Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1332: Break the king of Yuling

"God, what have I seen, they have turned into two great beasts, is this really the height that manpower can reach?"

"It's too powerful to see such a thrilling battle, I can die if I die!"

The disciples of Tianjian Palace witnessed Ye Chenfeng and Fuling Wang’s blood dragon and unicorn. They were killed in midair and were shocked by this scene. All of them widened their eyes and witnessed this fierce battle. speech.

Even the swordsman, who is known as the first attack on the Eastern Continent, feels the inner trembling and his own smallness.


The sound of an earth-shattering explosion blew continuously in the void.

The horrible energy constantly destroys everything. Although Tianjian Palace opened a number of bans early, it was shocked by the overwhelming force of destruction, and the ban was shattered. The entire Tianjian Mountain was destroyed by them. The hands are shaking.

"Qi Kun Jian Zhen, Qian Kun Jian Yu!"

Wearing the sacred robes of the sacred clothing, against the impact of destruction, Ye Chenfeng summoned the sword of the ninth and the ninth and turned into a savage sword rain, piercing the storm of destruction, against the king of Fuling Make a fatal blow.

The unstoppable Qiankun Jianyu broke his big killing trick in one fell swoop, and he fell from the air to the cracked space.


Swallowing the demon blood fruit, exerting the most terrible attack, still lost to Ye Chenfeng, which caused the whole heart of Liling King to fall into the trough, quickly summoning his other big card, a cost of more than ten years Time, refined with special materials, the hardness is comparable to the unicorn of Quasi-Holy.

"Give me the kill!"

In addition to physical damage, Fuling Wang continually sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood to Qilin, and controlled this scorpion attack that was enough to fight the power of Nirvana to Ye Chenfeng.

"Sword Spirit, give me out!"

The roaring unicorn smashed into the void, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the sword to welcome him.

Incorporating the top quality of Tianjing, the attack power of Jian Lingyu has reached the level of the great power of Nirvana in the early days.

A sword squats, and a black sacred sword extends a sword like a crack in the space, tearing the void, and a sword squats on the hard body of Kirin.


With the sword-sword, the unicorn with a hardness of the standard of the sacred treasure was smashed out, and a deep sword mark appeared on its body and spread continuously.

"This, this is impossible, how can he have such a terrible avatar!"

The King of Fuling knows the defense of Kirin, even if the Nirvana is powerful, it is difficult to break the defense with the holy device, but the sword is a sword, but it can split him and fly.

In his screaming exclamation, the golden warfare invincible killed all the masters of the unicorn gods, waved the golden fists, and with unparalleled destructive power, launched an attack against him.

When the King of Fuling was forced to retreat by the Golden God of War, the 81 swords of the Qiankun were merged together, and the heaven and earth avenues were evolved, such as the light curtain hanging over nine days, and he was turned to him.

A sword squats, the mountains and rivers are broken, the heavens and the earth are discolored, and the terrible power makes the Fuling King have to be distracted and defended with all his strength.

Although he relied on absolute strength to resist the fall of Ye Chenfeng, his physical injury was further aggravated and his blood was spurting.

"Lingling Wang, I want to see if you can resist my sword attack!"

A sword fell, and the momentum of Ye Chenfeng was like the vastness of the sea. The momentum was huge. The four avenues were crazyly rotating, and they did not enter the Dragon Sword, increasing the attack power of Ye Chenfeng.

When the bronze sword spirit melted into the Dragon Sword, Ye Chenfeng's attack power increased exponentially, and continued to attack the Fuling King who spit blood.

"The Sword Black Dragon!"

Along the way, the swordsmanship is like a black dragon, a kendo, a murder, a three-way expressive deliberation, nothing to break, swallow the heavens and the earth, a sword with endless roads, a sword can break the sun, the moon and the stars The inevitable Fuling Wang Yu flew out dozens of meters away.

When the King of Fuling fell into the mountains, Ye Chenfeng summoned the golden-winged feathers. As a golden mans appeared beside him, he continued to attack him with the Dragon Sword.

"It's too strong, Ye Chenfeng's strength is too strong, and even broke the Nirvana's great power. How did he cultivate in the past few years!"

"Hey, I have been waiting for the past few years, and it seems that only going out can we get out of a new world!"

Jian Moxian and others were deeply impressed by the strength of Ye Chenfeng, and they also determined their determination to travel to the Central World.

"Kirin, come back!"

Unable to resist the attack of Ye Chenfeng, the seriously injured Fuling Wang summoned the unicorn scorpion that was flying by the sword and was guarded in front of him.

"Lingling Wang, no one can save you today, die!"

Ye Chenfeng and the Golden God of War attacked the King of Fuling and continued to launch a fierce attack on him. He did not give him a chance to breathe.

"Want to kill me, the next life!" In the eyes of Fuling Wang, the light flashed, and suddenly the unicorns rushed to Ye Chenfeng and the golden **** of war. At the moment of approaching them, they suddenly detonated the unicorn.


The unicorn blast exploded, and the terrible power instantly destroyed the space in the square. The pillars of the heavens and the earth collapsed, and everything in the space was destroyed.

"Morning, morning wind? How did he disappear!"

"He won't have anything to do!"

Looking at the space that was smashed by Qilin, Jian Chen and others found Ye Chenfeng, and the golden **** of war disappeared, showing the color of panic.

If Ye Chenfeng has an accident, the angry Fuling King will never let go of the Tianjian Palace. It can be said that the life and death of Ye Chenfeng is related to the safety of Tianjian Palace.

"Dead, finally dead!"

The wounded, severely panting Wang Ling, saw Ye Chenfeng disappear, and thought that he was smashed by the unicorns, and he sighed with relief. His eyes looked at the fearful sword. Palace people.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the space that healed quickly, and the leaf morning wind that had just disappeared appeared intact.

"You, how are you going to be okay!"

Looking at the unharmed Ye Chenfeng, Fuling Wang was stupid, and the whole person was directly stunned.

"Don't you forget what I have?" Ye Chenfeng said coldly.

"Space Treasure!"

The inner heart of Fuling Wang was desperate. In the fierce battle of life and death, he forgot that Ye Chenfeng had an indestructible space treasure.


The bottom card failed to kill Ye Chenfeng. The Fuling King was timid and immediately burned blood to escape.

But the morning wind is far faster than him, Ye Chenfeng’s foot flashes, the sword figure appears, only three breaths, Ye Chenfeng intercepts the Fuling King who runs **** and runs, holding the dragon ridge The holy sword continued to attack him.

The swords of the Qiankun murdered the clouds, let the heavens and earth tremble, depicting the swords of the sacred seals of the avenues, such as the fall of the heavens, constantly flying the kings of Fuling, blurring the flesh and blood of his flesh.

"The Pearl of Death, cut off the vitality."

When the king of Fuling was smashed by Ye Chenfeng, when the body was out of control, Ye Chenfeng merged with the pearl of death and slammed a punch, hitting the chest of Fuling Wang and smashing his sternum. Broke his vitality.

"Primary, go to **** with the old man!"

The vitality was cut off by the death of the Pearl. The King of Fuling did not ask for mercy, but instead of seriously hurting the body, he suddenly hugged Ye Chenfeng and wanted to blew his power. He took Ye Chenfeng to go to **** together.

But he hugged Ye Chenfeng's moment, 360 million pounds of volcano erupted in the body of Ye Chenfeng, and his body shattered his arms.

And his **** body was swept away by Ye Chenfeng.


Lingling Wang, like a **** sun, burst into the air in midair, turning into a **** fog, killing on the spot.

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