Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1269: Zengshengguo

"Ye Gongzi, how come you!"

The face is full of sadness, and Zhou Shanlong, who is worried about retaliation, feels that Ye Chenfeng’s breath appears in the hospital and immediately goes out to meet.

"Zhou Jiazhu, are you worried that Zhou Jia will be retaliated against me?"

Looking at Zhou Shanlong's eyebrows, there is deep concern, and Ye Chenfeng has a faint smile.

"One point!"

Zhou Shanlong did not deliberately conceal, nodded heavily.

"Reassure, as long as the Lei family does not speak, no one dares to move your Zhou family at this time!" Ye Chenfeng said: "Even if the mirror is not daring."

"Ye Gongzi, what is your relationship with the Lei family?"

Thinking of Ye Chenfeng’s public smashing and wearing the king’s legs, the Lei family chose silence, and Zhou Shanlong was full of curiosity about his identity.

"It doesn't matter, but a predecessor I know has a high status in the Lei family!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Well, Zhou Jiazhu, don't worry, I promise you nothing to do with Zhou. Sixteen yin and yang shengsheng Dan are given to you."

"Yin and Yang Susheng Dan!"

Looking at the sixteen yin and yang in the porcelain bottle, Zhou Shanlong showed the ecstasy.

"Incorporating Yin and Yang Susheng into the water, you can solve your body's hidden diseases, each can solve three to four people." Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"Thank you, thank you, Ye Gongzi, your kindness to my family, we have no teeth to forget!" Zhou Shanlong sighed at Ye Chenfeng deeply, thankfully said.

"This is what I promised you to Zhou Zuzu, Zhou Jiazhuo does not have to be too polite!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "Well, Zhou Jiazhu, I am going to practice, and you are always looking for me."

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng left.

Returning back to the space of Qiankun, Ye Chenfeng took out the stone fruit that was taken by the billion-best soul crystal, holding the dragon-sword holy sword and breaking through the hard stone shell.

A moment, a powerful force of life permeated in the stone fruit, the vitality is stronger than the life of the fruit that Ye Chenfeng got.

"This is the fruit of life!"

Break the stone shell, Ye Chenfeng sees the center of the stone fruit, seals the size of a cherry, the whole body is dark green, and the fruit of the blood red line is seen. Looking at the shape of this fruit, Ye Chenfeng immediately Recognized, this fruit is a fruit of life recorded in the memory of the gods and brains - the fruit of life.

Compared with the fate of the fruit, the value of the fruit is higher, and the fruit of the mature period can increase the life of the eternal life. This is the old monster who is almost dry for Shouyuan, willing to pay the price to exchange Birthday fruit.

"I really gambled. If this life-giving fruit is placed at the auction, the value of the auction may exceed 10 billion yuan of soul crystal, and if Nirvana is able to know that I have increased fruit, I am afraid it will last forever. No peace day!"

Ye Chenfeng sealed the birthday fruit in a spiritual porcelain box and quickly adjusted it for a while. He took out the ancient cut roots that had been cut out in the early stage and swallowed it directly to control the transformation of the nine transformations. Refining and refining, refining the powerful spiritual power contained in Gurgen into the foot of the spring, and accelerating the transformation speed of the true spirit beads in the Yongquan point.


In the process of refining the ancient Reagan, Ye Chenfeng’s body is constantly ringing with deafening thunder, and the destructive force of Gu Lei’s power constantly destroys his body.

However, the transformation of the nine transformations into the shackles, Ye Chenfeng's body is comparable to the best of the Tao, Gu Ligen's release of Gu Lei's power can not destroy his body and the internal organs.

In the morning, Ye Chenfeng endured the pain, and after nine times of turning and transforming the gods, refining the ancient Reagan, and quenching the flesh, Zhou Shanlong melted eight yin and yang shengsheng into a spiritual liquid and distributed it to Zhou Tianyi. Zhou Xue and others take it.

The efficacy of yin and yang shengsheng Dan far exceeds the imagination of Zhou Shanlong and others, and the yin and yang sangsheng Danling solution is taken. Zhou Shanlong feels that the anti-phagosis between the true yang body and the snake blood vein is getting weaker and weaker.

After a few days of transformation, the true yang body and the blood of the snakes in their bodies are completely integrated, which has solved the hidden diseases of Zhou’s countless years.

Removing the hidden illness of the body, Zhou family has initially had the hope of rising. When the whole Zhou family was caught in a deep excitement, Yin Ruoxi came to the Zhou family accompanied by two masters of Yin Yinzong. The government visited Ye Chenfeng.

I know that Ye Chenfeng’s killing outside Jinlei City killed nearly 100 people including Zhenlei Sansheng. The Yinyin sect was shocked. If it wasn’t for Ye Chenfeng’s ability to relieve Yin Ruoxi’s body, At this juncture, Yin Ruoxi would never want to see him at great risk.

"Yin Zongzhu, before I give you alchemy, can you ask for a promise before you dispel your body?" Looking at the Yinrui River, which has a mature charm and a variety of styles, Ye Chenfeng asked softly. .

"Ye Gongzi please say, as long as I can do it, I will promise you!"

Seeing the horror of Ye Chenfeng, Yin Ruoxi intends to have a close relationship with him, and said very cheerfully.

"If there is any difficulty in the family in the future, please ask the Yinzong to help the Zhou family at a critical time!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, no problem!"

Yin Ruoxi nodded and promised.

"Thank you!"

Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile. He had to go to the medicine collected by Yin Ruoxi and return to the room to summon Zhuque Ding Alchemy.

After half a day, Ye Chenfeng left the room and handed over three dark red avenues to the hands of Yin Ruoxi: "Yin Zongzhu, these three avenues, you only need to take one, you can lift the body. There are two hidden diseases, in case of emergency."

"Thank you!"

Yin Ruoxi did not think that Ye Chenfeng succeeded in alchemy so quickly, and felt the majestic power of the three avenues, and believed in these three medicinal herbs.

There were three avenues that were important to her. Yinrui Creek did not stay in Zhoujia for a long time, and left Zhou’s cultivation resources to leave.

Yin Ruoxi’s party left, Ye Chenfeng yelled Zhou Tianyi, Zhou Xue, and Zhou Yuhan in his room. He first used the auction’s Wannian Xianlu to wash the body for three people and forcibly discharged the body. More impurities, and then use the ancient fruit cut in the hidden stone, and three avenues to enhance the strength of the three.

Although Ye Chenfeng’s process of forcibly improving their strength is very painful, Zhou Tianyi knows that these opportunities can be met and cannot be sought. Once they miss the remorse for life, they all insist on sticking their teeth.

Finally, the three people insisted on two days and two nights, Zhou Xue, Zhou Yuhan both raised the realm, especially Zhou Yuhan, but also from the third-level beastmaster to the fifth level of beasts.

It’s not long before the second woman promoted the realm. A lot of dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky above Zhou’s house. A breath of horror shrouded the entire Zhoujiafu, so that everyone in Zhou’s family had a feeling of pressing the stone. Not angry.

"Robbery cloud!" Looking at the sudden robbery cloud, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile. Zhou Xue, who was eclipsed by the flower, said: "I took Tianyi to go to the sky, and you waited at Zhou.

When finished, Ye Chenfeng grabbed Zhou Tianyi on the verge of breaking through the edge, took him to the sky and left the chaotic Zhoujiafu at a very fast speed, and came to the mountains in the northwest of Zhoucheng. Prepare to guard the Zhou Tianyi to pass the penalty.

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