Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1330: We met again

"Thank you for the help of two people, I am not forgetful!"

Ye Chenfeng was carrying Haidongtian, a man with a stunned robes, and when he came to the side of the sword, Mo Moxian, Jian Moxian returned, thankfully said.

"Predecessors are not polite, I am a friend of the sword, not an outsider."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the nervous sword, and he smiled softly.

"You are a friend of Jian Chen!"

Sword Moxian snow white eyebrows gently twitched, and some disappointing exclaimed.

He never heard that Jian Chen had such a powerful friend, but Ye Chenfeng mentioned Jian Chen, which made his uneasy heart settle a little.

"Predecessors, let's talk to your Tianjian Palace!" Ye Chenfeng said with a chuckle.


Jian Moxian nodded and opened a powerful ban on the main hall of the Tianjian Palace. He flew to the Tianjian Palace with Ye Chenfeng and Shadow Ghost.

"Morning wind..."

Looking at Ye Chenfeng who followed Jian Moxian into Tianjian Palace, Jian Chen was stupid. He rubbed his eyes hard and found that he had no eyes. The person who flew was really a long-lost Ye Chenfeng. .

"Sword dust, long time no see!"

Looking at the excited sword dust, Ye Chenfeng smiled and threw the Haidongtian and robes man on the ground and slowly walked over.

"Morning wind, how come you are here?" asked Jian Chen with a puzzled look.

"Hear that you are in danger, I immediately rushed over!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile: "Fortunately, it is still timely."

"You are Ye Chenfeng..."

When I heard the name of the sword dust on Ye Chenfeng, Jian Moxian was even more shocked and secretly looked at Ye Chenfeng.

He couldn’t imagine that Ye Chenfeng, who was as strong as Jian Chen’s strength, grew up to this level in just a few years, killing Nirvana’s humanity is like killing chicken.

"Ye, Ye Gongzi, Sword Lord Gong, this is my fault, I am tempted by my heart, blinded by my ambition, and please spare me!" In order to survive, Haidongtian ignores the face and constantly Seeking for mercy.

"Hadongtian, you still have a face to pray for our forgiveness. If it is not the morning breeze to defeat you, will you spare us?" Jian Chen glared at the culprit who almost forced Tianjian Palace into the abyss, killing Said in amazement.

"Sword Gongzi, as long as you are willing to let me go, I promise Donghai Palace to be the vassal of your Tianjian Palace. I will never betray the Eternal World and help you to unify the East." Haidong Tian gritted his teeth and threw a huge The temptation.

"My Tianjian Palace is not so ambitious, not interested in controlling the East China!" Jian Chen said indifferently: "Master, let me kill him."

"No, don't!" Haidongtian saw that Jian Chen was unmoved, suddenly panicked and looked at Ye Chenfeng and shouted: "Ye Gongzi, beg you to spare me, I I am willing to follow you in the future and serve you forever."

"Hey, just rely on you to serve Ye Shao!" The ghost snorted: "Are you too high to yourself?"

"I am..."

"Ye Gongzi, I don't know how you want to deal with both of them!"

Hadongtian and robes men were captured by Ye Chenfeng, and Jian Moxian did not dare to be the owner, asking Ye Chenfeng's opinion.

"Sword predecessor, Haidongtian is disposed of by you, as he handed it to me, I will use him to lead the king of Fuling in the Qilin Kingdom!" Ye Chenfeng glanced at the bloodless Haidongtian, not With a touch of affection.

"Why, this time I came to the East China, and there are other masters of the Qilin Kingdom?" Jian Moxian and others changed his face and asked quickly.

"Well, he is not the person who is the principal of the Kirin Kingdom. The real person of the main event is the King of the King of the Unicorn!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Morning wind, how is the strength of the Fuling King?" Jian Chen said with a dignified face. If the enemy's strength is too strong, they will only abandon the Tianjian Palace to escape.

"The king of Fuling is a great power in Nirvana." Ye Chenfeng said truthfully.


There was a burst of sound in the Tianjian Palace.

The Nirvana people are already unattainable in their view, and they are invincible. The Nirvana is in their hearts, and it is like a god. It should not be offended.

"Sword Lord, I have a good relationship with Fuling Wang. If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to say a few words for you to resolve this conflict." Looking at the sorrowful sword Mo Xian and others, Haidongtian saw a glimmer of life and shouted.

"Hey, a dead man, he only needs to come to the Tianjian Palace, he will die!" Ye Chenfeng snorted and said disdainfully.


Ye Chenfeng’s words are like a nine-day thunder in the soul of Haidongtian. The whole person is like a fixed body, standing rigidly in the same place, and his brain is blank.

Not only Haidongtian was stunned by Ye Chenfeng’s words, Jian Moxian and others also showed an incredible color, and looked at Ye Chenfeng with a stunned look. He could not imagine that he had the strength to kill Nirvana.

"Morning wind, have you changed your nirvana?" Jian Chen took a deep breath and asked according to the shock of his heart.

"I have not changed Nirvana, but it is not a problem to deal with Nirvana." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Well, you, Fuling Wang and other unicorn gods master gave me, as for him and halo The Donghai Palace master who died in Tianjian Mountain is disposed of by you, but I don’t recommend it for the enemy."

"Do not worry, Ye Gongzi, we know what to do!" Jian Moxian nodded, and the fierce voice announced the death penalty of Haidongtian and others.

Ye Chenfeng and Shadow Ghost lived in Tianjian Palace, patiently waiting for the arrival of Fuling Wang.

During the waiting period, Ye Chenfeng did not swear, and gave Jian Chen and Jian Mo Li an ancient Taobao, and a lot of avenues, and briefly described their experiences in these years.

And Jian Moxian and others did not let Ye Chenfeng disappoint, they did not show mercy, killed Haidongtian and others.

Haidongtian and others died, basically declaring the destruction of the East China Sea Palace.

At this point, the four most sacred places in the East China were only Tianjian Palace, Donghai Palace, Yuejia and Jiuyoushan, which gradually withdrew from the East China stage due to Ye Chenfeng.

Approximately two days, several terrible breaths appeared in the sky above Tianjian Mountain, covering the entire Tianjian Palace, so that many Tianjiangong disciples could not breathe.

"It's finally here!"

Feeling the temperament of the masters of the unicorn gods, Ye Chenfeng, who is practicing in the Tianjian Palace, opened his eyes and carried the five-flowered, suffocating robes and the ghosts in the air.

"Is you..."

When Fuling Wang saw the footsteps of the sky and intercepted his own person, the pupils shrank slightly, revealing a hint of unexpected color.

"Lingling Wang, we met again."

Looking at the year when he almost killed the moon and his own Fuling King, Ye Chenfeng’s deep scorpion scorpion shot the road, and the cold voice pierced the ear of Fuling Wang like a knife.

"I didn't expect that the little fish of the year also had a day of turning over. But when you let you escape, you won't have any good luck this time!"

Thinking of the treasures of Ye Chenfeng’s body, the eyes of Fuling’s eyes reveal the color of greed, and he said.

"You robbed me, you can't fly today!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mouth is slightly upturned, and his right hand is exerting force. In front of the Fuling King’s face, he pinched the head of the man in the robe and stepped on the sword step, launching an attack on the King of Fuling.

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