Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1288: The Spirit of the Dead Spirit

"God, isn't Ye Chenfeng crazy? Just two of them joined forces, not the opponents of the ancestor of Jingyue. Now he dares to challenge alone. Is he looking to die?"

"Looking for death? Have you seen the enchanting short-lived? Ye Chenfeng dare to single-handedly the first ancestor of the mirror, must you rely on it?"

Looking at the pale face, but the high-spirited Ye Chenfeng, everyone's attention is concentrated on him.

"Brother, you said Ye Chenfeng, what is his cuddling?" Lei Zixin stared at Ye Chenfeng tightly, looking forward to ask.

"I can't guess it!"

The strength of the ancestor of Jingyue is terrible, and the golden **** of war he controls is indestructible. Lei Zifan wants to break his head and can't think of it. Ye Chenfeng has any means to fight him.

"Primary, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!"

Golden God of War’s empty eyes shot a thick killing machine. He stepped out in a step, and instantly crossed more than ten feet. He appeared in front of Ye Chenfeng, and blasted the golden fists and smashed the leaves. Morning wind, I want to punch his body.


The first ancestor of the Mirror Moon hit a fist, and Ye Chenfeng immediately stepped on the sword step to dodge. In the twinkling of an eye, he increased the speed by ten times, rubbing the golden fist of the ancestor of the mirror moon, close to his body.

Next, Ye Chenfeng combined the power of the dead spirit beads, punched a punch at the body of the ancestor of the mirror, and bombarded him in his golden golden shirt.

Relying on the invincible defense of the Golden God of War, the ancestor of the Mirror Moon resisted the power of Ye Chenfeng, but the power of the Pearl of Death, which was filled with fists, was blasted into his body through the gold battle suit. .

"No, what is this power!"

After being attacked by the Spirit of Death, the ancestors of Jingyue felt great pain and made a painful roar.

Seeing the Pearl of Death as you imagined, it has fatal damage to the dead. Ye Chenfeng continues to blend the Pearl of Death, constantly blasting a powerful punching man, bombarding the Golden God of War. The body, through the gold battle suit, constantly damages the soul of the ancestor of the Mirror, forcing him to retreat.

"This, what the **** is going on here!"

Looking at the left and right dodge, the painful screaming ancestor of the moon, all the people present were stupid.

It’s just a lifetime, the invincible celestial ancestor of the heavens and the earth, but it was pressed by Ye Chenfeng in the blink of an eye, and there was no power to fight back. This scene completely overturned everyone’s imagination.

"What strength did this leaf morning wind use, why did it reverse the situation in an instant!"

Lei Zixin has a big, beautiful eyes, staring at Ye Chenfeng, who is constantly shaking her heart, and twitching her interest, muttering to herself.

"Hey, compared with him, I am too far away!"

Amazing talent, Lei Zifan, who is the first person in the younger generation of the Lei family, rarely admire one person, but witnessed the performance of Ye Chenfeng today, he was completely conquered, regardless of the strength or means of Ye Chenfeng’s exposure. He is far behind.

"Eight-party killing."

Continuously attacked by the spirit of Ye Chenfeng and the death of the Pearl of the Dead, the ancestors of the Mirror Moon, which has been increasing in injury, launched the Jedi counterattack, and instantly blasted more than ten fists of lore, blocking a large area of ​​the void, and smashed it. Ye Chenfeng.

There is no way to avoid the burning of the flames of the heavens. At the beginning of the purple, the holy thunder sprayed out the leaves of the morning wind, and the bombardment hit a powerful killing of the eight squares, which weakened the attack of the eight sides and relied on the golden robes and the comparable The body of the quasi-Shengbao class, hard to regret the big killings launched by the ancestors of the mirror month.


A thunderous blast sounded in the sky.

Ye Chenfeng was bombarded with a fist to kill, leaving a lot of blood fog in midair.

"Leaves, Ye Gongzi will not have anything!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng was shot by the ancestors of the moon, and the face of Yin Ruoxi’s charming face showed deep concern, and asked nervously.

"It should be ok!"

Although there is no confrontation with the ancestor of Jingyue, but the Yinjiu demon feels the terrible attack of the ancestor of the Mirror, even if he is attacked by the ancestors of the Mirror, he will be hit hard.


When Yinrui et al. pinched a sweat for Ye Chenfeng and secretly worried, Ye Chenfeng summoned a golden winged feather, a fierce one, rolled up an endless wind and flew over, blending the spirit of death The power of the bead continues to attack, and it is necessary to kill the soul of the ancestor of the Mirror Moon hidden in the Golden God of War.

"I want to see if you can resist me a few punches!"

The ancestors of Jingyue didn't think that Ye Chenfeng's defense was so amazing, and he was hard-pressed to kill the boxing. He was only slightly injured, and continued to use the eight-party killing boxing to kill Ye Chenfeng.


When the ancestors of Jingyue attacked with full force, the brains of the gods were deducted and evolved into a large number of lines of Taoism. They played the ancient sacred songs and attacked the souls of the Mirrors of the First Gods in the Golden God of War.

After the ancient murder attack, the ancestor's offensive was immediately affected. Grasping this opportunity, Ye Chenfeng will attack the speed to the extreme, and the road will drag the tail of death to attack the golden **** of war. Through his indestructible body, the ancestors of the mirror moon were damaged.

The soul is getting heavier and heavier. The ancestors of the painful roaring screaming suddenly burned a powerful soul, raised their own strength to the limit, and counterattacked with all strength. It is necessary to kill Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng relied on a strong defense and the spirit of death, and when the ancestors of Jingyue were fiercely killed, the Chaos beast and the sword spirit teamed up to constantly reinvent the real person of the mirror and cut off his vitality.

"Old things, give me to die!"

When the sword is a sword and the real flower is retreating, the chaotic beast has more than 200 million jins of power, and the bronze scorpion is raised high. The mountain top is generally smashed to him, directly causing serious injuries and being unable to dodge. The mirror flower real person fell from the air to the ground, and the right arm of his full defense directly exploded.


Looking at the mirror flower, the real person fell from the air to the ground, and the mirrored patriarch disciples sent out a cry of sadness. At this time, the sense of superiority that Jingyuezong brought to them was completely broken, and only fear and power were left in their hearts.


The chaotic emptiness trembled, and the sword scorpion and the black dragon sacred sword merged into a sword that was invincible, and turned to the mirror flower real person who broke into the stratum, and a sword opened his body. It blew his lower body.

"Go to hell!"

The chaotic beast throws out the bronze ancient scorpion, and smashes his head before the mirror flower smashes himself, and ends his life.

I noticed that the real flower of the mirror flower was killed by the combination of the chaotic beast and the sword spirit, and the mirror cold that defended the attack was able to fall into the panic.

At this time, he can only pin all his hopes on the ancestors of Jingyue, but when he looks to the sky, the hope in his heart is broken.

Because he saw that Jing Yuezong’s biggest ancestor, the ancestor of the sacred moon, was riddled with the power of death by Ye Chenfeng and flew several dozen feet from midair, hitting a tall mountain in the distance. , crushing the entire mountain.

"How could this be, how might his strength be so terrible!"

The mirror is cold and chaotic, and the development of the battle far exceeds his imagination. The strength and card of Ye Chenfeng and others show his despair.

"You, what treasures are there on you!"

The ancestor of Jingyue is full of self-confidence in the defense of the Golden God of War. Even if it is a general holy treasure, it is difficult to smash the defense of the Golden God of War, but Ye Chenfeng blasts the power of the boxing man, but easily penetrates the golden **** of war, directly Damage to his soul, which made him suspect that Ye Chenfeng had a shocking treasure.

"You have too much nonsense!"

Ye Chenfeng responded coldly and turned into a golden light in midair, continuing to attack the ancestor of Jingyue.

Under the tide of the offensive of Ye Chenfeng, the golden **** of war was beaten again and again, smashing the mountains around the moon.

The ancestor of the Mirror Moon, hidden in the golden **** of war, is the power of the spirit of the dead, crushing the soul, and faintly unable to support.

"Kid, give me hell!"

The soul is broken, and the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng can't be resisted. The ancestors of the Mirror Moon, which is on the verge of death, made a screaming voice, suddenly flying out of the golden **** of war, turning into a soul light, attacking Ye Chenfeng. The mind.

Between life and death, he wants to tear the leaves of the morning wind and kill him.

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