Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1254: 藏石

Time goes by.

Although Zhou Jia tried to block the news, the news that Dong Hebo and others died in Zhoujiafu was still like the wind, and it was a big uproar in Qinglei County.

When the low-key Zhou family was pushed down on the edge of the knife, the Yinyin lord Yin Ruoxi came to Zhoujiafu accompanied by two old black men.

"Yin Zongzhu, how come you!"

Zhou Shanlong is not aware of the transaction between Ye Chenfeng and Yin Ruoxi. When she saw her arrival, she was surprised. She invited her to Zhoujiafu.

"Zhou Jiazhu, I am coming today, I am coming to visit Ye Gongzi!" Yin Ruoxi smiled slightly, indicating the intention.

"This, Ye Gongzi has been retreating, we dare not bother!"

Zhou Shanlong has long guessed the meaning of Yin Ruoxi and others, and said it is difficult.

"It doesn't matter, we can wait!" Yin Ruoxi did not care, whispered.

"Don't wait!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared outside the lobby, and Ye Chenfeng’s remnant who stayed in Zhou’s house felt that Yin Ruoxi and others arrived and immediately went out.

"Are you getting together on the prescription?"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the black tight dress, such as a ripe peach, exuding the invisible charm of Yin Ruo, said faintly.

"In addition to Sanyangcao, I have all the other things together!" Yin Ruoxi slowly stood up and showed a charming smile, whispered: "But today, I have another thing."

What happened to Zhou’s family some time ago, she heard it a little. She didn’t think that Ye Chenfeng’s means was so hot, she killed Donghe Bo and Donghe’s two elders.

More things that made her unexpected, this incident was full of enthusiasm, Donghe’s story of the family was reported to the Lei family, please the Lei people to be the master. But until now, Zhou family has not been punished by the Lei people, which makes her smell unusual, full of curiosity about Ye Chenfeng's identity.

"What's the matter!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the fascinating face of Yin Ruoxi, without a trace of affection.

"I am here today to invite the son to participate in the auction held in Jinlei City five days later!" Yin Ruoxi explained.

"Auction!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes lit up, revealing a trace of interest: "I don't know what the scale of this auction is?"

"Do not worry, Ye Gongzi, I know that your vision is high, how can I invite you to participate in the general auction!"

Yin Ruoxi intends to close the relationship with Ye Chenfeng, and puts the gesture very low, and the sound is pleasing to the ear.

"Can I bring three people together?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"Of course!"

Gyin dynasty as the fourth largest force in the minefield, the depth of the deep, four districts, they can still easily get their hands.

"Okay, after four days, we will resist Jinlei City on time!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Then we are waiting for Ye Gongzi in Jinlei City!"

When finished, Yin Ruoxi did not stay for a long time, with a scent, left under the congratulations of Zhou Shanlong and others.

Golden City, one of the large cities under the jurisdiction of the Lei nationality, is also a famous trading city in the Leiria. Because of the upcoming auction, Jinlei City has become more and more lively, and the streets have seen the power of Nirvana from time to time. .

"It’s so lively, this Jinlei City is not the iconic city of the minefield, more than the memory of Zhoucheng!"

Walking on the noisy street, Zhou Tianyi showed a hint of excitement, but Zhou Xue calmed down a lot, and kept silently behind Ye Chenfeng, constantly looking at her to make her feel unfathomable, the figure was engraved in her The morning wind in the depths of the soul.

"Go, let's go to the city to see if there is a treasure?"

One day before the auction began, Ye Chenfeng did not go to the place where the Yinyin was arranged to rest. Instead, he took Zhou Tianyi and others to the lively Taobao.

"There are a lot of people in this city!"

In the city of Zhou, Zhou Tianyi saw the crowds in the city, and each booth was full of people. It was not easy to squeeze in.

But the morning wind is not crowded, but the soul of the brain is extended and extended to a booth to screen the treasures.

"Go, let's go over there!"

Walking and walking, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes lit up, and Zhou Tianyi’s three came to the northwest, next to a stall with odd-shaped spar.

"Boss, how is this spar sold?"

Ye Chenfeng picked up a fist, the surface was pitted, and the seemingly plain gray stone, controlled the brain and asked him.

"The 100,000 pieces of the soul stone on my booth are not worth the price!"

An old man wearing a gray robes, his old face was covered with wrinkles, and his sleek eyes flashed in his round eyes, gently lifting his eyelids, hoarse and scorpion.

"This is so expensive!"

100,000 best soul crystals are equivalent to thousands of top quality soul crystals, I heard the quotation of the old man in the gray robes, Zhou Tianyi could not help but **** a cold breath.

"Children know what it is, there are hidden treasures hidden in the stone, and the value of the treasure is definitely more than 100,000 souls!" The gray-haired old man hoarse.

"I bought these three stones, this is 300,000 best soul crystals!"

Ye Chenfeng took out a ring of Qiankun and handed it to the old man in gray. He picked up three seemingly ordinary stones from his booth and left.

Suddenly, a fragrance passed into the nose of Ye Chenfeng and others.

A woman wearing a green green long skirt, tall, with a standard goose egg face, delicate facial features, elegant and elegant woman came to the booth, staring at her bright eyes, scanning the booth The hidden stone.

When Zhou Tianyi saw this green skirt woman, she was immediately attracted by her beautiful appearance.

"Boss, how do these spar sell?" The green skirt woman looked at the stone on the booth and asked.

"100,000 souls of a crystal!" said the old man in gray.

"So expensive?"

The green skirt woman wrinkled slightly, showing a hesitant color.

"Girl, if you are willing to give me the Sanyang grass in your ring, I will help you choose a stone that suits you." Ye Chenfeng glanced at the green ring on the woman's slender finger. , said slowly.

"You, how do you know that I have Sanyangcao!"

The green-faced woman’s face changed slightly, and she watched the Ye Chenfeng.

The four white-haired old men who followed the green skirt also showed a strong hostility, and a terrible breath exuded in their old body, locking Ye Chenfeng.

"This girl, don't be angry, my older brother is not malicious!"

Feeling the hostility in the eyes of the green skirt women and others, Zhou Tianyi’s face changed slightly, and quickly said.

"Yes, I am not malicious, and I trade with you, you will not suffer!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said with pride.

"You can really see through these stones!"

The old eyes of the gray-haired old man’s turbid eyes shot the light and wanted to see through the morning light.

The hidden stone is a very special kind of stone in the minefield. The stone contains treasures. However, there is a magical power in the stone. Even if the Nirvana is capable, it will not penetrate the soul into the stone. The truth in the stone.

"Forget it, you don't want to trade, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng did not answer the words of the old man in gray, and Zhou Tianyi, who was looking at the green skirt with the pulse, was leaving.

"Wait, if you can cut out the things that make me feel from the stone, I will send you Sanyang Grass!"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng had no mud and water, he turned away and the green skirt woman bit his lip and shouted.

"Okay, deal!"

Ye Chenfeng stopped and showed a faint smile, and promised.

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