Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1310: Be restrained

"Thunder three strikes!"

The three avenues that emerged behind Lei Yi became a flowing water, flooded into the Thunder Sword, and launched three combos to Ye Chenfeng.

A terrible lightning storm with a daunting force directly engulfed Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, what is this power!"

Lei Yiben thought that this blow would kill him if he couldn’t kill Ye Fengfeng, but when his powerful soul felt the scene in the lightning storm, his eyes were rounded, revealing a ghostly look.

After the body of Ye Chenfeng, there is a layer of energy halo. When the lightning storm tears these halo attacks on the morning wind, these halo of the protection leaf morning wind can repair itself.

The Thunder three strikes that you launched yourself couldn’t hurt his points.

"Leiyi, here I am the day, I am the master, it is useless to have you through the heavens!"

Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of Qiankun to tear open the thunderstorm that swallowed him, and walked out in the void. It seems that Lei’s face is dignified and he said with arrogance.

"Yes? Then I will break this space and kill you!"

Speaking, Lei Yi’s head emerged with a sacred treasure level, circling a light mark of a dragon, attacking Ye Chenfeng, wanting to use the power of the holy treasure to blast the space wall of the Qiankun.

Under the attack of the dragon and the shadow of the dragon, there was a large distortion in the space of the Qiankun, and the cracks in the space were distorted on the wall of the light-printed space.

"Nine maps, suppression!"

When there was a crack in the space of Qiankun, Ye Chenfeng summoned a nine-figure map to engulf the dragon's light in the space inside the map.

Next, Ye Chenfeng condensed the four-road map, and the crazy release of the Taoist pattern merged into the Jiuyi map, condensing the nine dragon spirits and suppressing the swaying dragon's light.

"Chinese goods holy treasure!" I felt that the dragon's light seal was suppressed by the nine-inch map. Lei Yi's face changed slightly, revealing a strange color: "Junior, you are more and more surprised me." /

"Shenzhen Shengbao will surprise you? Your eyes are too low!" Ye Chenfeng ridiculed that the sword spirit and the golden **** of war under his command, one left and one right attack.

In Leiyi relying on absolute strength, hardly regretting Ye Chenfeng's two big avatars, when they forced them back, Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword and suddenly approached Lei Yi.

"Fire Eyes Thunder!"

Ye Chenfeng is close, Lei Yi immediately casts the magical magical powers, and a vertical eye burning with flames is cracked on his forehead. A large number of golden emperors are shot in the vertical eyes, and they are bombarded to Ye Chen. wind.

"Kowloon Jade!"

I was attacked by Lei Yi’s fire-eyed thunder, and Jiulong Yuxi appeared in the hands of Ye Chenfeng. He once again burned the blood of the dragon, and the amplitude was seven times the soul. He was injected into the Jiulong Yuzhong without reservation. Yubi condensed a lore of mad dragons, tearing the attacking thunder, and bombarded Lei Yi.


Although Ye Chenfeng can't play the strongest power of Jiulong Yuxi, Jiulong Yuxi is the best holy treasure, and the power of instant explosion is beyond imagination.

Dodge over, Lei Yi was bombarded on the body by the lore of mad dragons, and the body defense ruptured in a large area. The whole person was shot out by the lore of the savage dragon, and a blood was sprayed from his mouth.

"Chaotic beast, dry Minghou, spiritual fish, three seniors, come over and help me!"

By Kowloon Jade, he was injured by Lei Yi, and Ye Chenfeng immediately shouted the chaotic beasts, and even the three people who had been retreating in the Qiankun environment, consolidating the Nirvana people, were also awakened by him. Attacking Lei Yi.

"Thousands of Thunder Dance!"

After being besieged by everyone, Leiyi relied on absolute strength to suppress the body's injuries, venting endless mad thunder, bombarding the people, and wanting to kill the weaker spirit fish, Jiang Xingchen and others.

"The power of the universe, isolated space!"

The endless mad thunder broke the body of Lei Yi, and Ye Chenfeng immediately mobilized the power of Qiankun, isolated the space around Leiyi’s body and forcibly weakened the power of mad thunder.

When the big killings of Lei Yi’s exhibition were weakened to the extreme by the power of Ye Chenfeng’s control of Qiankun, the swordsman and the golden **** of war approached the body of Leiyi, and they launched a big killing to him. His energy.

The next moment, the chaotic beast changed into a battle form, bursting out more than 200 million jins of force, and vigorously throwing out the bronze scorpion of the quasi-sacred level, bombarded to Lei Yi.

Lingyu, Gan Minghou and others, also controlled their respective quasi-sacred treasures at this time, and attacked Leiyi together.

The strength of Leiyi's congenital Shengbao is strong, but at the same time it is subjected to so many quasi-saints, and the quasi-sacred treasure attacks. He still discolors and wants to dodge when he flashes.

But under the binding force of Ye Chenfeng's control of Qiankun, the speed of Leiyi's dodging was greatly affected. It failed to dodge the quasi-sacred treasure that came from all directions, the body defense broke again, and the mouth overflowed with blood. The body is constantly retreating.

"Tian Zun blood, the blood of the gods burn!"

The water of the heavens quickly restored the soul of the near-dry, and Ye Chenfeng burned two blood vessels, condensing the four-road map, suspended at the top of the head, and leaped high.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

A sword smashed out, the four avenues of the road, the power of Qiankun merged together, turned into a sword that sounded the sound of the avenue, and turned to the thunder of the whole body.

At the moment when the ancient swordsmanship fell, all the brilliance was swallowed up, and there seemed to be only the unbeatable and smashing sword in the heavens and the earth.

In the face of the degeneration of Ye Chenfeng, Lei Yi took a deep breath and stabilized his body. He held the Thunder's holy sword to resist it. Wandao Thunder squirted out in the holy sword and resisted Ye Chenfeng's display. Ancient sword song.


Leiyi resisted the big killings of Ye Chenfeng's display, but failed to resist the golden **** of war attacking around him.

Golden **** of war blasted, mapping the glare of the golden light of the boxing slamming on the body of Lei Yi, the sudden burst of power shocked Lei Yi body out of control, the injury worsened.

"Silver feather thunder."

Leiyi took a deep breath and suppressed the body injury. A lot of lightning like a silver feather flew out of his body, such as the thunderstorm in the sky, attacking the close-knit sword, chaos, and dry Ming Hou. People, want to kill them.

"The power of Qiankun, the space is forbidden!"

Seeing that Qian Minghou and others are in danger, Ye Chenfeng continues to control the power of Qiankun to isolate the space and resolve the big killings of Lei Yi.

The offensive was repeatedly resolved by Ye Chenfeng, and the dragon seal was forced to be suppressed by the Jiuyi map. This made it possible to restrain the real strength of Nirvana and to smell the dangerous atmosphere.

The continually being attacked by the Quasi-Spirit of the Longmen, who was constantly being manipulated by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lei Yi, whose injury was constantly aggravated, summoned a black mirror, embedded in the smashed shirt of his chest.

"The ancient mirror of the quasi-sacred treasure level." Ye Chenfeng sneered aloud: "Lei billion, you are too shabby, this level of treasure, can not keep your life."

"Primary, external force is always external force, with the help of external forces, you can not kill me!"

Leiyi took a deep breath and burned the power of the whole body's blood and blood. The whole person returned to the light, and he was younger and younger, and his strength improved again.


A piercing sound broke out, and the thunderous explosion of the blood and blood accelerated, holding the Thunder's holy sword to break through the quasi-sacred treasure that hit, killing the Ye Chenfeng who controlled the battle and constantly restrained his offensive.

As long as Ye Chenfeng is killed, his crisis can be lifted.

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