Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1266: 斩三圣

"Holy Flame, Holy Ray..."

Seeing the purple beginning of the body and the burning of the holy fire, the true thunder of Sansheng’s heart has caused a lot of uneasiness.

The sneaky scorpion is their last resort. If they are restrained by Ye Chenfeng, their situation will be dangerous.

When they were shocked, Swordsman and Singer ignored the attack of evil creatures, approached the true thunder and sanctuary, and continued to attack them.


When Sword Spirit relied on a powerful attack, the true thunder and three holy together gathered together, Ye Chenfeng burned the blood of the dragon, increased the soul by seven times, summoned the golden-winged feather, in A dark stream of light in the night sky suddenly approached one person.

The next moment, the best holy treasure of Kowloon Yuxi emerged the body of Ye Chenfeng, combined with almost all the soul power of Ye Chenfeng, condensed a lore killing dragon, and nearly killed the past.


Feeling the horror of the savage dragon of the Kowloon Jade, the real thunder reveals the color of despair, pinch the ring of the Qiankun, summon all the defensive cards to defend against the fatality of the savage dragon. one strike.

But the attacking power of the savage dragon is too terrible. The defensive bottom card that the real thunder has summoned can't resist it, and it is crushed by the lore mad dragon.


The real thunder is hit by the lore of the mad dragon. The body defense is like broken glass. The terrible lore is like the tide of the dyke, breaking into his body and smashing his whole body. , cut off the vitality.

"The third child!"

Looking at the real thunder who was smashed by the lore mad dragon, Zhenlei Ersheng sent out a cry of weeping.

They never dreamed that Ye Chenfeng’s strength was so terrible that he not only restrained their attacks, but also killed the third in public.

"I want your life!"

The death of the true third child completely angered the true thunder two holy, they violently screamed, burning the powerful blood and blood at all costs, to their own strength to the limit, almost exhausted all soul power, The weak morning leaves of the morning launched a deadly attack.

Want to kill him and avenge the true thunder.

"Water of Heaven!"

At the crucial moment, Sword Spirit stopped in front of Ye Chenfeng, helping him to resolve the attack of the true thunder and two holy tides, and took out the water of the previously prepared heavenly machine, drank a big mouth and recovered. The almost dry soul.

"Wantful, ghost king is now!"

The attack is constantly being solved by the sword spirit. The true thunder and two holy spurts the blood into the sneaky scorpion, which enhances the power of the sneaky scorpion, shakes out a terrible ghost king, and kills the sword.

"The Falling Soul!"

Feeling that the energy contained in the sword spirit is constantly falling, Ye Chenfeng summoned the quasi-sacred treasure to the soul clock, and controlled the soul of the soul to cover the sword spirit, resisting a ghostly ghost king attack.


The huge bells rang in the dark night sky.

The Holy Fire burns the sky, the holy thunder of the world, in the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng, the ghost king in the sneaky scorpion is constantly being killed, and the attack of the true thunder is completely suppressed.

When they were in danger, there was no supply of the three avenues. In the nine maps, the nine dragons could not hold the true Thunder Mountain, and they were smashed by the true Thunder Mountain.

"Chaotic God Wood, Chaos Strike!"

Looking at the true Thunder Mountain was summoned back by the True Thunder II. The chaotic **** wood emerged from the body of Ye Chenfeng. Under the control of his mind, he slammed to the true Thunder Mountain.


The thunderous loud noise rang in the void, and the terrible sound shook people. The energy like a volcanic eruption spread through the void, and the whole space fell into chaos.

Chaos Shenmu has evolved continuously, and the power of full-strike is comparable to that of Zhongpin Shengbao. The true Lei Mishan, which is shining with thunder, is directly drawn by Chaos Shenmu. In the huge mountain, there is a shocking crack in the mountain. .

"What, another holy treasure, where did the guy come out, how can the holy treasure on the body be so much!"

The scene of the true Thunder Mountain was drawn by the chaotic **** wood, and the heart of the true thunder trembled.

At this time, their hearts are full of regrets, regretting their own fascination and rushing to intercept Ye Chenfeng, so that they can fall into the trap of being unable to extricate themselves.

"Sword Spirit, forbidden one!"

Ye Chenfeng gave an order to Jian Ling, who was fully attacked.

After receiving the order, Sword Spirit ignored the attack of the true thunder, and approached the real thunder, and with his horrified gaze, he reached out and grabbed his arm.

The next moment, the sword spirit wandered around the true thunder, and limited his mobility with short limbs.

"Kowloon Jade, kill!"

Catch the opportunity of the sword spirit to force the action of the real thunder second, and Ye Chenfeng once again injected the soul that had just recovered into the jade in Jiulong, condensing a lore killing dragon to the real thunder. The second child.


The riots in the heavens and the earth were alarmed for nine days.

The terrible power, such as the stars falling on the ground, directly destroyed the body of the true thunder, killing him.

"Second brother!"

Looking at the real thunder and being killed by Ye Chenfeng, the eyes of Real Ray suddenly turned into blood red, and shouted in tears.

"Less master, it is not easy to stay here, we are still leaving quickly!"

Seeing the morning winds of the leaves, the scene of killing the true thunder, and hiding in the dark, the mirror moon master who is ready to launch a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng is trembled.


Although the heart is unwilling, but the mirror Jiaqi was really frightened by the terrible strength of Ye Chenfeng, followed by Jing Yuezong master, quickly left the right and wrong.

"It's your turn!"

Ye Chenfeng took another sip of the water of the heavens, quickly restored the soul of the near-dry, and cast his gaze to the **** red eyes, the murderous **** of the real thunder.

"I want your life!"

In the face of desperation, the real thunder boss did not escape, but used himself as a medium to integrate into the sneaky scorpion, inspiring the strongest attack power of the sneaky scorpion.


It seems that the sound from **** is ringing in the sneaky scorpion, blending the body of the real thunder, and the sneaky ghost becomes a terrible ghost dragon, twisting the huge body and launching a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng. .

"A hit!"

In the face of the last blow of the real thunder boss, Ye Chenfeng was multi-tasking, and the mind controlled the soul of the clock to resist the occasion, controlling the swords of the eighty-one to merge together and turned into a giant sword. On the ghost dragon that has been turned into a ghost.

Swordsman, the star is also at this time, launching a deadly attack, attacking the sneaky scorpion, and damaging the true thunder in the sneaky scorpion.


In Ye Chenfeng, under the attack of two big avatars, the ghost dragons of Wan Guifei’s incarnation were hardly resisted, and the real Lei boss who was integrated into the sneaky scorpion was even hit hard.

But in order to avenge his two brothers who died, Zhenlei’s boss is desperate, exploding his body, and integrating the blood of his body into the sneaky spirits, raising the power of the ghosts and dragons, tearing the leaves of the morning. The attack of the wind and others, nearly slammed to Ye Chenfeng.


Ghosts and dragons slammed into the Kowloon Jade in front of Ye Chenfeng.

The next moment, the Jiulong Jade Dragonfly, which incorporates a lot of soul power, shoots the power of lore, and the arrogant tyrants bombard the sneaky scorpion, and the hard sorrow rips the scorpion to tear the road and extinction. Lei Laoda's vitality.

"burning the flames of the heavens, destroy!"

When Ye Chenfeng was shaken out by a violent force, he spit out the burning fire, and burned it to the real thunder through the cracks of the ghosts.

"Ah, ah..."

The painful squeaking sounds through the sky, and the real thunder of the flesh exploded by the burning of the Holy Fire.

The tens of thousands of years of cross-border minefields, so that the Lei people have a headache, the true thunder three holy are all killed by Ye Chenfeng.

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