Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1298: Unexpected harvest

"Ye, Ye Gongzi, this Leizi Shen is the son of the Lei national elders Lei Shen, and Lei Shen in the Lei nationality is extremely high, is currently the second person of the Lei nationality, you can not kill Lei Zi is deep, otherwise it will definitely cause a big disaster!"

Looking at the blood in his head, the fainted Leizi is deep, and the East is not busy and persuaded, for fear that Ye Chenfeng will kill him, so the Eastern family may suffer.

"I know that he is the son of Lei Shen!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly, took out a few black pills from his arms: "If you don't want to be killed by me, take this black pill, otherwise Don't blame me for scribbling against you."

"Ye Gongzi, are you doing this too much? If you force us to take poison, then we only have to fight back, and it will lead to the Lei master, I am afraid it will be bad for you!" >

The Eastern family’s elders resisted and said that if they took the poison in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, they would be controlled by Ye Chenfeng, and they would never.

"You don't have the bargaining capital with me, who doesn't eat the poison in my hands, who I kill!" Ye Chenfeng reveals the hegemonic side and can't resist.


The two elders of the Eastern family were mad at Ye Chenfeng’s arrogance, and hesitated to do it directly with Ye Chenfeng’s face.

When they hesitated, Ye Chenfeng took out the holy beads.

"It's the bead!"

Ye Chenfeng’s cross-pushing of the moon sects is full of enthusiasm, and there are rumors that Ye Chenfeng and others can kill the Nirvana realm masters, including the mirror flower and the water moon, and they are relying on it. Destroy the holy beads, so when the two elders of the Eastern family saw Ye Chenfeng’s hands destroy the holy beads, his face changed at the same time.


Two piercing sounds broke out, and when the two elders of the Eastern family showed their fearful colors, the swordsman and the golden **** of war attacked them one by one, and they burst into a terrifying power and completely suppressed them. Offensive.

"Ye Gongzi, my Oriental family has no intention of being an enemy of you, but also please raise your hands and let us go!"

The East is not empty to see the moment, the two elders on the elders are suppressed, and Ye Chenfeng’s use of destroying the holy beads makes him smell the breath of death and has to ask for mercy.

"I ate the poison in my hands, I let you go, don't eat you, go to hell!" Ye Chenfeng said coldly and ruthlessly.

"Yeko is to secretly control my oriental family!"

The East does not empty his teeth and says that under the threat of death, he has never been able to courageously kill Ye Chenfeng at all costs.

"I am not interested in controlling you. When I leave San Lei City, I will give you antidote and you will be free!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said.


The East does not have a bright eye, although he is not willing to be controlled by Ye Chenfeng, but if only for a while, he is still acceptable.

"Do you think the Eastern family has value worthy of my control?" Ye Chenfeng said unceremoniously.

"Well, I believe that Ye Gongzi is a person who believes in words!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s words made the East not quite angry, but thinking of Ye Chenfeng’s strength and his suspected horror background, the East’s not suddenly created a kind of idea to follow Ye Chenfeng.

After the decision, the East is not empty to immediately convey to the two elders who are in absolute disadvantage.

In the end, under the shock of Ye Chenfeng, the East did not vacate and waited for the poisonous Dan in the hands of Ye Chenfeng.

"Remember, things that happen today are tight-lipped, and don't let people from your family go out and talk, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless to your oriental family!" Ye Chenfeng warned coldly.

"Do not worry, Ye Gongzi, we know what to do!"

Served poisonous Dan, the East is not empty and others immediately felt a chronic toxin ignoring the obstacles of the road, slowly invading their bodies, unable to sigh, guarantee.

"Okay, let's clean up here. If the people of the Lei nationality have asked the matter of Leizi, they will change their way to send them!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng came to the thunder of his own palm, fainted and unconscious, and took it into the territory of Qiankun.

"Space Treasure!"

Looking at the deep and strange disappearance of Leizi, the East is not empty and others immediately guessed that Ye Chenfeng should have a treasure of space, and he was even more taboo. He immediately went to the Treasury and will collect the twenty-one. Zhongpin Tianjing gave Ye Chenfeng.

"Morning wind brother, you are not afraid of us going ahead, they immediately ask the Lei family?"

After leaving the old family house of the East, the spirit fish said something worried.

"Reassure, the East is not a fool, before they have removed the toxins from the body, they are afraid to tear the skin with us and help the Lei people, and even if they ask the Lei family, I am not afraid. It’s just to make the Thunders awkward!” Ye Chenfeng said slowly: “Let’s go, let’s find a place to settle down.”

The city of Shenglei is too large and spreads throughout the inn. Soon, Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu found a pleasant inn built by the lake and rented two lounges by the lake.

Entering into the wing, Ye Chenfeng placed a soundproof ban in the room, and the idea entered into the environment.

At this time, Lei Zi, who was shocked by his palm, woke up. When he saw the strange environment around him, he was scared and pale, showing the color of fear.

"You wake up!"

A cold voice passed into the deep ears of Leizi, and Ye Chenfeng stepped on him evenly and slowly walked toward him.

"Ye Chenfeng, I advise you to let me go, otherwise..."

Thunder is deeply threatened, and Ye Chenfeng slaps a slap and flies out directly. He falls heavily on the ground: "You have too much nonsense, if you talk nonsense, I Just unplug your tongue."

"You, what are you going to let me go!" Lei Zi was really scared, and stood up in trembling, asked in fear.

"That depends on whether you have any value, I will not leave a waste around!" Ye Chenfeng said indifferently, a flash appeared behind Leizi deep, cold warning: " If you don't want to die, give me honestly, otherwise I will break your neck."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng’s right hand was pressed on his heavenly cover, and he was forced to search for the soul with the help of the power of the brain.

And Lei Zi was scared by Ye Chenfeng's hot and sultry means, surprisingly cooperating, and letting Ye Chenfeng search for the soul and gaining the memory of his soul in his mind.

"Your father is really ready to join the Lei nationality patriarch and oust the current patriarch of the Lei family!"

Understanding the soul memory of Lei Zishen, Ye Chenfeng revealed the joy of surprise, and the question of seriousness was asked.

"It’s not my father who wants to marry, but the old patriarch is not willing to be replaced by Lei Zhongtong early in the year, secretly uniting my father to want to recapture everything that should belong to him!”

The secret in the soul sea was learned by Ye Chenfeng, and Lei Zishen also went out, only to ask Ye Chenfeng to spare him a life.

"The Lei nationality is not as flat as the surface!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself: "Thunder is deep, your life is saved for a short time, as long as you help me one more thing, I will put it You."

"What happened!"

There was a look in the eyes of Lei Zi’s desperate eyes, and he asked quickly.

"You will know when you get there. In the recent period, you will be wronged to stay here!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng, who unexpectedly obtained important information, left the Qiankun environment and returned to the wing room to take out the ancient remains and use the power of the brain to repair it.

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