I will pass him on to you!" Ye Chenfeng will re-refin it, and the soldier who has reached the rank of Shangpindao is given to Zhou Tianyi.

"Thank you Big Brother, I will not humiliate this sword!"

Zhou Tianyi took the soldiers of the king with respect and respectfully, and patted his chest to ensure the road.

"Okay, go to practice, I hope that before I leave Zhou, your strength can be significantly improved!"

According to what happened in the past few days, Ye Chenfeng was very satisfied with Zhou Tianyi and decided to cultivate him and gave him two ancient roads.

Time goes by.

After the war with the elders of the Lei nationality criminal law, Ye Chenfeng has been retreating at the Zhou family and studying the three changes in the sky.

But because Ye Chenfeng has merged the various flames that have been conquered, it has formed a fire of burning, so he has no extra flames to display the three changes.

"It seems that in the future, we must find ways to conquer two kinds of holy fires!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself, and the mind of the Holy Fire in the Valley of the Holy Fire could not help but emerge.

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