Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1272: Sword Step Perfect

"Oh, the old man is not ashamed, and eats our dragon meat, so he ran!"

The spirit fish looked at the black man who disappeared under the night sky, hating the roots and itching it, smashing the gangs and grinding the silver teeth.

"The strength of the man was just unfathomable, and I suspect that his strength has reached Nirvana!"

The horror of the brain is changed once and for all, but how terrible it is, but the leaf morning wind has controlled the brain for several times, and has not felt his real state.

"Nirvana heaven and earth power... Morning wind brother, you said that he was strange, and grabbed our dragon meat to eat, is it a plot for us!"

The small face of the spirit fish has a hint of surprise, guess.

"No, I think he is only attracted by the delicious taste of the dragon meat!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Go, let's take a look and see what steps he left."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish came to the open space not far away, and now there are a hundred and eight footprints with the same depth and trajectory.

"A good mysterious pace!"

When Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes, he controlled the brain and pushed out the seemingly messy one hundred and eight footprints, which was suddenly attracted.

He has a feeling that the one hundred and eight footprints left by the men in black are more mysterious than the magical swordsman, and the value is immeasurable.

"Who is this person?"

The person who can leave such a mysterious pace is definitely a famous figure of 6 hehe in the central government. However, Ye Chenfeng has limited understanding of the central world and can't guess the identity of this person.

"Spirit fish, nothing to do, in the recent period, we slowly penetrate this set of steps, if you can penetrate, help us will be great!" Ye Chenfeng proposed.


Spirit fish is also a person who knows the goods, has long been attracted by the pace of this mysterious, nodded a small head.

Time goes by.

Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu are like two sculptures, sitting cross-legged next to the hundred and eight footprints, controlling the soul to constantly penetrate.

This set of steps is more mysterious than the sword, but for Ye Chenfeng, who is the main kendo, the sword step is more useful to him. He uses the powerful deduction of the brain to try to make this set of mysterious steps The sword step is integrated to enhance the level of the sword step.

And the spirit fish also tried to combine this pace with the gods and shadows.

Soon, more than a month has passed.

After more than a month of penetration, both Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu have a new sentiment, which has improved the level of Jianbu and Shenyin Eight Shadows.

Especially, Ye Chenfeng, with the help of the gods and brains, the hard-boiled sword will be upgraded to two levels, cultivated to perfection, stepped out in one step, and instantly increased by ten times. The attack sword formed by the sword at the foot The power of the lines is also increasing exponentially.

In Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu, this set of mysterious steps was penetrated. When the strength was improved, Zhou Shanlong and Zhou Tianyi, both grandsons and grandsons, accompanied by Jian Ling, returned to Zhou Jiafu.

As with Ye Chenfeng’s expectations, the Nangong family and the Dynasties could not refuse to send the door to the ceremony. They all agreed to open the Jinleiite mine with Zhoujia and promised to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Zhoujia. And both sent people to Yi Zhoucheng to discuss the opening of the Jinlei Stone Mine.

Subjected Ye Dan, who was refining Ye Chenfeng, healed the body of Yin Ruoxi, and made her pay more attention to Ye Chenfeng. She personally came to Yi Zhou to discuss the opening of the Jin Leishi mine.

But the Nangong family, but only sent Nangong dumping snow and Nangong Su sisters, and two guards responsible for protecting their safety, somewhat despise Zhou’s meaning.

"Yin Zongzhu, Miss Nangong, son, this Jinleishi mine is now my Zhou family, but my Zhou family has limited strength, can not open alone to think of working with you, so the excavation of the Jinlei stone mine, I Zhou Jia wants to account for 40%."

Zhou Shanlong will be Yinruoxi, and the Nangong dumping snow brothers will go to the discussion hall and ask people to pour the spirit tea to discuss the most crucial distribution problem.

"I have no opinion on Yinzong!" Yin Ruoxi said first.

"I have opinions!"

When Zhou Shanlong turned his gaze to the two sisters of the South Palace, she was wearing a gorgeous dress, and she looked like a handsome man with a arrogant color on her face.

"Nan Gonggongzi thinks that this distribution is unreasonable?" Zhou Shanlong’s brow slightly wrinkled and asked politely.

"Yes, this Jinlei stone mine, my Nangong family must account for 60% share!" Nangong Su drank a sip of tea, some arrogant said.

"Giggle, Nangongsu, your Nangong family's appetite is not small." Yin Ruoxi reveals a playful smile and said: "I don't know if this is the meaning of the Nangong family owner, or what you mean."

"Of course it is my father's intention, and I also agree with my father's proposal!" Nangong Su looked at the charming and fascinating Yin Ruoxi, said with a smile.

"Sorry, Nangong Gongzi, your distribution plan, I can't promise!"

Although he chose to cooperate with the Nangong family and the Dynasties, Zhou Shanlong also has his own bottom line. If the Nangong family wants to take 60% of the shares, Yin Ruoxi will not agree.

"Zhou Jiazhu, you just said, your Zhou family has no strength to open the Jin Leishi mine alone, so you choose to cooperate with us. In other words, you want to take advantage of the fishermen, you are not out of the crowd, and do not contribute I want to sit in the 40% Golden Stone. Do you think it is appropriate?"

Nan Gongsu did not pay attention to the brows of the South Palace, which was slightly wrinkled, and shook a jade fan.

"Nanggong Gongzi, you have to know one thing. This Jinleishi mine is in the sphere of influence of my Zhou family. It is the private property of my family. Is it that we account for 40% of the unreasonable? And I have not yet Can't say anything." Zhou Shanlong was a little annoyed inside and whispered.

"Natural is unreasonable. This gold mine stone mine appears in your sphere of influence. It only shows that your family is good, but for some weak forces, life may be provoked!" Nangong Su said quite unreasonably.

"Nan Gongsu, what do you mean by this?" Zhou Tianyi couldn't listen, and the angry question asked.

"My meaning is very simple, Zhou family is too weak, occupying 40% of the Jinlei stone mine, will only bring disaster to kill, if you want to be safe, I think it is enough!" Nangong Sulu faint Smile, arrogant.

"Miss Nangong, you also mean this, look down on my Zhou family!" Zhou Tianyi clapped his fists and looked at the lips, and chose the silent Nangong to snow, said angrily.

"Zhou Gongzi, don't be angry first. If you don't agree, I will contact my father, tell him what you mean, and then discuss it slowly!" Nangong snow meets Zhou Tianyi's angry eyes, bite A little red lips, persuaded.

"No need to be so troublesome, I decided not to cooperate with your Nangong family!" Although Zhou Tianyi did not want to conflict with Nangong, but Nangongsu’s unreasonable angered him completely, said coldly.

"Hey, do you not cooperate if you don't cooperate?" Nangong Suzuijiao slightly curled up and said arrogantly: "I can't play with the Nangong family, it angers us, I promise to let you Zhoujia Can't eat and walk."

"My Zhou family is not scared. If you want to retaliate against my Zhou family, then come on..." Zhou Tianyi glanced at Zhou Shanlong, his face, and his tit-for-tat.

"Zhou Jiazhu, do you think so?" Nangong Su glanced at Zhou Tianyi with disdain and turned his gaze to Zhou Shanlong.

"I will answer you for the Zhou family. Zhou Jia cancels the cooperation with the Nangong family. You can go! If you want revenge, come on."

At this time, a sharp voice like the sharp sword of the sword suddenly sounded.

At this critical moment, Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish appeared.

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