Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1313: The ancestor Lei Huang

Birds and flowers, picturesque.

"Wind dust, we finally met!" Condensed the sky, and brought Ye Chenfeng and Lei Zhongtong to the restricted area of ​​the Lei nationality. They wore black robes and black-eyed kings with electric eyes. They looked at him repeatedly. Surprising Ye Chenfeng said slowly: "Right, am I calling you Ye Chenfeng or wind dust?"

"Ye Chenfeng is my real name, and the dust is my pseudonym!" Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"Then I will call you the morning breeze!" said the black king: "The morning breeze, you are better than I thought. Thank you for helping my Lei family to eradicate two tumors. Without these two tumors, My prospects for the Lei family will be extremely broad."

"Presidents are polite!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said: "Fortunately, I have not let my seniors down."

"For the morning breeze, is Ray Yi dead?" asked the black king.

"No, I didn't kill Leiyi, but the predecessors rest assured that he will not harm the Lei people from now on!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said.

"What the **** are you going to do!"

After learning that Lei Yi did not die, Lei Zidian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Leiyi has promised to follow me, I will take him away from the minefield." Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"This is impossible..."

Lei Zidian knows how proud the inner thunder is. He never believes that Lei Yi will be willing to surrender to Ye Chenfeng and assist him.

"Predecessors, this is the truth." Ye Chenfeng looked at the face of Lei Zidian's charm, and said faintly: "If the seniors don't believe, I let Lei Yi come out and tell you personally."

"Morning wind, your means is really amazing to me!" said the black-powered Wang Hao: "But this result is the best result at the moment. I think even if the ancestors knew it, they would not blame us."

"Take the sky, is the old man in your eyes, is it so corrupt?"

Suddenly, a long-lasting voice rang in the restricted area of ​​the Lei nationality.

A piece of two meters high, containing the power of life, the appearance of the life stone, and in this piece of life stone, also sealed a thin, dry skin, old-fashioned old man.

"The first ancestor!"

Looking at the sudden emergence of Shoushi, the black king, Lei Zidian, Lei Zhongtong, the three prominent Lei people, immediately bowed to the disciples of the old man in the seal.

And this old man, the ancestor of the four generations of the Lei family, lived for more than 100,000 years, has been cultivated to the limit of Nirvana's natural environment, but was forgotten by many people.

"Take the sky, you are very bold in this move. You know that once you take this move, it will bring devastating disaster to the Lei people!" Lei Huang, sealed in Shoushi, Slightly wrinkled the wrinkled eyelids, the sound is always said.

"If you don't start your ancestors, you worry about the elderly, but it is about the future of my Lei family. This risk must be taken. If you can't eradicate the tumor, my Lei family will be worried in the future!" The black king Wang Lei stepped on his body and explained. .

"The Lei people become like this, and I have the responsibility! I didn't expect Lei Yi to be blinded by power, and to be a sinner of my Lei family, and you are afraid of my feelings. , can only ask outsiders to do it for work!" Lei Huang did not like to say sadly, and his eyes, always staring at Ye Chenfeng, as if to want to see him.

Feeling Lei Huang’s eyes, Ye Chenfeng suddenly had a feeling of being aware of all the secrets in his body. It can be said that Lei Huang was the strongest person in the morning when Ye Chenfeng met except Luo Shen, which made him instinctively weak. a feeling of.

"Primary, let Leiyi out, let me see him!" Lei Huang whispered.

"is a senior."

Ye Chenfeng did not violate the order of Lei Huang, and the injury was serious. Lei Yi was summoned in the healing situation.

"The first ancestor!"

Looking at the seal of Lei Huang in Shoushi, Lei Yi’s heart trembled and immediately squatted on the ground, screaming at the three heads with respect to Lei Huang.

"Lei billion, you can know sin!"

Lei Huang’s eyes looked at Lei Yi in a complicated way. Although he was somewhat angry with Lei Yi, he was his only blood-stained person and his closest relative.

"I, I know sin!"

Lei billion bit his lip and confess.

"That's good, then I announced that from today on, you will no longer be a Lei nationality, and you will not be able to live in a Lei family." Lei Huang said without a trace of affection.

"The ancestor I..."

When Lei Huang was driven out of the Lei family, Lei Yi’s heart trembled and he wanted to beg.

"Leiyi, you don't have to ask me, the decision I made will not change!" Lei Huang interrupted his words and said: "If they don't care about me, they will rely on your tricks, you think you You can still live to the present, return the Holy Blood to me, and you will leave with him."

"St., the Holy Blood is not on me!"

Leiyi took a look at Ye Chenfeng with his light and lowered his head.

"Primary, you have a favor for my Lei family, my Lei family will repay you, but the Holy Blood Pearl is too precious, I can't give him to you!" Lei Huang turned his gaze to Ye Chen wind.

"Predecessors, how do we do the pen transaction?" Ye Chenfeng also knows the value of the Holy Blood Pearl. He does not want to hand over the Holy Blood Pearl. He slowly said: "I help the seniors to increase their lives. The seniors will send the Holy Blood. Give me how."

"Primary, although you have a good job, but you know, like me, it is hard to climb the sky!"

Although Lei Huang has been sealed in Shoushi, the source is constantly nourished by the Shoushi, but he has lived for countless years, and he has already dried up.

In order to increase life, Lei Huang has taken a lot of life spirits, and the potential of life has long been spurred to the extreme, and it is almost impossible to increase Shouyuan.

"The ancestor, the morning breeze is the first in the Tiandian refining contest recently, and it is the youngest sage in the Central World. Maybe he has a way to increase your Shouyuan." Said.

"The first refining contest..."

Lei Huang, Lei Zhongtong and others know that the first gold in the Heavenly Temple refining contest is how big they are. They never imagined that Ye Chenfeng, who is not old enough and has amazing strength, still has unpredictable Refining, this genius is unheard of.

"Well, if you can increase the old man's hundred years of life, the old man will borrow the Holy Blood for a hundred years. If you can promote the old man's millennium, I will give you the Holy Blood!"

The turbid scorpion of Lei Huang, the singer shot out the light, and looked deeply at the imposing Ye Chenfeng, thinking for a while.

"Okay, let's say a word, but I still lack a few flavors of heaven and earth, and I need the Lei family to help me collect it!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Morning wind, give me the heaven and earth grass you need, I will collect it for you!" said the black king.

"Thank you for the predecessor!"

Ye Chenfeng took out a piece of parchment from the Qiankun environment, wrote a rare and rare heaven and earth spirit, and gave the black-light king the antidote to the poison in the East. .

"Morning wind, in the last few days, you are here to practice, and the other is handed over to me!" The black king Wang Yin took a deep look at the Ye Chenfeng.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Chenfeng.

The two major tumors of the Lei family Lei Yi, Lei Shen has been removed, Lei Huang's attitude is very clear, so that Lei Zhongtong has no worries, he showed a tough means to rectify the Lei people with the thunder.

After a time, the Lei family has undergone tremendous changes, and many of the black sheep have been ruthlessly cleared by Lei Zhongtong.

Although Lei Zhongtong has been blocking the news, but the Lei family's change, Ye Chenfeng killed the thunder in public, let Lei Yisheng's deceased story still passed to the major forces of the minefield, set off an uproar.

The murderer Ye Chenfeng is known to more people in the Leiyu area, and he is regarded as the first of the three murderers. He has been determined by the major forces of the Lei Dynasty and must not be provoked.

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