Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1261: 龙肉

"Big Brother, why do you spend such a high price, let me compete with Miss Nangong!"

Looking at the hand, there is a neon sympathy with a defensive glow. Zhou Tianyi’s delicate face is not only happy, but it reveals deep incomprehension and bitterness.

"Stupid boy, don't you know the truth of the treasures to send beauty?" Ye Chenfeng said with a cup of tea.

"Big Brother, you are letting me send this neon sign to Miss Nangong!"

Zhou Tianyi said with a big eyes, this is the 30 billion top quality soul crystal, saying that giving away people will give people, and thinking about it will make people feel trembled.

"Well, the Nangong dumping snow in the Nangong family is not low, if you want her to remember you, you must take the medicine!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, his face said lightly.

"Well, don't be excited. I will help you in front of the road. Can you capture the heart of the girl? Just look at your own skills!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Thank you Big Brother! I will work hard!" Zhou Tianyi nodded and said gratefully.

The price of 30 billion yuan pushed the atmosphere of the auction hall to the peak, and the next few treasures also sold high prices, making the smile on the face of purple cherry more and more concentrated.

But taking the neon sign, Ye Chenfeng did not shoot again, waiting for the finale of the auction.

Soon, the time is approaching the evening, and the lively auction is coming to an end.

"The third last treasure is a piece of meat, a piece of meat sealed in the essence of the cold jade, and according to the identification of my Lei master, this piece of meat is suspected to be a piece of dragon meat!"

The crystal table in front of the purple sakura maps out the white light, and the essence of the cold scent of the cold scent emerges. In the essence of the cold jade, a piece of bright red, faint yellow light, and the size of the basin are sealed.

Although this piece of meat was sealed in the essence of the cold jade, it could not be found, but when Ye Chenfeng saw the flesh and blood, his eyes lit up.

Not only the leaf morning wind is full of interest in this suspected piece of meat, but the major powers have also developed a strong interest in this piece of meat, and they want to capture it.

"Purple Sakura Girl, I wonder if you can tell the origin of this piece of meat?"

There was a low voice in the Mirror Yuezong auction room, and from the power revealed in the sound, this person is a Nirvana power.

"This piece of meat was discovered by my lei master in the dead market." Purple Sakura did not conceal the origin of this piece of meat.

"Dead Market!"

The dead market is a forbidden place in the Thunderfield. There are great dangers and terrible prohibitions. There have been Nirvana's great powers to go deep into the dead market and die.

Seeing that everyone’s interest was completely mobilized, Zi Ying smiled and said: “The price of this piece of meat is 100 million... the best soul crystal.”


100 million soul crystals are equivalent to 10 billion top quality soul crystals. Knowing the starting price of this piece of meat, it almost eliminated the idea of ​​90% master bidding.

"120 million best soul crystal!"

The sound of the Nangong dumping snow suddenly sounded and the price was quoted.

"150 million best soul crystal!" Jing Yuezong master followed by the offer.

"200 million best soul crystal!"

When the prices of the two major forces were successively quoted, the price of the auction was rising, and an old man wearing a dark gray robes, which seemed to be extremely inconspicuous, quoted.

"The old man of Tianying, turned out to be him!"

Looking at the old man in the gray robes sitting in the remote corner, many people recognized his identity. He is a famous squad of the minefield, a nirvana master, even if the strength is second only to the Lei people's Mirror Moon The Nangong family is not willing to offend this person easily.

"Miss, this day the old man can not be provoked, the knife ancestors had handed over with him, and finally fierce battle day and night, and finally split the autumn, no one has anyone." Nangong old man looked at his skinny, indifferent, such as Xiongxiong The eagle-like scorpion flashed the sharp old man of the Eagle, whispered.

The knife ancestor is one of the two great ancestors of the Nangong family. The strength is unfathomable, and there are few opponents in the minefield.

"I will quote the price again. If I can't let the old man retreat, I will withdraw." Nangong poured snow and took a deep breath and decided.


The old man of Nangong nodded and agreed.

At this moment, a shocking voice suddenly sounded.

"500 million best soul crystal!"

Ye Chenfeng quoted, and he had a mouth, shocked the four wild, so that the entire auction hall set off an uproar.

"I rely on, I didn't get it wrong, 500 million souls, the guy is so rich!"

"It’s terrible. The guy spent more than seven billion yuan on the top of the soul. Now he has come up with 500 million souls. Isn’t his money spent?”

And for this suspected dragon meat piece, the old man of the eagle must win the quotation of Ye Chenfeng, and he frowned. It is obvious that Ye Chenfeng’s offer is beyond his tolerance, and he hesitates. Don't do everything, compete with Ye Chenfeng.

"500 million souls, I wonder if anyone else will continue to increase the price?"

A short-lived disappointment, Purple Sakura reveals a charming smile, and the auctioneer who looks at Ye Chenfeng with a fascinating look, whispered.

500 million souls of crystal, for the Mirror Moon and the Nangong family, is also an enormous wealth, if you take out will also hurt the bones, and the Tianying old man thinks, but also helpless, finally, This piece of flesh and blood was taken by Ye Chenfeng with 500 million souls.

"Hey, big brother, 500 million best soul crystal shoot a piece of meat worth it?" Zhou Tianyi was completely shocked by Ye Chenfeng's big hand, his throat rolled, and the voice trembled.

"Worth!" Ye Chenfeng poured a cup of Lingcha from his own self, pouted a small sip and said with a smile: "I can't wait to taste the taste of this piece of meat." /


Pay 500 million souls, Ye Chenfeng got the flesh and blood sealed in the essence of Hanyu, and controlled the power of the brain to forcibly penetrate and explore the truth of this piece of meat.

"Dragon's power, this piece of meat is really a piece of dragon meat. Is it true that there is a real dragon in the deadland of the Thunderfield?"

After tens of thousands of times of amplitude in the brain, the extremely fast-moving brain is infiltrated into the cold and thorny essence of the cold jade, and it feels the faint dragon power contained in this flesh and blood.

The real dragon is the existence of the limit beyond the soul of the soul, even if Nirvana is a great power, there is no such good fortune, although Ye Chenfeng does not know the benefits of eating dragon meat, but this 500 million best soul crystal, he feels The flower is still very valuable.

The essence of the cold jade that seals the dragon meat is collected into the Qiankun environment. Ye Chenfeng drinks the spirit tea while waiting for the remaining two finale treasures.

"Okay, everyone is quiet, I am showing you the penultimate treasure!"

Speaking, there is a cyan dragon in the crystal stage, which depicts the banner of the multiplier.

"Quasi-Holy Treasure!"

Looking at the blue-and-white flag held by the purple cherry in the hand, Ye Chenfeng recognized it at a glance. This flag is a quasi-holy treasure, and its power is not small, it should be more powerful than the gold-bronze copper cow of the old man in gray.

But there are too many treasures on his body. The Qingqi flag is not very attractive to him. He did not participate in the competition. He quietly watched the old man of Tianying, Jingyuezong, and the Nangong family crazy auction.

In the end, the old man with a rich sense of the sky, with the price of 480 million supernatural souls, pressed the two forces and took the green flag.

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