Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1247: The pit is miserable

"Hey, I said, I want you to get nothing today!" Donghe Yuqi heard Ye Chenfeng's offer, and sighed in his heart: "60 million top grade soul crystal."

"70 million top grade soul crystals!"

Donghe Yuqi voice just fell, Nie Wei people's Bai Wen quoted the road.

He has a feeling that if he can get these five newly unearthed ancient Dao Dan, he is entirely possible to cross the shackles of the realm, go to Taiqingtian to challenge the destruction of the world and transform the Nirvana.

The appeal of the five ancient Daodan is too great. Not only Bai Wen’s bidding, but others have also increased their bids.

Soon, the price of these five ancient Dao Dan was fired by everyone to 100 million yuan.

"100 million top grade soul crystal, and continue to increase the price?" Yin Ruoxi reveals a enchanting smile, said.

"120 million top quality soul crystal!"

Ye Chenfeng thought for a while and thought about it for a while.


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s offer, Donghe Yuqi’s brow wrinkled unconsciously.

The reason why he dared to boast of Haikou was because he had some understanding of Zhou’s financial resources, knowing that they couldn’t get too many top grades to make a grave.

As for Ye Chenfeng, he did not look at it. He did not believe that one person would have more financial resources than a family.

"130 million top quality soul crystal!"

Donghe Yuqi bites his teeth and continues to increase the price.

"150 million top quality soul crystal!"

In order to break through to the Nirvana realm, the white-songs were also spelled out, and the price increase was greatly increased.

"Big Brother, I feel almost the same, don't come to the end, these five waste Dans come to us!"

The price of five medicinal herbs has been smashed to 150 million top quality soul crystals, making Zhou Tianyi slightly nervous, cautiously speaking...

You know, the master recalls Zhoucheng’s Zhou family, and can earn about 300 million yuan in the last year. Once these five wastes come to their hands, they will hurt Zhou’s vitality.

"Do not worry, I have my own size!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the brain and has been observing the change of the expression of Donghe Yuqi. Through his expression, Ye Chenfeng determined that Donghe Yuqi has great interest in these five medicinal herbs, and directly quoted: 200 million top grade soul crystal."

When the price of 200 million yuan came out, the whole tomb was surrounded by a stunned look. The eyes of everyone looked at the morning light of the morning light.

"You don't want to bluff, just how can you bring 200 million top quality souls!"

The price of 200 million exceeded the bottom line of Donghe Yuqi, which made him question the price of Ye Chenfeng, shouting his face.

"Can't afford it, it's our business. If you don't have money, you will look at it, don't be embarrassed, and scream like a dog!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth is slightly tilted, revealing a sardonic smile Deliberately stimulate him.


Donghe Yuqi reveals the color of the haze, hesitating to continue to increase the price.

And Zhou Tianyi, Zhou Xue’s heart also smashed at this moment, for fear that Donghe Yuqi would give up and put five dead dan in their hands.

"Less master, this price is a bit high!" A white-haired old man voiced,

"If the quality of these five ancient Daodan is excellent, the price of 200 million top grade soul crystals is only low, and I can never let Zhou Jia get these five ancient roads, lest they use these five ancient roads to make Dan The article threatens the status of Donghe's!" Donghe Yuqi took a deep breath and increased the price: "200 million top grade soul crystal."

"Two hundred and ten million top grade soul crystals, and there is a fare increase?"

The price of the five newly unearthed ancient Dao Dan was greatly out of the expectation of Yin Ruoxi, which made her smile more thick and asked softly.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng did not continue to increase the price, and the ancient Dao Dan, who quickly lost the five drugs, was given to Donghe Yuqi.

The white face of the gloomy face has to give up, but he looks at the colder eyes of Ye Chenfeng and Donghe Yuqi.

"Well, since no one has increased the price, then this ancient Daodan was taken by Donghe Gongzi!"

Yin Ruoxi announced loudly, handing over the five ancient cans of the ancient Dao Dan to his men, and let him complete the transaction with Donghe Yuqi.

"You can't fight for me, or give up!"

If you want to shoot five ancient Dao Dan, Donghe Yuqi reveals a faint smile and continues to provoke.

"Donghe Yuqi, I don't know if you are stupid or fake, spend more than 200 million yuan on the top of the soul, shoot five dead Dan, and still like this, if you are embarrassed, you must kill you. "Ye Chenfeng looked at the smug Donghe Yuqi, said the drama."

"You said that Dan Dan is a waste Dan. Who do you think you are?" Donghe Yuqi's face changed slightly, and he did not believe it.

"If you don't believe it, you can take out the ancient Dao Dan in the porcelain jar and see if Gu Dao Dan's potency has been lost half!" Ye Chenfeng said disapprovingly.

"This, how is this?"

The letter of the suspected Donghe Yuqi took out an ancient Dao Dan from the porcelain jar. When the soul force was released, the face suddenly became iron.

"Now you believe me!"

Looking at the Donghe Yuqi, who was completely stupid because of the blue sky, Ye Chenfeng said with a chuckle.

"Just you are yin?"

I thought that just before the morning breeze continued to increase the price, bidding with myself, Donghe Yuqi only felt a raging anger in his chest, he gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Chenfeng, angry roaring.

"Yes, I am Yiny, who makes you stupid, so easy to lie?" Ye Chenfeng nodded and admitted.


Donghe Yuqi was almost mad, and the whole body was mad.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Touching the angry eyes of Donghe Yuqi, the spirit fish stepped forward, with his hands on his hips, and said with high spirits: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you."


Donghe Yuqi has long been scared by the spirit fish. In the face of her challenge, Donghe Yuqi simply did not dare to fight, can only bite his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

"Can you tell the truth of the grave?"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng successively said that the tomb of the tomb was real, everyone looked at him and his eyes became hot. Even Yin Ruoxi saw more of Ye Chenfeng’s eyes, thoughtfully.

"Yin Zongzhu, can you continue?"

Ye Chenfeng ignored the inquiries of the people and turned his eyes to Yin Ruoxi.

"Okay, the grave will continue!"

Yin Ruoxi rushed to the morning light to reveal a shallow smile, and took out a piece of treasure from the funerary to make a grave.

Because the time of the tomb is too long, many treasures are severely eroded by the yin, which greatly destroys its own value, and there is no heaven and earth in the ancient tomb, so Ye Chenfeng has never shot.

"These three fruits are three yin fruit, and since this ancient tomb has a history of more than 50,000 years, these three yin fruit absorb a lot of yin, so their value is extremely high, to the yin If the master of the cold constitution can refine these three fruits, there will be a qualitative leap in their own strength!"

Yin Ruoxi took three dark grays from one hand and exuded a thick, yin-like, somewhat weird fruit, and slowly introduced it.

"Yinguo, this ancient tomb has produced a fruity fruit!"

Looking at the three yin fruit on the hand of Yin Ruoxi, Zhou Tianyi and Zhou Xue both showed a deep surprise color, and their ecstatic expression was angered and stunned by the Donghe Yuqi who suffered a big loss. To, it showed a cold color.

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