Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1258: Break the Nirvana Landscapable

"Break the sky, kill all creatures!"

Strength has skyrocketed several times, reaching the limit of Nirvana's land. The gray-clothed old man will inject the multiplying force into the broken bow, quickly pull the bow and shoot, and shoot Ye Chenfeng and others.


When the chaotic beast is holding a bronze urn, and a few regrets are thrown by the flying arrows, a powerful anti-shock force is transmitted into its body through the bronze urn, and it is shaken. Injury, a lot of blood is sprayed from its mouth.

"Chaos, come back!"

The chaotic beast was injured, and Ye Chenfeng immediately transmitted it into the Qiankun environment to prevent it from being hurt more.

And with the help of the falling soul clock, the short-term resistance to a broken arrow, but the gray-haired old man who fell into madness shot too many arrows, constantly swaying the soul clock, let the dry Waiting for tremendous pressure.

When the old man in the gray coat used the last resort to use the broken bow to bring a deadly threat to Ye Chenfeng and others, Ye Chenfeng summoned the quasi-sacred gold-winged feather to draw out in the chaotic void. A glaring golden light, relying on absolute speed, evaded a broken hole wearing a hollow sky, approaching the old man in gray.

"Looking for death!"

The old-fashioned gray-clothed old man saw Ye Chenfeng dare to approach him, immediately controlled the Three Avenues to ban the space, suppress Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to kill him in one fell swoop.

"You can't kill me!"

Ye Chenfeng’s arm is raised, a small group of black and black, with a strange black blood flying out, sticking to the broken sky bow.

The next moment, affected by black blood, the power of the broken sky bow plummeted, and the shots of the broken arrows could no longer threaten Ye Chenfeng.

"Black blood, this is black blood!"

Black blood is the nemesis of all treasures. After the broken bow is stained with black blood, it loses its due power, and the King Kong copper bull is suppressed by the Jiuyi map, losing these two quasi-sacred treasures, gray The combat power of the old man is greatly reduced.

"Chaotic beast, come out!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, and the chaotic gods and beasts were summoned out again. Together with the dry and waiting, the sword spirits launched a deadly attack on the gray-shirted old man.

"Give me death!"

The old man in gray clothing did not accept his fate. He was attacked by Ye Chenfeng and others in a row. He not only did not evade, but he tried his best to fight back. He wanted to pull a few backs before he died.

Under the full force attack, the space was opened by a sword. The swordsman, who was like a broken bamboo, directly smashed the attack launched by Ye Chenfeng and others, and slammed into Ye Chenfeng.


Looking at Ye Chenfeng was caught in this sword, the sword spirit quickly blocked in front of Ye Chenfeng, using his body to resist the sword.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

Catch this opportunity, Ye Chenfeng broke out with all strength, and opened up a powerful anti-seismic force, jumped into the air, holding the black dragon holy sword that blended the bronze sword soul, and displayed a big kill trick.

A sword smashed out, like a mountain-like sword, bearing the imprint of the prosperous avenue, venting endless moral will, smashing everything, mixed with the terrible sound of the avenue, slamming into the ground The head of the gray old man.

Aware of the terrible sword of Ye Chenfeng, the gray-haired old man instinctively ducked to the side.

But this time, the chaotic beast, the right and left, appeared on his side, limiting his mobility, so that he had to regret the autumn of the sword.


The power of the horrible kendo is mixed with the strength of 200 million jins. Through the quasi-sacred sword, the body of the old man in the gray coat is added, which aggravates his physical injury. A lot of blood is sprayed in his mouth, and the whole body constantly Back.

"Chaotic Five Elements!"

"True Kirin!"

When the old man of the gray coat is out of control, the chaotic beast and the sword scorpion both cast their smugglers, attacking his body continuously, breaking his body defense and blurring the flesh and blood of his old body attack.

"Give me a break!"

The body injury is constantly aggravating, and the old man who has broken his life is still not retreating. He relies on absolute strength to break the attack launched by Ye Chenfeng and others, mobilize the final strength of the body and fight back.


The chaotic emptiness trembled, and the sword scorpion and the dragon sacred sword merged into a sacred sword, falling into the power of a terrible sword, and a sword opened the void, such as The Milky Way reversed, twisting time and space, and a sword slammed into the gray old man.


The sound of the blasting sounds in the void, and the old-fashioned gray-clothed veteran is degraded from the air by a sword and a sword, and the meteor falling to the ground is slammed to the ground. The cracked ground pierced a large hole.

"Kowloon Jade!"

When the old man in the gray coat was seriously injured, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Kowloon Jade, and sprayed a blood into the jade, almost injecting all the soul into the Kowloon jade, inspiring the jade. The attacking power of the cockroach condensed a lore of madness, dancing a huge body, and bombarding the hole that the old man of the gray coat broke out.

"Boom!" A loud noise, the stone was shocked.

Under the attack of Jiulong Yulong, the space within a square circle collapsed directly. The terrible power of the holy device ruined the body of the gray-haired old man and smashed his half body into a slag, leaving only one breath.

After the attack of Jiulong Jade, the chaotic beasts, swords and spirits, and the future treasures hold their own treasures and continue to attack.

Under their constant attack, the old man's body was smashed, and the dead could not die.

"Call, Nirvana's great powers can't be underestimated!"

Collecting people to kill the gray-haired old man, Ye Chenfeng took a sigh of relief and had a new understanding of the strength of Nirvana's great power.

"Let's go back!"

Although the ancient remnants of the map banned the space, but in the first battle, the destructive power of the formation was too great, Ye Chenfeng took away the relics of the old man in the gray coat, did not stay for a long time, and quickly left.

Ye Chenfeng quietly left without a doubt, the power of destruction in the space, still disturbed the nirvana of several gold mines, let them come to see what happened.

When they saw that the mountains in the square were flattened, the cracked land collapsed dozens of feet, all were stunned, and a tense atmosphere filled their hearts.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng has quietly returned to the room of the ancient courtyard and entered the Qiankunjing to see the harvest of the old man who killed the gray coat.

"So many stones!"

Breaking the relics of the old man in the gray coat, Ye Chenfeng discovered thousands of valuable stones. In addition to the hidden stones, he also got two quasi-sacred Dan, hundreds of millions of supernatural soul crystals. The top ten souls of the billion, the two ancient treasures, three pieces of the best, a large number of beasts, and a stone monument containing the mysterious kendo.

"Don't wait, this quasi-sacred sword, the quasi-sacred treasure gold bronze cow for you!"

"Spiritual fish, broken sky bow for you!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the burning of the holy fire, which will refine the sky, melt the black blood, give the harvest to the spirit fish, wait for the people, and send a large number of beasts To the chaos of the beast, Jin Qinglong blood lions, to enhance the strength of everyone.

"Okay, let's continue to practice!"

The distribution kills the harvest of the old man in the gray coat. Ye Chenfeng puts thousands of stones of different sizes in front of him, controls the brains and senses them, and explores the hidden treasures inside.

"This is..."

When the amplitude of the frequency reached the limit, the brain was infiltrated into the largest stone. Ye Chenfeng was stunned, and the face of Gujing’s waveless face showed a horrifying color.

ps: Everyone is eager to add a tear to WeChat public number: ylty83, every additional 1000 people add tears and a more chapter!

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